
Impossible Love Connection

This book is about a girl who is an ordinary person suffering from a certain mental condition. Some parts in the story are taken from real-life accounts. Not that she's crazy or anything but something which many people go through. This story also features a very well-known celebrity from Korea who is the main lead in this story. Names are all going to be given by me so it's pure fictional and doesn't belong to anyone. Contains a detailed past of the female lead. Disclaimer: This story will contain strong language, Self-Harm, Crime, Hate, fluff, and some scenes which are not suitable for people below 18. "Sometimes you need to cross boundaries to love someone with all you're might." "Even the prince of the dark realm has a heart"

TheAnimeWriter · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
24 Chs

Act 6

Author's Note

This chapter may contain some explicit words which not suitable for people below the age of 18. Please read at your own risk.


The city of Seoul, beautiful and a concrete jungle of huge buildings. It's everyone's dream to fly to this gorgeous place where you can find the best beauty and fashion-related stores and outlets. The most popular of all is the talent agencies seeking out young individuals to perform as musicians, solo artists, models, and even actors. But that was not all there were many other types of jobs one could do there.

Ha-Joon was really confident in his abilities as a model and wanted to give it a shot. In his mind, he always thought one thing "WE ALL HAVE ONE LIFE WE SHOULD ATLEAST TRY TO ACHIEVE OUR DREAMS ONCE".

He was a very determined and adamant person who would rather give up on food than his dreams. Once he decided he wanted something in life he had to have it by any means possible. But what he didn't know was that deep inside him was a dormant power so great that if he were to release it all of the world would fall into turmoil and chaos. He was bound by a very strong spell by an ancient shaman named Gonzo, she was actually not even a shaman but she was the spirit of light and darkness and she was bestowed with the power to seal away evil demons.

Gonzo lived on a mountain in the upper realm close to heaven it was known as The Mountain of Spirits. She always looked down to Ha-Joon to make sure his demon spirit doesn't take over his human form. She bestowed powers to his parents who were mere mortals. Although, Ha-Joon was a decent person deep down the buried power of a demon could take control over him forever if triggered. He seemed a very relaxed and calm boy but when he got angry he would look like a bull in rage.

The elements also played a huge role in keeping his true identity hidden not only from the mortal world but also from him. This was very dangerous to let loose a demon in disguise of a human but it was destined by the gods of the lower and celestial realms. The reason he was roaming freely on earth was he was part human, he had a human heart and appearance but other than that he was just the son of the lord of the hell.

{On the Mountain of Spirits}

" I often wonder why out of all the demons and angels in this world did you let me save him. After all, he is just a mere demon." Gonzo was sitting on the edge of a divine cliff where she could watch Ha-Joon's every, move possible.

" My child you are the only child of mine who I have given such great power to seal off and barricade any unseen and strong dark forces that threaten humankind." a strong authoritative voice spoke from the clouds above Gonzo's head.

" But what is the point father he seems harmless enough without his powers. What could go wrong? " she questioned her father as she thought that he is rather harmless at this moment.

" My child the only advice I have for you right now is protecting the one that comes from afar, stay by thy side, and shield thy child of God. " the voice of God spoke again but this time in a riddle which she had to solve on her own.

"Gosh, father why or why do you have to mess with my mind like that? Jeez just be direct will you. " she looked up with a confused and irritated expression.

"Hello! Father? Father? Can you hear me ?" no answer came by but thunder.

{Gonzo's Mind}

There he goes again leaving me all alone to solve another complex riddle which I have no clue where does it lead.

Very well I think I will wait a bit around here until I figure out what father meant.

{End of Pov}

{Meanwhile Back in the Human Realm}

"Excuse me! Could you tell me where is Star Power Entertainment?" Ha-Joon asked an elderly person who was standing next to a small well-lit cafe.

"Sure young man. Just go straight from here and take the first right. You will see a black shiny building in the same direction along the way." the elderly man pointed towards the way showing him directions.

"Thank you so much sir I appreciate it." he smiles gently and thanks the man.

"Ah.. son are you new in town? If you do get time please come here and have a look at my cafe I would be grateful." the gracious old man asked him with hope in his eyes.

" It would be my honor to visit your cafe. I'll come by when I'm free for sure." Ha-Joon never liked to disappoint or let people down so he politely agreed to visit.

" Alright son come by soon ." the old man waved and bid adieu to Ha-Joon as he turned to his destination.

As he followed the directions of the old man he came to the very spot with a black shiny building at the very top of the building it displayed a set of a horn-shaped looking billboard with the company's name Star Power Entertainment on it. His sharp eyesight caught the small written words "What lies deep inside will lead you to soar high up in the sky ".

{Ha-Joon's Pov}

Wow ..... never knew this company looked so lavish from the outside. I wonder how is it from the inside? Well, finally I will be able to start something if I get in here.

{End of Pov}

He stands outside the entrance of the building looking at the building from top to bottom, takes in a deep breath, and walks towards the rotating doors. As he takes a step onto the paved pathway adorned with crimson and white lights on the sides he feels a strange pit form in the bottom of his stomach. Like something deep inside is tugging on his insides.

Shrugging it off his mind he walks through the doors to be greeted by people who were already waiting for him inside. It was pretty strange that he knew none of them yet these people knew he was coming.

"Hi you must be Ha-Joon? I am Gareth Kim and this is Park Minji" he stuck out his hand and shook it.

"Y-Yes ... I'm a bit curious how do you know who I am?" Ha-Joon was literally confused out of his mind and wanted answers to the weird behavior.

" Well... let's just say we have had our eyes on you for a long time and we wanted to bring out the true you." Gareth had this very eerie grin on his face while Minji just stood there like a statue.

" Pardon my insolence well I am going to be your manager and Minji here is the assistant manager. When I'm not around feel free to ask her anything," he spoke with pride that drip from his words like honey.

"Welcome master Ha-Joon". minji bows her head at him.

"Master ?" he looks around him as if she had made a mistake in addressing him in the appropriate way.

" Ahhh.... enough with the pleasantries let's take you to the CEO for an introduction and get you acquainted with other people here at Star Power. Let's go !". He diverted the conversation so as to not involve any other questions been asked.

{Time Skips Magically}

"Wow, am I the only one here who got special treatment by the CEO or does he do that with every newcomer." Ha-Joon was quite surprised at the kind of treatment he got from the CEO.

" Let's just say things are gonna change for you soon." a smirk tugged on his lips which were really strange and gave Ha-Joon food for thought whether Gareth was into men.

"Ah yeah ... Thank you" he scratched his head while he replied.

Ha-Joon finally was settled into accommodation and given top-class treatment by the company but to his astonishment, he wondered what the fuck was actually going on. He was just a boy from an island and someone who was in the city for the first time, but why were they been so nice to him?

{Meanwhile on the mountain of Spirits}

The clouds roared and the floating ground shook as if something bad is about to happen. Gonzo looked up at the sky and realized that something is amiss in the mortal realm. That's when she decided to take up a human disguise and go down to earth and investigate the strange aura.


The sky turns bloody

The bloody cries bitter pain

The heavens are divided

The earth feels pain.


How are you doing my loves? Did I make you wait too long for the story to begin? Well, firstly I hope all of you are doing good. :). I really hope that you like what I have done with the story I wanted it to be a little different. I have always had a mind full of fantasy and thoughts about different dimensions and worlds we live in and wanted to take you on a journey of one of the worlds which are embedded deep in my imagination. I do hope you my loves have fun and mysterious time reading ILC and support my work. Let's come together and share our imagination with each other.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.



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