
Impossible Love Connection

This book is about a girl who is an ordinary person suffering from a certain mental condition. Some parts in the story are taken from real-life accounts. Not that she's crazy or anything but something which many people go through. This story also features a very well-known celebrity from Korea who is the main lead in this story. Names are all going to be given by me so it's pure fictional and doesn't belong to anyone. Contains a detailed past of the female lead. Disclaimer: This story will contain strong language, Self-Harm, Crime, Hate, fluff, and some scenes which are not suitable for people below 18. "Sometimes you need to cross boundaries to love someone with all you're might." "Even the prince of the dark realm has a heart"

TheAnimeWriter · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Act 6

Caleb, the powerful Demon God, stood at Broken Peak, his eyes filled with a mixture of triumph and exhaustion. The battle with Himiko, the demon princess, had been fierce. It was a battle not only for power but also for the soul of an innocent girl named Lee Y/N.

Lee Y/N, completely unaware of the chaos unfolding around her, possessed a pure soul that both Caleb and Himiko desired. Himiko's lust for Caleb had driven her to madness, and she saw taking Lee Y/N's soul as a way to possess him fully. Caleb, on the other hand, had fallen under the spell of Lee Y/N's humanity. His infatuation with her had made him reckless, and he, too, sought to claim her soul.

As the battle raged on, Yuki, a guardian of purity, had sensed the impending danger and raced to Broken Peak alongside her partner, Ryori. Together, they fought valiantly to rescue Lee Y/N from Caleb and Himiko's clutches. With their combined strength, Yuki and Ryori managed to teleport Lee Y/N to safety, back to Fairy Dust, the cozy cafe they owned.

Moments later, as Lee Y/N regained consciousness, she found herself safe within the comforting walls of Fairy Dust. Overwhelmed and relieved, she fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face. "Thank you, Yuki, thank you, Ryori," she whispered between sobs, her voice filled with gratitude.

Yuki and Ryori knelt down beside her, offering words of comfort and reassurance. "You're safe now, Lee Y/N," Yuki whispered, her voice a calming melody. "We won't let anything happen to you."

As Yuki and Ryori embraced Lee Y/N, a sense of warmth enveloped her, comforting her troubled heart. She felt a deep connection to them, as if they were her true protectors, sent to shield her from the darkness that had threatened to consume her.

But underneath her tears of relief, hidden within the depths of her mind, a name echoed, quiet but persistent - Ha-Jun. It was a name she had never heard before, yet it resonated within her, stirring something unexplainable.

Unbeknownst to Lee Y/N, she was not an ordinary human. Ha-Jun was someone she was yet to discover, a name she had forgotten in a world filled with magic and darkness. Ha-Jun was the actual son of the Demon King Min Kyo, and her pure soul held immense power - power that Caleb and Himiko sought to harness for their own desires.

As Lee Y/N's tears subsided, a shiver ran down her spine, inching its way through her bones. She realized that her journey had just begun. There were answers she needed, secrets buried deep within her own memories. The fragments of her past were surfacing, and she had to confront them. A past that went back into an era or shall I say dimension she could not fathom.

Taking a deep breath, Lee Y/N rose from her kneeling position, her eyes filled with determination. She turned to Yuki and Ryori, her protectors, and said, "Thank you for saving me, but there is more to this story. I need to find out who I truly am, what's behind the name Ha- Jun that keeps ringing in my mind and why my soul is so sought after. Will you help me?"

Yuki and Ryori shared a knowing look before nodding in unison. "Of course, Lee Y/N," Yuki replied, her voice filled with resolve. "We will stand by your side and assist you on your journey to uncover the truth."

A flicker of hope sparked within Lee Y/N's eyes as she listened to Yuki's words. She understood that her path would be perilous, filled with unimaginable challenges and betrayals. But she was not alone. Yuki and Ryori, along with their unwavering dedication to her, would be her guiding light through the darkness.

As Lee Y/N stepped forward into the unknown, her mind filled with questions and uncertainties, one thing became clear - she would find out the truth behind the name, unleash her hidden powers, and face the demons that awaited her in the shadows.

And so, the unlikely trio set forth on a journey fraught with danger and discovery. They would uncover the truth behind the name Ha-Jun's , confront the allure of power, and protect what truly mattered - love and the indomitable spirit within Lee Y/N's soul.

I strive to reach my goal

It's familiar but yet so unknown

I knew I came to a world of chaos.

Lee Y/N

Hello Loves,

I am back with some hardcore content, I hope you enjoy every aspect of this book as it holds something very important in my life. Please do support and show some love.

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