
Innate Power Awakening Ceremony I

Today is the day of innate awakening ceremony of Leon city, like every other races there is a specialty for human races in thousand deity world. They can awaken a special power between age of five to ten they are called innate power. In future regardless which class they take this power will be unique to them and its said in ancient records no one will have the same power across the cosmos,

The innate power may be a magic or warrior skill, weapon type spirits, magic beasts even intelligent living beings, there is many other different type things that is unheard of, the important thing is this innate power can be upgraded as you level up in your class, and if needed it can also transferred to another person but at the cost of transferor's life and acceptors innate power. So a person can only wield one such power at a time, destroying innate power is equal to killing a person as he will die for 99% even if survived he will be a vegetable. Leon family is famous for their lion type intelligent living beasts , current family head is rumoured to have a lion type magic beast of above sacred level .

Though bloodline is a factor in determining the innate power awakening it is only a 20% in most cases, even so it is a big factor. Today in innate awakening hall of Leon family there is ten thousands of people gathered for awakening ceremony of younger generations from age of 5 - 10, in thousand deity world were power is necessary to survive each add on to your power is a boon to your life. Even though innate power doesn't influence the promotion of your class as it is entirely depend on talent and not innate power, even though there is some innate power which can rapidly promote your level so having a better innate power one can always triumph over other who doesn't

So each low level cities to top cities conduct innate awakening ceremony in each year. in thousand deity world settlements are classified as village, town, cities, capital city which is further classified into low, medium, high but capital city have no such classification. So every one travel to adjacent cities to participate in the ceremony

Today in innate power awakening hall of Leon city. The children will under go innate awakening ceremony at 10 am sharply. They were waiting for this chance from yesterday, as most of them have reached here since yesterday. In Leon territory for undergoing innate power awakening ceremony there is no need of paying, unlike other territories. In thousand deity world there is different level of coins like the level of classes that is from iron level to admantium level and 10 iron coin is equal to 1 copper coin and 10 copper is equal to 1 bronze coin and so on

Normally you should pay 10 gold coin to undergo ceremony but in Leon territory there is no need to for this, giving a chance to common people to undergo ceremony, after all for some villagers they have no chance to see even 1 gold coin in their entire life so how could they pay 10 gold coins, which is equal to 100,000 iron coin which may be the amount they earn in their entire life. many people come to Leon territory from adjacent territories for participating in the ceremony with their family, travelling from 1000s of kilometers away to give their kid a chance of their life. As there is a chance for their kids to awaken outstanding innate power and so get a chance to become guards or get other job in Leon territory, for commoner getting a job in Leon territory is like reaching heaven in one step. If you become a guard of Leon territory you will get minimum salary of 500 coin according to your warrior or mage level and even get other resources to increase your speed in training according to your contribution to territory and most importantly in Leon territory commoners are not treated like slaves or ants like other territories though there is some difference between commoners and noble families, under rules of Leon's every humans have right to justice, so it's ideal place for commoners to live unlike others places who don't care about their lives. Due to this the people of Leon territory treat Leon's as their idols and they are very loyal to Leon's and they are even ready to give their lives for Leon's

Leon City

There is only one hour remaining for ceremony. In innate power awakening hall ten thousands of parents and their children could be seen sitting in the oval shape stadium no one has gone to the formation ground at center which has a size of more than one kilometers as it's guarded by soldiers only on allotted time will the people will allowed to enter the ground which has innate awakening formation

" there is only one hour remaining to the ceremony " john told to his son jack with a hint of expectation in his eyes

"Don't worry father I will definitely awaken a weapon type spirit and get selected to guards of Leon territory " James told his father with determination in his face

"Don't worry mother your daughter is most beautiful lady in pine village I will definitely become a maid in the castle" told a beautiful girl of age 9 to her mother who smiled and said " of course if my girls is not selected no one will get selected as a maid"

"Little brother are you ready " a white haired boy who wore a white suite with golden tie asked to another boy who look same as him who wore black suite with red neck tie and has a black hair, they are twins the young brother answered" yes big brother we will definitely surpass our sister and show the clan we are not weaker than sister" answered the little brother

"I will first try to get a position in servant of Leon's and after becoming powerful I will avenge my family "thought a beggar like looking boy with torn cloth and wounded body who showed various emotions in his face like anger, sadness, despair but at last all of it turned into determination

There are many conversations going on throughout the crowd as they are all nervous about their future

"Isn't time for elders who conduct ceremony to arrive " a spectator asked. Other than people who came with participants there is also others who came to join the fun among the crowd

"It's about time ..... look up there they are here" the person pointed to the sky were there can be seen spatial ripples and followed by appearances four people, one at front three following behind him were three persons, one has a butler uniform and a insignia of Leon's in his left with insignia of a phoenix below, look like he is in his twenties with orange colored hair, is current head butler of Leon family and current head of only and most loyal vassal of Leon family, the Phoenix family called Noah Phoenix, who is also Theodore's butler as each Leon's have a butler and a maid from phoenix family who live with them from childhood and become the head butler and head maid if the person they serve become family leader, as last head butler and maid will follow their master, the last family head

Beside Noah is a man with a golden armour and helmet with a sword sheathed in his left side and have a insignia of Leon's in his left side below that is a sword and shield emblem is first chief elder of territorial guards of Leon territory called James Leon

Beside him is a women who looked to be in her thirties wore a red gown, who has insignia of Leon's on left chest and below that is a emblem of a pile of admantium level coins is first chief elder of finance tower called Olivia Leon.

The person standing front of this three who wore a silver colored suit with golden pattern on cuffs of his suit and golden colored button who have a insignia of Leon family the white lion with golden eye at his left chest is grand elder of miscellaneous works of Leon family jayce Leon.

Jayce turn back and looked at the head butler Noah who nodded back and stepped forward and spoke "silence" though he is only fifty six year old he is tier 1 gold level wind element mage, so everyone can clearly hear him and the scene quite down as everyone looked up to the floating people in sky with respect as only gold level beings can fly which is a far reaching goal for commoners, seeing silence of crowd he continued " as I know everyone is eager for beginning of ceremony I won't talk nonsense, as always after ceremony there will be talent test and those who have high talent in fighting class will give chance to study in guards school and those who have talent in business will have chance to go to business school in Leon family and those with talented innate power and some special innate power will also selected as workers and servants for family, if you are willing to join family you should give a innate oath and you can join Leon's and become a part of it, if not you can leave no one is going to stop you "he stopped here looked at the crowd and seeing expectation in everyone's eyes he continued "now those who are not aged above 10 can come to formation ground REMEMBER don't run walk slowly to the formation ground and stand inside one of white rings "

Noah Phoenix turn to look at jayce Leon who nodded and channeled his mana to the family token to activate the formation, instantly below in formation ground one can see appearance of white fog like ring of 50 cm size with a distance of one meter with other ring throughout the formation ground and you can see children walking to the ground slowly seeing this Noah said " those who are aged above ten standing inside ring will only bring you enormous pain as world energy can't enter your body and you will gain nothing so don't bother, others sit at crossed leg position inside the ring " after thirty minutes approximately fifteen thousand kids sit inside the ring,

After everyone seated in the ring jayce activated another mechanism in formation after activation of this mechanism you can see blood flowing from eyes, ears and noses of some who sit inside the ring they are one's who crossed the age boundary and doesn't listen to the words of butler, they were caught and thrown out by guards,

Seeing this some among crowd showed disdain and some sneered at them but no one raised noise due to respect to the elders who standing in the sky

In sky Olivia Leon asked " little jayce were is our cubs ah and also I heard little theo's son is too participating in ceremony" Olivia is a cousin of Jayce's father grant Leon and a tier 9 mithril level mage who is above two thousand years old, unlike five main leaders who have to serve family ten thousand years chief elders and other elders can resign their job whenever they wish if one finish five thousand years of service in Leon family.

"Yes aunt Olivia they will be here, there is totally 85 Leon's for today's ceremony they will be here in time and yes prince too will come " answered jayce with a smile

"Oh I wonder if there will be any fearsome cubs in today's ceremony what do you think stone faced guy " Olivia looked at James and asked

James is a cold person with little words he spoke shaking his head up and down" there will be" he is a tier 1 admantium level warrior and two thousand and five hundred year old and is of same generation of Olivia, she teased him as she know he is only cold outside but a warm person inside

Suddenly there can be seen a large group approaching them from sky there is around a three hundred people in the group. This is Leon's family members and their kids who came for the ceremony

Though Leon family consist of more than ten million members, only more than a million stays at Leon city at a time due to their duty as an elder of family or as a soldier of family or as others like who is on their five thousand year long compulsory work for family or because they are not powerful enough yet to create their own forces because of not reaching the preset gold level at which family allow them to roam outside, so they practice in family until they are powerful, as the remaining members are scattered across the world as they develop their own forces and had to look after them so most time they will be in other parts of world, but even so for innate power awakening ceremony they will reach Leon city, through Leon family's long distance teleportation portals which family will gift them when each family members form their own forces

Even though there will be only around fifty to below hundred of kids each year, as it's hard to give birth to an offspring the more powerful a person become. As in Leon families case if a person chose to practice normal class like warrior, mage, assassin etc the average Leon's will become gold level before fifty if chosen more complex class like swordmage, combat mage, elementalist, summoner etc they will become gold rank before age of hundred and Leon's normally wed after they become a minimum fifty years old, because only after becoming gold ranked the Leon family leave a person to his machinations and allow to leave the family domain, and after leaving family they will be busy building their own forces so it normally take beyond fifty years them to marry by then they will be a powerful gold level being, the current family head Theodore is a rarely seen exception for this.

So number of children is always below hundred in innate power awakening ceremony of Leon's due to their low reproductivity , and because the ceremony is conducted each year

Though Leon's can become gold rank normally before age of hundred, such feat is only shown by super geniuses of the thirty super forces of thousand deity world. such geniuses can be only seen hundred top forces of world at a interval of hundred years and first rate forces never see such geniuses only in thousands of years, but the outside forces are not privy to news of Leon's except the top seven super forces of the thirty which know some basic information on Leon's due to their long history.

The main reason others doesn't know anything about Leon's is because they never joined other forces as when the time to training classes reach, which is at age 11 in thousand deity world they will be sent to family HQ to learn and select their class according to their talent and will be in HQ until they reached gold rank

And another reason is due to their their unity and love for each other. the family will always take their children to train from their own forces during their time in HQ ,and after they leave HQ they often stay low key in different areas of world and concentrate on building their own forces were the super forces and top forces normally don't watch over as the thousand deity word is vast, the super forces and top forces normally rule over some vast area with dense natural energies and their own territories and don't bother with desolate areas or unexplored areas

So they build their own forces in unexplored area or areas which founded by old monsters of Leon family when they are exploring world, normally they build areas explored by latter as it's more safe so they were always away from prying eyes of other forces

And another reason is like every other forces they maintain high level secrecy in their matters.

All super forces in thousand deity world keep their matters secret and they stay away from worldly matters.Normal people only know the super forces though ranking of adventure guild the eighth ranked super force, it's said that it's almost impossible to shake the position of top seven super forces