
Imperator of Leveling

Staring at a shooting star crashing upon the center of the military installation was the last thing he saw after hearing the declaration of war between two superpowers. Afterward was none other than the gleaming radiance of a silver light that rendered his eyes blind while also melting his body into bloody goo. But even then, no regrets plagued his heart, only the feeling of relief and the weight fading from his shoulders. He thought he had died and became trapped in the void after death. Though, the lustrous light of consciousness illuminated the void. And his eyes slowly opened upon the rumbling of a thunderclap. An old and shaken voice then sounded out from the rumbling dark. "Hey, you. You're finally awake." Unexpectedly, he was reincarnated into a new world, A reality where the supposedly improbable became possible. Whether it be flying islands, giant monsters, massive airships, superpowers, and many more, nothing seems impossible in this world. So with the combined knowledge from his past and current life, Will he reach heights he never thought he could stand on? Will he gain the power he never thought of getting? Will he become someone he never dreamed of becoming? This was the beginning of his long adventure as the Imperator of Leveling. Dante Regent Astarte.

Savant_Ink · Fantastique
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37 Chs

The Two Overseers

The Imperium military fortress, Anfang, was an installation that dwelled within the western outskirts of the Imperium. It resided within the outer western sector known as Orsus. It was one of the seven divisions within the three western sectors.

The fortress of Anfang comprises three critical sections. One was the port of Anfang, the second was the city of Anfang, and the third was the fortress of Anfang. The airport of Anfang and the town didn't look highly unique as they resembled their modern-day counterparts.

But the same couldn't be said for Fort Anfang.

The military fortress Anfang was enveloped by walls over 50 meters tall. Atop such gargantuan walls were massive cannons pointing in every direction. The walls were made of black metallic concrete. And it also wasn't the only defense the fortress had.

The military installation could be separated into many parts. But one could say there was the military base, testing site, and academic ground.

The military base stood at the center of the building resembling a gothic fortress. It had a steampunk citadel in its center, built for reasons unknown to everyone except the director of the fort. There was also a small port for warships beside it.

The testing site was separated into many biomes to make the recruits understand what they would go through when they became soldiers. It was also a site for testing weapons, and they kept many beasts found in the wild there.

The academic ground was where the training ground, academy, and dormitory were occupied. It wasn't that big compared to the other parts, but it was the home ground of all recruits within the military fortress of Anfang.

Anyway, the gothic fortress of Anfang stands at the center of the military installation. Deep within the steampunk citadel was the core office of the man running the entire place. He was the director of the fortress, and his name was Magnus Grand.

He was a Krieger who managed to reach the rank of Grand. Those who managed to achieve this rank became the high officials of the Imperium. They could become nobles, only second to the archdukes of the Imperium. In itself, he was someone who held a life of grandeur.

Though he wasn't the only one in the office, beside Magnus was a familiar one. He was an old man who had recently arrived in the fortress at night. He was the main chef who disappeared a few days ago in search of ingredients to welcome the new visitor.

"I heard you were staying within the lowest deck of the heavy transport ship. You normally stay in the luxurious part for silence, so what made you do such a thing."

Magnus questioned while staring at the old man Dante had recently met on the transport ship.

"I simply wanted to meet the infamous third son, and it was worth it. I kept wondering what lesson I had learned from meeting him. But oh, well. We are friends now." The old man explained in a somewhat strange manner.

Magnus raised an eyebrow after hearing his words and asked. "Friends? You and the infamous third son are now friends?"

He couldn't believe what he was hearing and saying. But the old man nodded without a hint of hesitation and delay.

"Yes, he was a good young man. He even called me a good old man. How good is that?" The old man said as if this was something to be shocked by.

Meanwhile, Magnus shook his head and silently thought. 'How you spoke and kept saying good in every sentence surprised me the most.'

"Hmm… I feel that you are insulting me with your fake smile." The old man squinted his eyes while staring right at Magnus.

Magnus wryly smiled as the old man always had the right instincts, which made his guess and decisions scary.

"No need to speak more about that. I am curious about the third son. What do you mean good?" Magnus was curious about what the old man was trying to say. After all, the infamous third son of Astarte was never known to be an excellent young man.

"My first meeting with him was good, and he was like a normal teenager who's respectful to old people. I think that the two of us might get along with each other." The old man confidently said as he continued, not giving Magnus the time to speak.

"I thought of testing him during the journey."

"I have heard the rumors. An arrogant bastard pig was what it was, especially with the recent events. To be honest, I am sure that he was an arrogant bastard pig. It was only at the last moments of the journey that he immediately changed."

"He hit his head and lost his memories. He kept questioning basic things that even a toddler would know. He asked for his name and where he was. It was like a reset, bringing him to his senses."

"Then, a while later, he regained his lost memories, and the only thing he could do was wryly smile. I could see that he was ashamed, meaning that he might have changed before the military training began."

The old man knew how it was improbable for someone to change this fast. He was sure that it wasn't acting. He was confident that no hostile intentions could be felt in Dante's body language and expression.

"Now, that is strange. I had never heard of something like that. It looks like I would have to see everything myself." Magnus furrowed his eyebrows as he remembered the newly arrived visitor while thinking about Dante.

"I almost forgot, but the demoted general had already arrived. She's waiting for instructions, but she's stronger than me. I don't know what to say." While being a Grand Krieger, Magnus knew the limits of his capabilities.

The Arch Kriegers were monsters beyond him. He knew better than to offend him.

"But you are her superior, aren't you? Even if she is the youngest Arch Krieger, you are her superior within the military. It is your job to instruct her. Besides, she was the one who avoided that bullet of an Imperium prince."

"I'm sure she wouldn't be someone extremely overbearing, unlike the current generals." The old man stated while sighting to himself. He remembered the reasons why he disliked the military.

Those bastard generals were annoying and overbearing. Their arrogance knew no limit, though they had the power to back it.

The old man had already prepared the ingredients for the newly arrived visitor. And the only thing it was waiting for was the kitchen. With this in mind, he stood up from the chair and uttered. "I'll have to go cook in the kitchen."

"It wouldn't do anything good to keep the respected visitor waiting." The old man stretched his body, but before he could leave. Magnus stopped him, wanting him to stay in the office.

"The reason I called for you instantly upon your arrival is the confidential information received exclusively within the seven directors of the west."

After hearing such solemn words from Magnus, the old man stopped, followed by a cold expression emerging on his usually happy-go-lucky face.