
Imprisoned by Silk and Gold.

"You hit your head, Delany. You hit it when you were six. You looked dead, probably why your brother left you alone." "I don't have a brother dad and you don't have a son." Thomas looked broken and his eyes started to water. "I have a son. He is 12 years older than you. He has black hair and hazel eyes. He looks just like your mom! Thomas's eyes watered. Your brother had been brainwashed by his luna bitch to take out her rival pack...and that was us, Delany. Your brother killed my wife and led the attack on our entire pack. They slaughtered everyone, women, children men they killed everyone!" "This is the lowest shit you could ever pull dad." "Just look for yourself. Like I said. you lost your memory. You woke up and couldn't remember anything except for me and your mom i thought it was blessing in disguise. it meant my baby girl didn't have to remember the mass genocide of her entire pack. I mean just look at the photobook. It's all their." I couldn't help watch my teary-eyed father break down. He pointed to a photo book on the table and I reluctantly picked it up. Of course, I wished there was some magical excuse for his shit but I knew this idea was absolutely absurd. Until I opened the photo book. My head suddenly spun and an inner voice told me to keep going. Going through the pictures was startling. There I was, running around with distant but familiar kids. I had grandparents, and they looked in love with me. And I had a brother! My dad was right, he looked like my mom. Actually, we looked a lot alike too. Memories of a past life flooded my mind. I'm from a pack of werewolves. A large and happy pack. And then my stomach dropped. My brother's wedding was a murder scene. I watched as my memories flooded back into me and I watched my loved ones being slaughtered by my brother's mates pack...on his command! My heart began to break as I watched my mother's sad eyes. She had amber color eyes. They were soft and loving and I watched as she was sliced apart by large wolves. Her eyes her distorted and bloody. She was gone. How could I ever forget? I fell to the floor in pain and a voice told me to hold it together. "I know how rough I've been on you but I needed a wolf. And I thought if I was rough, you would..." I had so much anger. I wanted to rip my brother apart. I wanted to slice that mate of his into a million pieces. "I know what you were thinking dad. You were thinking about uncle Peaty. You were thinking of how his anger changed him into his wolf at 10 years old. I wish I could have been a stronger daughter for your father. I wish I could have been there for you." I stood up with a sense of conviction. I finally understood it. My father had dealt with the over baring pain of the loss of his entire pack. As Alfa, the pain must be unimaginable. During the slaughtering, he felt each one of his pack members pain and fear. He would have felt each and every one of their deaths. The burden he felt, brought tears to my face. I couldn't help but run into the arms of the man I waited my whole life to get away from. "I missed you, dad! I'm so sorry." "I missed you too, baby girl! It's good to have you back!" This was like having a reunion with someone I hadn't seen in years and then it was interrupted. BANG. BANG. BANG...The front door flew wide open.

PiperShea · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Chapter 3: Dad's Request

Glowing eyes peered inside. It was seconds later that an entire group of men were inside my tiny home holding down my father who was now a snarling animal ready to attack.

Another glowing pair of eyes loomed at the door towards me and my father. The eyes belonged to a burly man larger than a full-grown bear. He walked inside not waiting for an invitation. "Good evening rogues, " he said calmly yet savagely. He looked around the cluttered small living room disgusted. "It has come to the attention of the black claw pack that you have not registered in either existing packs of this territory since moving to the region. This is a violation of pack treaties. You will comply and register or you will be hunted down and removed from said land." The man now looked directly at me. "Female rouge as your wolf has awoken you will obey ancient tradition and pack law by attending the red moon ceremony tomorrow at dusk, as this is not a request this is werewolf law. Every female from every pack with an awoken wolf must attend and If you two do not comply with these demands we will take it as hostility and defiance as it is a direct order from the black claw pack Alfa. We will consider such insubordination as an act of war. That is all." The man didn't bother saying anything else, he quickly turned on his heel transforming into his massive wolf form along with the others and they all discretely disappeared into the forest behind them.

My father was steaming with anger and I was no longer afraid. This anger wasn't towards me, it was for me.

I remember anticipating the red moon ceremony when i was young. Every girl fantasized about that day but what if a man from my brother's new pack picks me. I cant be mated off to a pack member from the Blue Blood clan. I swear I will rip the fucking throat out of any man that tries to claim me. I started to growl. Oh. My. God. My wolf had really awakened. I could feel her anger. She was livid. "How dare someone demands anything of us." I heard her say.

"My dear Delaney, I'm glad you finally excepted me. I'm am your wolf. My name is Rune. I have to tell you... You can't let this mating ceremony happen, we already have a mate!"

"How do we already have a mate?"

"He found us and saved us."

"Im sorry Rune. But I don't have time for a mate. I'm going to kill my brother and annihilate his mate and her entire fucking pack!"

I felt my wolf's anguish. Her heart was breaking. Her pain was my pain but I shook it off. I didnt care about her feelings. She let me suffer for years. And now she comes already demanding something from me. Fuck that. Fuck her. And fuck my brother.

"How could you move us here father? I asked ignoring my wolf's cries. "How can we kill an entire pack if we belong to some random pack? The new Alfa would never allow it! Besides your an Alfa. My Alfa."

"Even if i was to stand up against the territory packs you still have to attend the ceremony. It's wolf tradition. Even rogues attend Delaney."

"I can't father and you know why! I will never find a mate. I've seen what happens. My entire pack is dead because of a mating ceremony."

Thomas understood. It felt good to have someone understand. This is what he hoped for. But how was he going to go through with his plan now that Delany had her memories? This plan was easier when he felt nothing for her. It was like having a stranger in his home but now the thought of hurting her was horrendous. "I need you to do your part. The only way to sneak into a pack territory is to do what the enemy did. Marry in. I need you to mate with of thier pack so we can gain access and kill them all"

"I understand father! I will go. I will make this happen, its the least i can do!" I can feel my wolf's despair and anguish. She howled loudly inside my head. But I needed to avenge my mother, my grandparents my cousins, my friends, and my neighbors. The loss of my entire pack felt brand new and would never compare with the loss of a mate I've never met. "I hope you understand Rune. This is something I must do."

"I understand your anger. But wolves mate for life. We cant pick a mate just to kill him. It would kill us too."

"Im stronger than you think Rune. I'm stronger than you. I WILL use my mate and I WILL avenge my pack. You will either help me willingly or I will force you."