
Impossible Love Connection

This book is about a girl who is an ordinary person suffering from a certain mental condition. Some parts in the story are taken from real-life accounts. Not that she's crazy or anything but something which many people go through. This story also features a very well-known celebrity from Korea who is the main lead in this story. Names are all going to be given by me so it's pure fictional and doesn't belong to anyone. Contains a detailed past of the female lead. Disclaimer: This story will contain strong language, Self-Harm, Crime, Hate, fluff, and some scenes which are not suitable for people below 18. "Sometimes you need to cross boundaries to love someone with all you're might." "Even the prince of the dark realm has a heart"

TheAnimeWriter · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Act 1

It had been almost a week that Ha-Joon was still on vacation, it was almost six in the morning when he woke up to a call from his company. Apparently, Caleb had signed a deal with his company to make him the brand ambassador for his clothing line which was to be launched in the next coming week, for that Ha-Joon had to stay in Halstad until the launch, in order for them to craft the best couture to fit him.

"I understand Mr. Kim, I'll stay here. I almost forgot since I'm going to be here for a while could you send some of my things by courier I didn't bring much when I came," he told his manager over the call.

"Let me know what you need as in a list will be helpful, and I will send it first thing tomorrow morning," he assured him that his belongings shall reach him soon.

"Alright, will do. Thank you Mr. Kim" he said followed by him ending the call.

Meanwhile, back at White Cape people were running around, getting their materials and accessories ready to create the best line for the business. While they were busy with their work, Caleb called Y/n to his office to discuss something really important. She walked up to his office feeling a little nervous about what he wanted to talk to her about, but tried her best to hold it in.

{On Call}

"Mr. Kwon try and get that property in Seoul, it's the perfect place and set up for the new line." He spoke so strictly that she froze in place looking at how he was dealing a potential business deal.

" I have already acquired the mandatory government papers for that property you just need to speak to the owner. I expect you to email me the details of your meeting once you meet the owner." speaking his final remarks he ends the call.

"Oh, come in Y/n don't just stand out there." he gestured for her to come inside. She did as he instructed her and stood in front of him.

"Why are you stand here, sit down, I have something to tell you." he got up from his chair and held her shoulders, and made her sit in front of him. He has been thinking a lot about her and seeing her stand there like his regular employees just bothered him.

" T-Thank you, sir. What is it you wanted to talk to me about? I have a lot to arrange for the upcoming line." She spoke hesitantly but also was very direct and focused when it came to working.

"Call me Caleb just Caleb from now on." his attitude seemed very different to her, he was friendly towards her she thought.

"Well, listen y/n, I am making you permanent here at White Cape and you will not only be the lead designer for the line but also the manager to Ha-Joon." He revealed the details of what he wanted to tell her.

She was just shaken at the decisions he made in regards to her employment with his company. She was speechless yet she was jumping inside her mind.

"Aren't you going to say anything ?" He looked at her with a soft expression on his face.

"Oh My Gosh..... I'm really happy thank you so much, You have no idea how happy my parents are gonna be with this news. My dream has finally taken shape." She was so excited that she jumped out of her chair and hugged him tightly unexpectedly.

Caleb was taken aback by her gesture but didn't say anything because deep inside him were some feelings growing towards her which he wasn't sure about but felt strange static energy when she was next to him.

Y/n however, realized what she had just done, making her come back to her senses that made her release her hold around his body and took a step back, now blushing bright red. The air in the room suddenly felt very hot and awkward, that she dared not to look at him. Instead, she just felt the need to hide under a rock for the embarrassment she caused herself and her boss.

"Umm... Caleb, I'm sorry, may I leave and get back to my station I need to complete the design so that I can show you." she fidgeted with her fingers while she spoke.

"Oh, yes please head back, no need to apologize. Congratulations once again Y/n." He said speaking while he looked at the papers on his desk awkwardly.

They both were very awkward at that moment that she left and he just plonked himself in his chair, wondering what the heck just happened. He was quickly bought out from his thoughts.

"No way, what is this strange thing I feel when I see her?" in his mind he started thinking. He then picked up the contracts on his table and began to distract his mind for the time being. Besides he didn't want to create any kind of awkwardness between both of them.

{At Fairy Dust}

" Big sister you're finally back ." Ryori seemed relieved that she was back and had a lot to fill her in with, but to his surprise spoke the words he was going to tell her.

"I know everything, their ritual has already begun on that girl and the prince is in town isn't it?" Yuki turned to him her eyes now glowing deep purple, which meant her elemental powers have been tracking energies that are not supposed to linger in the human realm.

"They are trying to lure her into a Hanaki's trap, he is next in line to the throne of hell if the prince doesn't regain his memories," he spoke with a concerned voice.

" I know that's why we have to get to her and keep her away from the prince. There is also, another power I sense which has been around here in disguise of a human but I can't seem to figure out where is its center point." She put a finger on her lips and spoke very slowly trying to connect the dots leading to the surge in different powers which were been sensed throughout Halstad.

" The deity has arrived to and he is shielded from outside forces, humans are the only ones who can break through the force field ." He informed her about the arrival of the deity of wishes.

"Daikoku is finally here. There is no way we should let the prince here him even by mistake, for all the earth shall reap with disasters and havoc if the prince comes face to face with him." Now she was on her guard and alert as she could be. Yuki and Ryori needed to come up with a plan fast because there was no time until the prince reaches the location and gains his memory of the reality of who he was.

"I understand let's close the cafe for a few days and plan our strategy." He suggested to Yuki, who now was thinking that the idea wasn't bad to close up but, then on the other hand y/n comes to her cafe a lot and this is where she could establish her friendship with her.

"Let's not, that human child shall come here I'm going to be her friend and keep her far away as possible from him. Also, we need her in order to break the force field and meet Daikoku in-person to rectify the wrongs that have happened." She sounded very determined and was confident in her idea working.

Ryori complied with what his big sister told him and they began their plan of befriending the human girl. Little did their know that the prince has already met her and now she will be around him twenty-four seven.

Meanwhile, Ha-Joon had just arrived at White Cape and was immediately attended to by Y/n who led the way to Caleb's office. While on the way to the office he asked her a strange question which she strangely answered like she had known it all this time.

"I know this must sound strange but were you running in a corridor lately ?" she turned to him, grabbed his hand, and dashed into a conference room.

"How did you know that ? " she was a bit taken aback how did he know that personal dream of hers.

" I saw you running, it was like I was at the same place where you were and I feel very attracted to you for some reason." he just blurted out things that even he didn't know what he was saying.

"What? You're attracted to me? As she spoke looking up to him his eyes and aura changed to a crimson red glow. He was frozen in place and she was panicking.

"You were in Hell," he spoke without any emotion just stood there frozen .

" I know I was in hell but how do you know?" Now she was just perplexed at his behavior.

"Because you are destined to be the bride of the prince of hell ." He spoke with the scariest low tone in his voice .

She just stood there not knowing what to do or even say, as she watched him stare at her and at that moment something in her felt been drawn towards his penetrating gaze. He grabbed her and pulled her towards him and planted his lips against hers, trapping her in a trans-like state.

"After a few minutes.... they were out of the trans and found themselves kissing each other, which was weird because they didn't even properly introduce or know each other well.

Things got really flustered between both of them and they went their own ways. The interaction was strange and bizarre for them but, Yuki and Ryori felt the elemental power released just moments ago and now decided that starting tomorrow they have to find the prince .






Hi loves,

we finally getting some drama here. This chapter was the hardest to write but I constantly try to incorporate the little wild fantasies in my mind. I hope you are enjoying the book. This is just the start of volume 2 hope you continue to enjoy my work.

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