

When the old monsters who were watching saw this scene they were perplexed, because they saw among the one kilometer area of galaxy appearance of another black sphere but unlike the first its size just one meter like the first sphere this also began to absorb attract light spots to itself

seeing this they were confused they all thought it was a galaxy but why they feel like another galaxy is forming in midst of this, when this black sphere appeared there was increase in speed of attraction of light spots by the center sphere as a certain balance was lost

seeing this ancestor told to a women standing beside him wearing a blue Aline dress with white flowers who look like is in her twenties " sapphire bring me the book ' miraculous universe' from library I have to make something clear " hearing this the women nodded and left

even though all of them are hundreds of thousand year old they only learned little about about galaxies and stars and such things, who in the world will be interested in such think when they were cultivating and trying to increase their cultivation, he only read such things when he is bored and nothing to read who would want to waste on time something that is million of miles away and have no way to reach while they have many things to learn down here

one of old monsters who just arrived, who asked around understood the situation from his brothers, looked at ancestor and said " big brother frank even you have time of being shocked...sigh truly younger generation will overcome us one day" he said this because ancestor too was not some one to belittled

ancestor too sighed hearing this, even though he is called ancestor it was only a position and a position he was given because his cousin was several minutes younger than him, he always thought this matter with frustration because by becoming ancestor of family he have to stand guard at family HQ unlike others of his generation who have no such responsibilities, he was always jealous of this matter while he was holed up in family they are enjoying adventures exploring all around world think of adventuring his blood started boil

Leon's all have innate adventurous spirit that is main reason of 90% of family members being away from family, though family have strict rules so family members without enough power won't chew more than they can handle and loose their life, they are normally death seekers, because departure ancient beings there is many dangerous place in thousand deity world that the adventures guild who quantify most things doesn't bother to quantify because the large numbers of dangerous place out there in world

but if one check Leon family's library they will be astonished to know Leon's have explored and recorded almost 90% of dangerous place that is within known boundary of world, though it must be noted that one they haven't found is that is beyond capability of peak admantium beings

they have explored and recorded in library which level can be one have to be explore a particular area which treasures can one be seen in such areas, it has to be known that there is currently twenty two known continent by world, including the last continent discovered by adventures of western continent thousand years ago radiant continent but if someone check the Leon families records they will be astonished to find out that number of continent is more than what they know, there is even cities Leon family own in this unknown continents

this was all because, a bunch of peak admantium class monsters adventuring with their entourage which is also peak admantium beings, they have found and made their cities, forces and own many resources the current world doesn't even known to exist.

this is also another reason they don't want rule family, like their unity which have become their instincts adventuring is also their instincts, so because this if they own a position in family they have to preside over it but if they have no such position they can do whatever they want

all this things are possible because of Leon family's one of most power full strategic resource the long distance teleportation portals, as it is different other super powers own, as it can slice through any space to reach its mother formation inside Leon family HQ and will not be locked down by any space lock are chaotic space, it was left behind founding ancestor and the reason Leon family spread throughout the world

when they were exchanging greetings with each other sapphire returned with half square meter sized book like object, taking this ancestor began check what was going on

meanwhile the galaxy have reached three kilometers in size like last time another black sphere of one meter formed in the two kilometer area and the first sphere have become brighter due to all the light spots around it like larger sphere

after checking the records ancestor said " the bright spots we are seeing are actually star or planets and the black sphere is black hole it is attracting the celestial bodies to form a galaxy, but I feel the characteristics of black hole is some what different here, it's said a black hole has terrifying gravity that it will swallow any thing even space and light around, it but here they are not showing such pros that fog and space around the galaxy is not sucked to black hole and there is no such terrifying attraction"

hearing this a man with bald head and small mustache said " big brother that is because you have mistaken something" he said with smile like he know everything

hearing this another man who have scholarly look wearing a white kimono like dress said with a amiable face" brother frank you are forgetting a important matter we are not seeing birth of a universe here but awakening of an innate power if it was like you said the first one to swallowe.....cough...cough" while he was talking a shoe flew directly to his mouth which made swallow some mud and choke

the bald headed man said" you dare to steal my lime light ..hmph" he looked at frank Leon and continued" like I said brother its awakening of innate power otherwise wouldn't the black hole swallow that little monster first if so will it be a innate power, if it was something can simply explained by logic I would have my innate power evolve to higher level by following logic its not tha..." suddenly a man with terrifying red light in his eyes jumped from behind him like monkey and got hold of him and the man bit him, feeling pain the bald man punched back which accurately hit the face of man behind, if one looked clearly they will see it was the scholarly man who had amiable face few seconds before now fighting like a ferocious chimpanzee

if one look from distance one can see a scene unfold many people are sitting in a green grass plain beside a pond, some are talking and laughing while some are drinking tea with happy look in their faces but stark contrast to this scene there were two people brawling like kids in front of them but no one minded them only looked at them as spectators we can understand from their expressions this is not first time it happened

seeing this frank's eyebrows twitched he said "violet" hearing this a lady blinked in existence behind frank who wore violet colored Aline dress if one looked at this lady they will find she have same face as sapphire.

she looked at frank who nodded at her

seeing appearance of this women both brawling man exclaimed together "ancesto... no big brother mercy" hearing his cousins calling him ancestor like younger generation frank looked at violet again seeing this look violet smiled sweetly

seeing this they understood he was pissed they shouted in unison" my dear bi..."before they can finish violet waved her hand they both vanished from ground seeing this frank smiled satisfactorily, seeing this scene others couldn't help pray for both of them in their hearts

somewhere in a boiling and bubbling lava were it's so hot that its heat is even distorting its surrounding space, suddenly above lava two people appeared and they felled into lava while screaming aaaahh after some time they got out of lava though they were not injured because of protective cover form from their energy, their hairs and dress burned due to incredible heat of lava the bald mans mustache was burned and there was no hairs in his body same for scholarly man he have no hairs and like the bald man when they got out of the lava they looked at each other before their eyes with red lights and continuing their brawl

seeing tranquility has returned frank exclaimed like nothing happened " so that is it! I really forget the matter it was innate power, because of all the commotion it caused ....sigh I'm getting old" then he looked at others before solemnly said " then I have to say our previous assumption was wrong if it's increasing in size like this there will be eventually multiple galaxies and eventually it will form a universe"

every one inhaled a cold breath and they looked up at the screen and watched scene unfolding in innate awakening hall

now it have been eleven hours and the size of spiral is increasing without a limit every one was watching this scene unfolding breathlessly, they saw that for every kilometer the galaxy of ten meter black hole increase there will be a one meter black hole forming on last one kilometer but the procedure also increased the suction of light spheres to central black hole at increasing speed

after another one hour and forty five minutes now there is total nine black holes which have light spot surrounding it still the size of the spiral increased another one kilometer reaching ten kilometers in next fifteen minutes during this time Jayce has increased the size pseudo dimension to fifty kilometers

the first one meter black hole has formed a spiral galaxy like the big ten meter black hole but only of hundred meter in size and the rest of one meter black hole are ongoing the process formation of spiral galaxies. after the the galaxy of ten meter black hole reached ten kilometers in size it doesn't increase size like others thought but the light spot only appeared inside ten kilometer range, as if certain balance will destroyed if their size increase

when the first hundred meter galaxy formed the suction power of the central black hole decreased followed by formation of each hundred meter galaxy the suction power also lessened step by step

if djinn sage was to check the current energy level of origin energy ocean he will be scared shit finding that there is only more than 50% percent solid energy left at the origin energy ocean though the solid energy is transforming into semi fluid state, it is devoured by terrifying white fog like whirlpool happily

finally when last hundred mtere galaxy was formed the suction power of central black hole stopped as it get some instruction the terrifying whirlpool suddenly increased its size billions miles and bit of more than 28% the solid energy, like someone biting on a pudding and it start return to surface

when the fog bit the massive chunk of energy the fog that was standing still till now, together within now ten kilometer galaxy suddenly exploded with a rumbling sound and start to expand crazily and it formed massive coiled gigantic eastern dragon like rainbow colored energy the energy of thousand kilometers in size and still increasing its size

seeing this Jayce hurriedly increased size of formation to its maximum size thousand kilometers still the dragon is increasing its size crazily the rainbow colored eastern dragon like energy is actually formed by the massive chunk of energy the whirlpool bit of, when the fog used 10% of energy to form rainbow colored energy when its size reached who knows how many millions the rainbow energy dragon issued a rumbling sound and dived down to the central sphere at the same time nine such small rainbow energy formed using remaining energy when the gigantic rainbow energy touched the sphere, the nine dragon also finished forming and they too jumped to the small sphere

when the gigantic energy dragon divided to the energy it began to sink into the sphere like some one jumped into a pond at same time great changes start to occur to the sphere it become in red color all light spots beside it start to integrate into it to form yellow in color then it change into a giant star with dark black blue color it start to shine brightly when the the energy dragon fully disappeared, at same time shock wave was send from central sphere which was countered by nine shock wave of same frequency at same time it was the nine other energy dragons stark contrast to the central sphere the nine sphere were in pearl white as if the central sphere is a dish already prepared but the nine other small galaxies are like instant noodles that is not cooked yet

when the shock was sent the spiral shape of galaxy disappeared and formed more stable elliptical shaped big galaxy with nine elliptical shaped galaxy around it which is three kilometers away at random place

seeing this these scene everyone was in a daze as it happened so fast that they didn't even get to clearly see what happened

seeing this scene ancestor of Leon family frank Leon muttered " its not like universe where there billions of galaxy, but its also not a single galaxy its like a.. "he paused and looked all others who were in awe seeing the scene above them and said " its like a MINI UNIVERSE "