
Imprisoned by the CEO

“You will have to marry me and bear me a child.”  “What the fuck?!” Logic flew out of the window when Grace heard him say that. “Excuse me, what did you just say?”  Maybe, she was the one who had heard him wrong. It could have been anything except marrying him and giving him a child.  “You heard me,” Christian tsked, “but I’ll repeat it. Marry me and have my child.”  Her mouth opened and gaped at me. In her mind, she was trying to make sense about what was going on. How in the world had it come to be? What in the world could make the situation come to this?!  “No?” Grace replied, but then realized that the word was not firm enough. “No.” she said again. Christian frowned, and it seemed so innocent like he had not asked her the most unbelievable thing. “Why not? I thought you wanted to help me. You offered.”  “I offered my help, my brain, my support not my,” she hesitated, “stomach!”  What was the word for it? “Womb,” he provided.  “Yes!” She slapped her hand on the table. “You don’t get my womb!”   “I don’t?” He challenged.  “No!”  “What if helping me out means Lorelai coming out of a coma?”  Grace felt her heart drop. “What?”  Christian nodded. “What if helping me out, agreeing to what you have to do for me, means bringing your grandmother out of the, that she is in?”  ******** Grace  was one strong girl and with the people she put her trust in, that was only a small number, she knew she could conquer the world, or at least she thought to herself.  When her best friend proposed a deal that could change their lives, she made a decision that was going to be mutually beneficial to both of them.  But one renovation led to many and everything has been just a game, a manipulation from him. Everything was full of deceit, lies, planning and plotting against her. Every single thing, right down the fact that only he had been her friend…  Everything was a lie and she had been living it, willingly.  Tropes; Friends to lovers, office romance, best friends, frenemies, marriage of convenience, possessive villainous and morally gray heroes!

Inara_Me · Urbain
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170 Chs

An encounter with the boss - I


With a tired sigh, she closed the last file and stretched In the seat as she leaned back. The seat was comfortable, thankfully but the job was not.

It was around 11 in the night when she had finished work and this was a much common occurrence. Her senior who was directly the chief financial officer always done the work on her head.

Adrian Miller had made it clear that he would give her a job but where he did not specify. Instead of giving her a job directly in his office he had pulled in a few strings and given her a job at a travel agency. It was a small agency as she had initially thought but turned out that it was actually belonging to a multi millionaire.

Also the guy that she was working directly under was a huge slack which is why Grace now looked at the pile that was done. Now finally she could go home.

She sighed and stood up as she collected her things. Almost forgetting the main thing she switched off the computer but not before pulling out the pendrive with vital information.

"What are you doing?" She heard from behind and immediately turned around.

"What?" She whispered to the daunting man. She had seen him before.

"I am asking you," he looked at her pointedly even though his eyes Barely betrayed anything he felt which scared her more, "what were you doing? What is that pendrive?"

" N-nothing," she tried to answer confidently but failed miserably. The only people that Grace had talked to in three years were their subordinates and definitely not someone who was around the top management.

He give her a look that told he was far from believing her. "Plug the pendrive backend and turn on the computer. I need to see what you're doing."

"Why?" She said defensively in an instant. "I swear I was just working. These other financial plans—"

"Which are very important to an organisation. Plug the pendrive back in."

The man did not seem like he was going to go anywhere anytime soon. Grace gulped slightly and turned around to set in her chair before plugging the pen drive back in and switching on the computer.

She typed the password in before standing up and moving away. She only stepped back to step and give the man the full description to go ahead and check the computer and pen drive.

"I work here," she told him as she saw him busy clicking away everything, "I have been working here for more than three years. If you want I can show you my identity card."

The man did not reply to any of that and she lowered her head in humiliation. He was ignoring her and did not even give a damn about her words.

He was going to check for himself.

So she stayed quiet like any sane person and leaned on the desk of another.

"Show me your identity card." He held out his hand in front of her as he cleared the computer and turned it off. She did as told.

His forehead creased slightly and it made him look more menacing than before. Now she could understand why this man was on the top.

He had it back to her as he said, "can you explain to me what you were doing here hours after the dispersal time?"

She did not answer him but pointed to the stack of files kept on the table. She only sighed tiredly when he went to check those files.

He frowned, "are these being completed by you?"

She nodded. "I had to do this today. The deadline was tomorrow."

"When were these given to you?" The man stood up and dwarfed her completely, making her step back but the man maintained respectful distance.

"Today," she answered truthfully, "so give it to me to complete and give it to him tomorrow."

"Did he now?" The man muttered before his eyes narrowed. "Ms. Russo, I want you to report in my office first thing tomorrow."

Watching him walk away made Grace close her eyes and palm her entire face. She was getting fired.