
Immortal Queen

Everyone knows that Family comes first, a family will show you love and care, would even risk their lives for one another! A boy whose lost everything and only lives for revenge, on his journey for such revenge he will find something even more, something that even he never thought he would ever get. Turned in to a girl, loss of his/her memories, but found happiness nevertheless, Not one but two mothers, a family a lover, or lover's maybe wife's in the future who knows, only time will tell!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS: the cover photo isn't mine, if owner wants it taken down please let me know. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE. This is my very first novel and my favourite one. I have never written but I always loved to write, my grammar maybe bad but please try to enjoy my story. Who knows, it just might surprise you!!!

QueenNovels · LGBT+
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25 Chs



It was dark, it was raining, but most of all it was a busy day for the human empire 'Grucaelum'. The Queen of the empire, lady Aurora Gracelynn Daughter of the former king and Queen who were tragically murdered not more than eighteen years ago. Lady Aurora was a kind, innocent, sweet little girl when she was little but watching her parents die at a tragic age of just six, she lost it, she lost everything that day.

Her sweetness, her kindness, and most of all her sanity, she was never the same again. Over the years she has only grown darker and more sinister, training non-stop day and night with every fiber of her being, so she could one day exact her revenge on the one person who took everything from her, and her training has not been easy as well. Her empire which is one of the biggest empires with six summoned heroes, it stands at the top in the central region.

The six heroes, which are the heroes of death, creation, destruction, dark, justice, and grace. They have trained as well, honing their skills for the past years, though they couldn't protect the former king and Queen they do not wish the same fate for the new Queen. They train, they wait till the day comes where they will be needed the most, but until that day they await the Queen's command.


A soldier of the empire was running at his top speed, trying to deliver a piece of important information to his Queen. Finally, reaching the Queen's war room he rushed in only to be stopped by the hero of death pointing a blade at his throat,

" What are you doing here? The Queen specifically told no one to enter unless called upon. Are you just stupid, or do you have a death wish? "

The hero of death 'Emiya' said, he looked like a young high school teenager with short black hair, average height an athletic build with a handsome face the ladies would kill for if only he bothered to smile once in a while.

"Come on Emiya, you'll make the man shit himself now,"

Dillon, the hero of destruction, said. Despite having the title, hero of destruction, he hasn't destroyed anything or anyone… Yet! With his always cheerful smile, no one now's what goes in that messed up head of his. With long flowing black hair, his appearance is that of a normal-Looking teenager.

" Y-yeah… I__ I don't think he's here for anything bad!"

Emily, the heroine of grace, one shy and one psychopathic, with two personalities she's most definitely the sinister and cruelest hero of them all. Long beautiful dirty blonde hair, an hourglass figure with a cute face that would fool just about anyone, she also looks like that of a teenager. The heroes, regardless of how long they spend in this world do not age, the years may go by, but their appearance stays the same as they were summoned.

"Enough with this, you three fools are making my head heart, Emiya let him speak…"

The whole room turned silent, looking towards the voice, Emiya moved his blade from the soldier's throat, without further delay the soldier began to speak kneeling on one knee,

"My Queen, the zenith empire has been successfully conquered."

"Haha haha… Haha haha… Those Fools finally agreed, and to think all it took was just three of my heroes to scare him, (dark, justice, and creation) if I wasn't in such a hurry I would have just killed them all and be done with it, haha haha… I really can't wait."

The zenith empire, as the closest empire to the northern region, it was crucial that the Queen captured or formed an alliance with them so that she could enter the northern region much easier. But the hero king of the zenith empire wasn't so easy to convince, so she resorted to much more extreme methods, such as killing him. Using the hero of creation's skill 'True illusion' she had him take the former king's place.

"My three heroes, go, get ready for tomorrow. I have a feeling you are going to need all the rest you can get, he-he…"

"As you wish," said Emiya,

"Whatever!" Said Dillon,

"Fuck you bitch! "

Said Emily taken over by her other personality, though the Queen is quite used to it by now,

As the three heroes along with the soldier left, the Queen started giggling and laughing, maniacally. After a while, though, she stopped and turned back to her more serious face heading to her bedroom which no one, not even the maids, are allowed entry to clean. After she arrived in, she closed the doors, locking them tight,

"Hi mommy, hi daddy, how are you doing today? "

Aurora said to two fancy dressed up skeletons sitting around a tea table,

"That's great I had a wonderful day too, you know tomorrow I'm going to the northern region to kill someone, the bitch who took everything away. She will be by my hands…, aren't you happy for me? "

Since the day she watched her parents die, she hadn't let them rest in peace. Dragging their lifeless body's, not letting anyone help her, she has been keeping them in her bedroom for the past eighteen years, cleaning, and even trying to feed them. She even kept them like that for two months with their routing corpses. Only when the smell of their flesh along with maggots, worms, and other insects swarming around their corpses convinced her to use a cleansing spell on them cleaning them and getting rid of all the rotting flesh only leaving the bones.

"You are, thank you so much, I knew you would… No! You're dead, and you aren't coming back… But wait, you're already here, so that means you're alive. But… No buts! You're still here with me. He-he… Why don't we eat something, I'll have the maids bring as dinner."

Aurora ordered the maids outside to bring dinner for two, they weren't confused because they knew what the princess has been doing for the past years but didn't dare question it, although they do feel pity for her. Ten minutes later Aurora brought in the dinner from the outside maid's hands,

"Why aren't you eating anything…, aren't you hungry? "

Seeing as they did not respond she got even angrier,


*Smack* *Smack*

Getting angry she slapped both the skeletons of the table and with her strength, they crashed on the wall almost breaking it,

"No! What have I done?"

*Sobbing* *Sobbing*

Sobbing the hardest she has ever, coming closer to her skeleton parents she embraced them both with genuine love in her eyes,

"I love you, mommy, and daddy! And I'm sorry…"

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