
Chapter 30: Diplomats

As the council waited, they straightened their spines and tried everything in their power to both put off an air of subtle menace and congeniality. Politics wasn't an entirely different from lethal combat, just a different battlefield. Where they replaces steel and claws with threats hidden beneath cordial statements. Every compliment both a strike and defense, secrets like hidden dagger just itching to stick into their intended targets, compromises more akin to poison that would slowly eat away at flesh.Their background and authority they represent, the armor to absolutely bulldoze through any paltry attacks.

Normally, the Yokai Council would already be on the back foot with that fact alone. With their primary powerhouse stationary, the threat she represented significantly reduced. Her power only really guarantying that the other factions can't outright eliminate all of them without significant lose or even the fall of their own faction in worse case scenario. But now they had the backing of The Heavenly Demon himself. A figure that had shook the world as whole and was one of the deciding factors during the Devil Civil War. With that reputation, they now had the chance to negotiate like equals.

When the paper doors slid open once more this time, there wasn't guard that looked like they stepped out of an old Japanese drama but instead a beautiful maid with short pink hair and bright red eyes. Two little horns showcased to the world exactly what kind of Yokai she was and with her nod to the giant Oni councilman to the side, it was more than certain.

Behind her, a collection of 5 differing people stood serenely. Each of their appearances and energies told everyone there that none of them were 'normal' in the least.

With a nod from their blonde leader, the Oni maid bowed and closed the door behind her as she left.

"I extend my greeting to the representatives." Yasaka smiled slightly before giving a slight nod of acknowledgment, she wasn't required to bow to any of these people. It would be improper for her to do so as the leader. But the other council members weren't so lucky, so each of them stood and bowed in greeting to the diverse group of diplomats. "My name is Yasaka. Welcome to Kyoto."

It was customary for the host to first introduce themselves in this situation, they had essentially strong-armed the factions back to the table.

"Greetings. My name is Nuraihyon, second in command of the Yokai Council."

"I am Marui of the Crimson Oni Clan!" The red skinned Oni didn't quite growl at the collection of silently standing people, but it came pretty damn close.

"It is a pleasure to meet all of you, I am Akiko of the Falling Snow Clan."

The Yukki-Onna introduced herself with an elegant bow, her white veil hiding her malicious gaze. She would try her best to squeeze of them dry of everything they can offer.

"I'm Xoru of the Ivory Mask Clan."

The white clad Tengu said while pushing his glasses up his elongated nose, his words short and to the point.

"My name is Kiyo of the Endless Forms Clan, it is nice to meet you."

Unlike the rather statue or obscured faces of their compatriots, the tanuki grinned widely but with his animal like face it looked a mischievous in a way.

"Yū of the Dancing Thunder Clan."

Where as the oni barely held back the growl in his voice, the Raiju didn't even try. Those pure streaks of lightning flickered ominous across their form.

The array of five diplomats only looked on at the council of Yokai blandly, none even making a move to introduce themselves in the least. Another power move, a way to establish dominance. Yasaka had to hold back from rolling her eyes, she wasn't some kit anymore. Silence wouldn't faze her in the slightest.

They waited just long enough to not be considered rude before introducing themselves.

"My name is Bishop Christopher Yarrow but please just call me Bishop Yarrow and I will be representing The Church during the duration of these re-negotiations."

The man in question didn't look like anything special. Short, neatly done blonde hair that seem to shine under the ambient sunlight. Bright blue eyes held in a constant squint to accompany that small smile he always seem to hold. Combine that with his pale complexion and old age, for a human, he was the very picture of what a higher up in the church would be. He wore mundane, pure white priest robes that hung loose on his thin frame. But despite his friendly appearance, that gaze a tinge of disdain for every single person in that room. Which given their attempts at purging the world of other supernatural over the years, no one would be surprised to see such a glint.

"I am Arrior, Stellari (Marshal) of the Valkyries of Asgard."

A ethereally beautiful woman stepped forward with a type of predatory grace, showcasing years of military training. She was tall, like easily towering over most models. But that was given with her half-god genetics. Wearing ceremonial armor that hugged at her impressively trained body, showcasing both ruthless efficiency and beauty. Long white hair hung low on her back and matched perfectly with her bright green eyes that struggled and failed to keep them off the giant red Yokai off to the side. His hands resting casually on that massive tetsubo that was more like a tree than a weapon, her own hands gripping tightly at the silvered sword of her waist.

"I'm Ira Boosaloglou, head courier of Lord Hermes. I will be representing the Greece-Roman Pantheon."

The girl was simply that, a girl. Seeming not even to have reached 20 in age, someone who was far too young to be in on such an important meeting. She was tall for a human, with long legs and a skinny frame that showcased her runner's physique. Short brown hair was cut in a bob and eyes the colors of shocking amethyst. The girl wore pure white toga and sandals that didn't look like good running material whatsoever. But despite all this, no one in the room was fooled in the slightest. Normally someone claiming to be a mere courier would've been scoffed out of the room after her message was sent, but when you combine that with the literal messenger god? That title took on an entirely different meaning.

"My name is Iaoel and I will be representing the Grigori during these negotiations."

This was probably when things started to get a bit tense in the group. The woman in question could be considered beautiful, having a body literally made by the Almighty himself. But unlike her more reserve brethren, she easily showcased the results of perfection to the world itself. Being easily the most loosely dressed person in the room, she wore a shear covering that barely edged the line of decency. Showcasing every sinful curve imaginable. Long black hair that was tired up in a braid that just stopped near the middle of her back. Where 2 sets of pitch black, feather wings laid comfortably. Her red eyes scanned the group of Yokai with a seductive air, completely ignoring how the bishop had to visibly hold back an instinctual curse at her mere existence.

"It is an honor," The last member said with an elegant bow," My name is Nellial of House Vapula. I will representing both the Satans and the 72 Pillars."

If the room was tense when the fallen angel introduce herself, things had become downright frosty at the devil's introduction. They as a people were not very well liked for a variety of reasons. Primarily for their ability to steal talent from any of the other factions and turn them into Devils themselves. Simply put, they were thieves of the highest order. And given how smug they were about it, there was no evidence in sight that they even had a degree of shame.

The man stood tall and was traditionally handsome with fluffy, mane-like blonde hair that pooled around his broad shoulders. Lightly tanned skin that positively glistened under the sun and wide green cat-like eyes that was instantly attracted to the kitsune at the head of the table. Who only ignored his hungry gaze with contemptuous ease. 3 pairs of bat-like wings barely poked out of the back of a black five piece suit that only enhanced his refined look.

"We will not keep you." Yasaka said politely after the group was done with their own introductions," My people will lead you to your dwellings for the duration of the negotiations. I wish to invite each of you to dinner later on tonight where there will be multiple clan heads and other important people to socialize with. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask."

Normally that last bit was only suppose to be for flavor, this was just there initial meet and none of them wanted to let any of their enemies or rivals hear how clueless they were with stupid questions.

"As long as your offering," Bishop Yarrow said without shame, that small eye closing smiling still plastered on his face," There is 1 question that must be answered before anything else."

"….Of course Bishop, please continue."

Yasaka could already feel the headache coming on, the friendly looking man was a known fox. And that was saying something coming from her.

"In your letter, you said Yamato Iori or better known as The Heavenly Demon is officially out of seclusion. Is that true?"

Did she mention that she absolutely hated that name? But such a question did draw the collective attention from each of representatives, their eyes borrowing a hole into her. This was the moment that would make her break the negotiations. If she lied, it would severely impact Yokai's as a whole as more and more would be squeezed out of them. But if she didn't fib, then that also meant she was harboring an Ancient Practitioner which would already be considered grounds to accuse her of breaking the pact. Especially a rumored necromancer at that.

"Grandmaster Yamato Iori," The blonde emphasized the title heavily, figuring that if she wanted to make road on getting rid of that godawful moniker then now was the time to do so," Is indeed out of seclusion, alive and well. As a disciple, isn't it my responsible to take care of my Master in his twilight years?"

Her somewhat teasing tone and words put her fellow Yokai at ease, it was a fact that not even a whisper of the Heavenly Demon's current appearance had been leaked to the public. She was sure these fools thought he was just some old man barely clinging to life, a dying star that would surely take any faction with him before his Senjutsu could no longer prolong his life. He was human after all. It was almost built in their DNA to have such short lives.

By implying that Yamato Iori was old and barely mobile, she had planted an idea that would surely throw them off their feet later on.

What could she say? Yasaka was a kitsune, a Yokai known for their mischievous nature.

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