
Impossible Love Connection

This book is about a girl who is an ordinary person suffering from a certain mental condition. Some parts in the story are taken from real-life accounts. Not that she's crazy or anything but something which many people go through. This story also features a very well-known celebrity from Korea who is the main lead in this story. Names are all going to be given by me so it's pure fictional and doesn't belong to anyone. Contains a detailed past of the female lead. Disclaimer: This story will contain strong language, Self-Harm, Crime, Hate, fluff, and some scenes which are not suitable for people below 18. "Sometimes you need to cross boundaries to love someone with all you're might." "Even the prince of the dark realm has a heart"

TheAnimeWriter · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Act 2

The witching had begun and the moon was high up in the night sky, clouds could be seen closing in on the moon depriving the earth of its gentle light. Thundered roar through each cloud, like the gods were angry. A solemn fear engulfed the ones frightened by the sounds in the skies. The stars disappeared leaving a sky full of dark treacherous clouds with waves of thunder and lightning to strike the ground.

Rain began to pit-a-pat-a and then began to pour down like cats and dogs. The few people who were out so late at night rushed home holding their belongings over their heads to shield themselves from the rain.

Back at the Lee residents y/n had just gone to bed, she tucked herself in and listened to some meditative sounds, and fell off to sleep. Lost again deep in her dreams resulting in events that looked and felt real but were mere mirages that appeared before her eyes.

This time the realm she traveled to felt like she was inside a huge glacial cave which was so cold that one could not feel their hands and feet. She walked along a narrow pathway with icicles on either side, as well as on the roof of the cave. The pathway was covered in thick ice transparent enough to see the abyss below her feet, small mist-like creatures flew across like little insects.

"Again, what in the actual F&%$ is this," Y/n muttered to herself as she walked the path until she came across a huge gate made with the finest jewels one could find. As she approached the humongous gate a woman appeared to out of nowhere. She was like a ravishing goddess, she was covered in white attire, made from some sort of precious material, which didn't look like the human world. Her hair was long flowing in the breeze, her asking was pale and her eyes were yellow.

Y/n's body levitate off her bed, her room felt like it was below zero degrees and the color of her skin slowly turned a bluish color. This was a clear indication of the changes that were about to happen to her. The cause for her dreams again were the black figures who now surround her house in the shadows.

This time they bound her house with a spell that could make anyone weak fall into the abyss of whatever realm they wished to send the latter to. The barrier could not be penetrated by anyone except the master of the black figures.

"Who are you?" y/n asked the woman standing in front of her.

"Hehe.... " she just stood there tilted her head to one side and chuckled.

"I asked WHO ARE YOU?" this time y/n raised her voice a bit more.

"Silence human ..... I'm here to tell you something important." The woman spoke to her in a very authoritative voice, she stretched forth her hand and trapped Y/n in ice so she could move.

"What are you doing?" y/n struggled in the icy hold of coldness, her body was turning numb.

"You're to listen carefully for if you don't take heed now you will regret waking up." the color of her eyes changed just as the tone in her voice. The dream again felt like it was so real, waist down her body started changing color to blue, which was scary.

"When you wake up you will follow the instructions that are kept in your dwelling, make a mistake and your family shall be taking one by one. " as she spoke words laced with jealousy and evil, her vile intentions were yet to be known by Y/n.

"Let me go, and why should I listen to you ?"y/n was a tough nut to crack and though she was trembling on the inside she was fierce on the outer core standing up for herself.

"Ha Ha Ha... *Clap-Clap* I see so you think you can escape us if you disobey ?" She mocked her with a voice that was laced with malice and full of unseen evil pride.

"Look lady, just get lost alread- " with the click of her fingers she was back in her room. Heavily sunken into her bed, which was apparently soaking wet too. She couldn't believe her eyes and literally could feel the lower body at all. As the feeling of numbness wore off she gentle got up from her bed, with all kinds of theories going on in her brain. As she walks by her dressing table she saw a letter, looked like some ancient scroll. It had two skulls embedded on the corners of it and the paper looked almost like it had been burnt, but yet looked good enough to read.

{Ancient Scroll}

"To the human who is destined to be the princess of hell, We the council of the Nether and Spirit realm by the order of General Hanaki and Princess Himiko, We hereby forbad thee from coupling with Your Highness. If thee heed not us, thou shall be cast down to the third palace of hell as punishment and hereby proclaim death to each family member. Follow thy instruction and thou shall be rewarded. One: Leave White Cape, Two: Stay away from his highness Ha-Joon, three: Travel far with thy family and out of reach from his highness. If thou shall comply with our rules, thou shall be set free.

Don't listen to his highness when he tries to speak, remember thy family."

{End of Scrolls}

The scroll ended abruptly leaving her with food for thought and reflecting back on the incident that happened with Ha-Joon.







Hello Loves,

I was supposed to publish this earlier but was busy with job interviews, I didn't want you to wait so long, this is the new act you have been waiting for. Hope you enjoy it and share it forward. Let me know your thoughts in the comments and if you have any suggestions drop those in as well.

I hope you stay healthy and safe


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