
The New Skill

I sink my teeth into the acid spitter's head and took a chunk out of his brain. The flavorless of the blood spuing out the acid spotter's brain. The gooey innards of the brain dissolved on my tongue.

I dove in the rest of the acid spitters body, consuming it bit by bit.

Then I opened the system to check the notifications I had ignored

[you have gained 200 exp]

[you have Leveled up]

[through continuous use Claw strike has leveled up]

'Claw strike leveled up?', I thought. ' What does this mean, I was not aware of this system. '

I activate claw strike and stare at my nails. My claws had gotten slightly sharper and also slightly curved?

After making that analysis, I deactivate claw strike. I then explore my new skill analysis.

'Analysis.' I think, looking at a tree.

[Crimson Tree]

I then pick up a rock and use analysis on it.

[Black Rock]

'Seems pretty useless, not telling me much',

I then use analysis on the acid spitter's carcass.

[Acid Spitter (Deceased)]

[Through continuous use, Analysis has leveled up.]

I use Analysis on the spitter again.

[Acid Spitter (Deceased) lvl: 2]

' That's new!' I think. ' I can see its level.' This skill might be useful after all!