
Longing and Betrayal

'As the guard reported, Cedric listened intently. "So the message returned is to tell me that Queen Catherine had not been in Veridia Kingdom all this while?" Cedric questioned with disbelief. "Yes, my lord," the guard replied. "Is this a joke or a sign of trickery? It's been two weeks, and yet you tell me the Queen, Queen Catherine, Queen of Jas Kingdom, Elena's mom, is missing?" Cedric's frustration grew. "As so I was told, my lord," the guard replied.

"Get me my horse and a few of my troops!!!" Cedric commanded, his voice filled with authority. "Alright, my lord," the guard acknowledged, making his way out. "Seems King Edmund shall be expecting a visit from me soon," Cedric muttered to himself, his determination unwavering. The sound of horses echoed as Cedric and his knights rode swiftly to Veridia Kingdom.

Meanwhile, the air was filled with the sound of water splashing as Elena and her friends laughed joyfully. "It's really nice of your dad, the king, to let us tag along," Lily remarked. "Yeah, I guess that's my dad, loving to all," Elena replied with a smile. "You know, it's still hard to believe that I am a friend to a princess," Lily said. Elena's expression turned serious. "It's not likely to be said, but calling me a princess and all with that tone is like differentiating between the two, and I don't like it," she explained. Lily quickly corrected herself, "Alright, Elena, sorry about that." The two friends shared a smile as they continued splashing water at each other, their laughter echoing in the surroundings.'

Cedric arrived at the Veridia Kingdom, warmly welcomed by his horse, Edmund!!. "Who calls my name with such a loud voice?" Edmund shouted, curious about the commotion. Edmund emerged from his palace, surprised to see King Cedric paying him a visit. "Oh, it's you, King Cedric. What a pleasant surprise to have you here," Edmund said politely.

Cedric's expression turned somber. "It hasn't been a pleasant day for me," he confessed. "Your response to my letter has brought upon me great distress. Where is Queen Catherine, the queen of Jas Kingdom?"

Confused, Edmund replied, "What do you mean, King Cedric? haven't i mentioned that she isn't at my place, nor has she ever come here to stay."

Cedric's voice grew more desperate. "How can I believe you? Queen Catherine left Jas Kingdom two weeks ago, with her last communication stating that she was paying a visit to your wife and might stay for some time."

Edmund shook his head in disbelief. "I don't understand. There's no way I would betray your trust. Queen Catherine never arrived here."

Cedric's tone became more urgent. "So, you're telling me that Queen Catherine is missing?"

Edmund replied, concern evident in his voice, "As much as I hope that's not the case, the evidence cannot be ignored."

Furious, Cedric exclaimed, "And who has done this? Laying a finger on the queen of Jas Kingdom is akin to calling death upon oneself!"

Edmund assured Cedric, "I swear on my part in this, King Cedric. I will assign my men to search every nook and corner in the quest to find her."

Cedric mounted his horse, his determination clear. "The person who has done this has invited death upon themselves. They shall receive their just punishment."

With that, Cedric rode back to Jas Kingdom, his heart heavy with worry for Queen Catherine.

Elena returned from the Streams only to overhear two guards talking. "Do you think it's true?" one guard said. "I think so. It seems Queen Catherine is truly missing," the other guard replied. Elena's heart sank as she whispered, "Mom?" The guard speculated that she may have been kidnapped or perhaps ran away.

As Elena tried to hold back her tears, the second guard reminded the first to watch their words, as they were in the palace and it wasn't their place to worry. The guard assured him that the king had left but would return with good news. Just then, the sound of a horse's arrival echoed through the palace, and Cedric, Elena's father, stormed into his chamber, filled with fury.

"No!" Cedric shouted, smashing a glass jar against the wall. "Who dares to do such a thing!?" Elena's voice echoed in Cedric's ear as she ran towards him, her voice filled with desperation. "Dad, where is Mom? Is it true that she's missing?"

Cedric took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. "And from whom did you hear such rumors, my dear?" he asked. Elena replied, "From the guards discussing it."

"Take me to them, my dear, and I shall teach them a lesson about spreading baseless rumors," Cedric said. But Elena pleaded with her father, "No, Dad, please. Where is Mom? I want to see her!"

Cedric's voice softened as he reassured his daughter, "My dear, your mother is alright, and I promise to bring her back safely soon. You have my word, my dear princess."

Elena's tear-stained face reflected her anguish as she confronted her father, Cedric. "So it's true, Mom is missing?" she whispered, her voice trembling with fear.

Cedric, trying to maintain his composure, reached out to comfort his daughter. "No, my dear, it's not true. Trust me, your mother is safe," he assured her, his voice filled with conviction.

Elena's eyes searched his face, desperate for answers. "Then where is she?" she pleaded, her voice filled with a mixture of hope and despair.

Cedric took a deep breath, his mind racing with uncertainty. "She's on a trip, my love, but she will return soon," he replied, his words laced with a hint of hesitation.

"Lies! Lies, Dad!" Elena cried out, her voice cracking with anguish. "Where is Mom?" With a sob, she turned and ran to her chamber, her heart heavy with worry.

Meanwhile, Maximus, Cedric's brother, entered the chamber, concern etched on his face. "What's going on, brother? I just saw Elena in tears, rushing to her room," he said, his voice filled with worry.

Cedric looked at Maximus, his eyes filled with sorrow. "It's true, Maximus. Queen Catherine is missing," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.

Maximus's eyes widened in shock. "What? When did this happen? And how?" he asked, his voice filled with disbelief.

Cedric sighed, his mind plagued with questions. "I wonder the same, brother. I find myself in a desperate situation, unsure of where to even begin searching for her," he admitted, his voice heavy with frustration.

Maximus placed a comforting hand on Cedric's shoulder. "Don't lose hope, brother. Send your armies to scour every nook and cranny. We will find her," he reassured, his voice filled with determination.

Cedric nodded, a glimmer of hope flickering in his eyes. "That seems to be our only plan at this point. But I can't help but worry about how Elena must be feeling, knowing her mother is missing," he confessed, his voice filled with parental concern.

"Have faith, brother. I will go check on Elena and offer her my support during this difficult time," Maximus assured him. Cedric nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, brother. Your presence will bring her some solace," Cedric said, his voice filled with gratitude.

As Cedric gathered a few of his guards and knights, he addressed them with a heavy heart. "I regretfully bring you this news. Our beloved queen, Queen Catherine, is missing. I do not know her whereabouts or the circumstances surrounding her disappearance. But one thing is certain, we must bring her back," Cedric declared, his voice echoing with determination. The room fell into a solemn silence as his words hung in the air. Cedric clenched his fists, his resolve firm. "We will leave no stone unturned" Cedric's voice boomed through the chamber, his words filled with determination and anger. "We'll tear this kingdom apart if we have to, break down every building, and slay anyone who dares harm the royal family. I want their heads brought to me, and whoever accomplishes this feat shall be rewarded by me!" Cedric's voice carried the weight of his determination, fueling the fire within his guards and knights.

With a resounding cry of "All hail!", the guards and knights dispersed, ready to carry out their mission. Maximus, on the other hand, quietly made his way towards Elena's chamber, his footsteps barely audible. He paused at the entrance, eavesdropping on Elena's sobs. "I never planned to take your mother away, Elena. She wasn't a threat to me," Maximus whispered to himself, a sinister tone creeping into his voice. "But fate seems to be against you, little girl. Cry all you want, for you stand in my way to the throne. Whether your mother returns alive or not, it won't matter. Soon, you'll be joining her."

As Maximus continued his dark thoughts, Elizabeth approached, greeting him with a polite "Good evening, Sir Maximus." Maximus snapped out of his trance, plastering a smile on his face. "Oh, welcome," he replied, his voice masking the darkness within.

"Maximus played a pretending role as he acted as tho noticing the sadness in the princess as she grieved for her mother. 'Why don't you keep her company through this all,' Maximus suggested. 'It would be my pleasure, Sir Maximus,' Elizabeth responded as she entered Elena's chamber. She found Elena facing her bed, sobbing. Sitting beside her, Elizabeth asked, 'What's wrong, my dear princess?'

'Mom? I want to see my mom!' Elena said, sobbing even more. 'I so much understand your pain, my princess. But rest assured, I'm sure your dad, the king, will not rest until your mom is back within the palace walls,' Elizabeth comforted Elena.

'Do you really think my mom is going to be back soon?' Elena asked. 'I am sure of it, my princess. You should trust your dad's word; he is sure to return the queen soon,' Elizabeth reassured Elena. Elena then placed her head on Elizabeth's lap as her sobs reduced a bit.

'Mom, where are you?' Elena said.

The sound of chains clinking echoed in the room. 'Where am I?' Catherine said, feeling the weight of her chained hands and legs. 'Help!' she shouted.

Footsteps echoed, and Isabel's voice filled the room. 'And what a pleasant view it is to see you, my queen,' Isabel said.

'Isabel?!' Catherine uttered."