
Impossible Love Connection

This book is about a girl who is an ordinary person suffering from a certain mental condition. Some parts in the story are taken from real-life accounts. Not that she's crazy or anything but something which many people go through. This story also features a very well-known celebrity from Korea who is the main lead in this story. Names are all going to be given by me so it's pure fictional and doesn't belong to anyone. Contains a detailed past of the female lead. Disclaimer: This story will contain strong language, Self-Harm, Crime, Hate, fluff, and some scenes which are not suitable for people below 18. "Sometimes you need to cross boundaries to love someone with all you're might." "Even the prince of the dark realm has a heart"

TheAnimeWriter · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
24 Chs

Act 11

Close to Halstad was a deep dense forest which was a popular destination for tourists traveling from many different countries. It's said that after every 100 years on a specific day the deity of luck shall descend from the heavens in a particular spot in the deepest parts of the forest. This would only happen if the people of the country prayed sincerely keeping others who needed luck more than the people who already had everything in life.

But, 100 years were yet to pass and the signs of the arrival of this deity could be felt by priests, monks, and other gifted individuals. The skies would roar every now and then, indicating that the time is near. However, besides the specially gifted humans, some energies and supernatural beings out there sensed it way before the deity decided to descend to earth.


{High Up In The Clouds Engines Roar}

The engines of the private jet roared like a lion, due to the turbulence the jet shook violently, Ha-Joon and the flight crew were already halfway to Halstad and but due to unfavorable circumstances they had to land midway. It almost seemed like this was a gimmick to put a stop to his plans.

"Attention Please,

This is your Captain speaking. Due to the force of the storm up ahead we have to make an emergency landing. Please fasten your seat belts and prepare yourself for landing." a strong voice can be heard over the intercom.

" So much for a vacation, can anything good ever happen ?" Ha-Joon just sits there with his head resting back on the headrest thinking.


{Meanwhile, At Fairy Dust}

Ryori started feeling a very strong pure power of some kind, it was as if a god or goddess was nearby. But as far as he looked with vision would always show him a fog-like barrier concealing the atmosphere around the targeted location. He took a deep breath and tried again, but in vain gave up. Now he was dependant only on his senses.

"Sister .... do you sense it ?" he asked Yuki totally flabbergasted from struggling to peer deep with his vision, that so much so his eyes started watering.

"I too can only sense it my powers are useless, it can't penetrate through the barrier." she was calm yet it had a worried tone to it.

" Do you have any idea what are we up against? It's some strange kind of alchemy of elements." with thousands of scenarios rushing into his mind he spoke with a tone of distress.

" I can't say anything as of now. I need to go to the Mountain of Spirits, you are to look over Fairy Dust and make sure to stay in your human form at all time." Yuki instructs him while preparing here route home.

"What about the girl from earlier?" he asked nervously, not wanting to offend his sister.

"Forget her for now. We have bigger matters as of now, I will try and make it back soon as possible if there are problems you are to go to the Broken Peak and use the Mirror of Passage to come to me. Do you understand? The clouds thundered as Yuki spoke those words to him. He knew she wasn't the one who would just mess around.

"Your wish is my command sister." He knelt down bowing his head to her in respect and understanding.

{Meanwhile, At White Cape}

"Hey, Hey Miss know it all .... who the heck is gonna fix this shit ?" a woman in her late twenties spoke to Y/N as if she was some slave.

"Excuse me! Are you talking to me ?" Y/N looked at her with a surprised expression.

"NO..... I was talking myself ..... of course, I was talking to you. Gosh, you're dumb as I thought." She screams with a very rude and obnoxious tone, making the other employees around her flinch in horror.

"Look ... I'm here to work not to bicker with a useless person like you. If you have a favor to ask just ask politely don't be a brat." firing back daggers of words only fueled her more and this time she took the liberty to walk closer to Y/N at a dangerous distance.

"Huh... WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME ?" She screeched like steel grinding against steel.

"You heard me or should I repeat it for you ?" the other employees who liked y/n pleaded silently with their eyes to not get involved, but Y/n is Y/n like a tiger she just fought back. If there was anything she hated was people like this woman, who looked down on others.

"You bitch just because my big brother hired you doesn't mean you can run this place your way ." She pushes her back up against her workstation.

"Wow ..... excellent talk to my hand. Swear at me once more and you will regret it. I don't give a flying f&%$ if you're Mr. Murphy's sister or not, I have my own dignity and know when to stand up to bullies like you." Pushes her back and steps up to her, telling her off with confidence.

{SLAP - Echoing throughout the workshop }

" How dare you hit me ?" Y/n was stunned at the audacity of this woman that she didn't even know the name of.

"Hahaha..... Do you even know who you're talking to? I'm Katy Murphy, as I said earlier, I'm the siste-- {SLAP} she felt a stinging sensation on her cheek.

"Next time don't try to boss people around just because your brother is the owner of this place. Learn to treat people the way you want to be treated." Y/n spoke out earning mixed reactions from the others present at the workshop. Luckily the whole scene took place in the back of the boutique where the warehouse was located.

Nobody even had the slightest idea that Mr. Murphy was standing in the distance and watching the whole scene unfold. He was angered and decided before it got any worse to intervene, he knew who was at fault but wanted to set an example so that no one fights or argues ever again.

"Ms. Y/N and Ms. Murphy in my office NOW" He preconized both of them to his office. One could easily point out how angry he was but also, gave him credit for the way he kept his composure.

{In The Boss's Office}

"Brother I didn't do anything, you saw how she slapped me, shouldn't we sue her ." she tried playing dumb while Y/n just stood there in utter disgust at her behavior.

"Ms. Y/n do you have anything to say in your defense?" He looked up at her with a very neutral yet cold expression.

"My dear brother what-- " she was cut off "Did I ask you Katy?" he glared at her.

"N- No brother " he flinched at his question. "Then shut the fuck up. I saw everything that happened." Her eyes grew large as saucers, now knowing that she has been caught for the very first time in her life. All because of Y/N . She glared daggers at her like she was about to kill her.

" Mr. Murphy ... I really apologize for the commotion but I'm not sorry for slapping her back. If there is anything in this world I hate are bullies." She spoke very direct and confidently with no regrets.

"Hmm... I see it would be wrong of me to side either one of you, so I have come to a decision both of you will work together and get over your petty fights." He spoke very calmly and sensibly.

Everyone loved and respected him, the women drooled over his handsomeness and he was the most eligible bachelor. He was a tall, athletic guy with green eyes. His face was chiseled just like those runway models and looked really stunning when he dressed up in a Tuxedo, he looked as if he had just walked out of a movie. Everyone but Y/n was bewildered by his beauty. He looked like a deity descended from the heavens especially if he wore all white. Every girl's dream man and every man's nightmare.

Don't be fooled by his charms, when he got angry he could literally rip a person to shreds just with his words, no weapon needed. He can be funny when he is in a good mood. He is soft at heart and portrays a stern personality at work and in business. The most important thing in his life is to grow his business bigger and be well known through the present days to come.

{Time skips magically}

" It's fine with me Mr. Murphy, I shall work with her." she internally cursed herself for being a good person.

"No way brother I'm not gonna work with this bitch ." Katy scoffed at her brother's decision and retaliated.

" Do I remind you that you're just an intern Katy? Secondly, I'm your boss so mind how you speak in front of me." He reprimanded her with a fire burning in his eyes.

"I don't wanna work with her I quit. I'm gonna take up an internship at The Golden Mirror. " She retaliated.

"Ms. Lee, you can go back to what you were doing. I will speak to you later I need to talk to Katy about something important." He politely asked her to leave.

"Sure, Mr. Murphy." Y/n acknowledged his words and left his office.

"Katy, if you want to intern at any company you can but not at The Golden Mirror." He disagreed with her.

"I told you brother I will not work with that bitch I hate her. How dare she slap me ?" she refuted back at him.

"I very well know it was you who started the whole drama. as I said before I saw everything from start to finish. You will do as I say or else I'm sending you to the States to finish your internship and live with Mom and Dad. Do you understand ?" He was now getting really angry as he spoke.

"FINE.. I rather go and live with mom and dad than stay here with that bitc----" {Slap}

"Our parents never taught us to swear at others like this. What on earth is wrong with you Katy? You were never like this. I'm booking your flight, you are to leave next Monday.

"I hate you brother I HATE YOU." Holding her cheek she runs out to the workstations picks up her bag and hits her shoulder into Y/n whispering something Mr. Murphy never would have imagined his sister would tell anyone.

"You will pay in the days to come. You don't know me yet. Just wait and watch you slut." Y/n was about to reply but decided to leave her to her ignorance.

From the office, Mr. Murphy just stared at Katy leaving and his eyes fell over Y/n, holding back herself. He looked disappointed.







Hello, My Loves !!!

How is everyone doing? I hope you're healthy and keeping hydrated at all times.

I hope you enjoy this long act, I have so much more to add to this chapter but decided to keep the spicy drama for the next one. I'm so grateful for all the love this book gets and hope you do read and share it. As I said earlier I will be introducing new characters who are important in this story, so kindly bear with me.

If you do have some suggestions leave a comment with what you want me to change or add. I will shout out to the ones who mention ideas and suggestions in the comment section.

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