
Chapter 21

It's been one week after the battle on the bridge and both Kakashi and Zabuza were at Tazuna's house with team 7 and the yuki brothers.

Naruto and Haku were talking with each other with Sato standing next to Haku. Zabuza was watching the kids while Kakashi saw to Tazuna with Sakura and Sasuke.

Sasuke was brooding over not being able to defeat Haku even with all his training and wondering how it was that Naruto was able to defeat him instead. Then there was also Sato, the person he could not even comprehend.

Sasuke kept thinking about what happened at the end when Sato used that ice attack on the thugs and wiped them out of existence.

"Just how strong is he?" was all Sasuke could think.

Kakashi who was protecting Tazuna at the bridge, while reading his favourite orange book glanced at Sasuke and could not help but sigh. He would have to do more to get Sasuke off his power seeking path or something bad will happen.

Sakura on the other hand was still fawning over the Uchiha brooder. She was clueless to anything except her Sasuke-kun.

Kakashi sighed even more deeply while looking at her. He did not even know where to begin with her.

Zabuza was watching both Haku and Naruto. He had to admit that Naruto was one loud knuckleheaded shinobi but he was also the most unpredictable one. Secretly he was happy that Haku was able to make friends with the kid.

He knew Haku was too kind and soft hearted. Having been giving the chance to be friends with Naruto was something Haku was thankful for.

But what made Haku even more ecstatic was that he was with his otouto, Sato. To be honest even Zabuza himself could not figure out just what Sato was capable of.

Zabuza was the Kirigakure no Kijin, a Anbu level shinobi and an A ranked missing-nin, yet he was not able to gauge Sato's power. How was he able to stop Kakashi's Raikiri with just his hand? or how his Ice attack was able to decimate two hundred thugs escaped him.

Sato on the other hand did not worry about what the missing-nin was thinking about. He had a smile on his face standing next to Haku and Naruto. The mission was about to be finished and he was going to return with his ni-san to Konoha.

Then they would meet back with their mother and grandfather. It was because of his aunt that he would become a shinobi for Konoha and now he would bring them his brother as well.

Haku was an unaffiliated shinobi who was not sworn to any of the villages and Zabuza was an A-ranked missing-nin. Having both pledge to Konoha was a boost towards their power.

Konoha's Jonin level shinobi were limited because of the Kyuubi attack twelve years ago. Sato had no doubt that having Zabuza would be an asset to them when he spoke to the Hokage.

Now when they head back he was sure that Zabuza would accept the Hokage's proposal.

( Time skip couple days ).

Both Kakashi and team 7 along with Zabuza and Haku and Sato were standing before the completed bridge that connected Wave country with Konoha.

They were saying their goodbyes and were about to head out. Inari started to cry and was bickering with Naruto and the others was waving to the townspeople.

Now that they did not need to travel at civilian speeds the shinobi were quick traveling on the trees at great speed.

It wasn't long before they had to set up a camp to allow the genins to rest. Both jonin could have gone on longer and Haku who was at chunin level was still able to go on as well.

What surprised both of them however was Sato. He was traveling with them and did not seem out of breathe, in fact it seem like they were traveling to slow for him.

Soon they made camp and everyone was sitting around doing something to pass the time. Kakashi was reading his smut book. Zabuza was cleaning his blade. Sakura was trying to talk with Sasuke who was only annoyed by her.

Sato sat with Haku as the two catch up with each other. Haku wanted to know about everything. He had so many questions about his mother and Sato. Where were they?. How were they alive?. How did Sato become so strong?.

Haku wanted to know and he bombarded Sato with these questions and many others.

Naruto sat next to Haku with a smile on his face watching the siblings interact with each other. He had a thought in his mind, "Is this how siblings act?, Would I be the same if I had a brother or sister?".

Naruto didn't want to admit it but he was jealous of the siblings he was friends with. But at the same time he was happy that they were able to be together once more. Naruto wanted acceptance and Haku gave that to him. Haku saw Naruto as another otouto and Sato saw this as well.

While cleaning his blade Zabuza was certainly paying much of his attention to the yuki brothers. He as much as everyone else wanted to know more about Sato. Kakashi was no different. While he was reading his Icha Icha Paradise he was also secretly eavesdropping on the siblings as well.

( Time skip a couple days again ).

In front of them were the Konoha gates. Both Kakashi and team 7 came to the front of the gates with Zabuza and the yuki brothers.

The Anbu were already informed of Zabuza and his charge coming to the village so there was no problem at the sight of him.

Kakashi checked in at the gates with the eternal gate guards Kotetsu Hagane and Izumo Kamizuki. Two chunin level shinobi of Konoha.

"Yo, back from your mission huh?" asked Kotetsu.

"Ha!, This C-ranked mission was nothing for the future hokage, dattebayo!" yelled Naruto.

"Hn." grunted Sasuke.

"Shut up, Naruto-baka." said Sakura as she punches Naruto on the head.

"Itai, Sakura-chan" screamed Naruto while rubbing the top of his head.

"Maa, maa let us head to the hokage office to announce the completion of the mission." stated Kakashi.

Haku chuckled at the attics of team 7 while Zabuza had a bored expression on.

Sato also chuckled at Naruto. This was how he acted in the anime and now that he was able to see it first hand, he found that not much was different about him.

Kakashi also wanted to have a chat with the hokage because of the orders that were given to him by Sato. He needed answers and was also interested on the implications that this situation brought with it.

Soon they arrived before the hokage's office and Kakashi knocked on the door. Before the hokage had a chance to answer, Naruto busted through the door and shouted at the hokage.

"Jiji! I'm home!!!." shouted Naruto.

The hokage was buried behind paperwork and was very frustrated at the mountain of paper that was blocking him from seeing in front of him. He had heard a knock on the door and was about to usher the group of shinobi that he sensed into the office before the door was suddenly kicked open by his surrogate grandson.

Sarutobi was fond of the little knucklehead, the boy was just hyperactive and knew exactly when to come bursting through the door to offer him a break from his paperwork.

He got up and came to the front of his desk so he could see the occupants of his office, who step through the door behind Naruto.

Kakashi stood in front with Naruto and his team behind him. Behind them stood Zabuza and Haku with Sato standing to his left.

"Ah, Kakashi, how was the mission?" asked the old hokage.

"About that Hokage-sama...." said Kakashi.

Kakashi then went on to explain everything about the mission. He told about the Demon brothers and the mission going up in rank from rank C to rank B and then with Zabuza coming into the fray making it an A-ranked mission now.

"Also Hokage-sama, about Sato...." stated Kakashi.

"Ah, yes. Sato is an ally to the village and he came to me with a request." spoke the Hokage who glanced at Sato.

"He told me his lost brother was spotted in the Land of Wave and so he asked me for orders for him to not be harmed. He also negotiated his brother's alliance with us as well seeing as the Yuki clan has relocated to Konoha." continued Hiruzen.

"Then what about me?" spoke Zabuza for the first time in the meeting.

"Ah yes, Zabuza Momochi. A ranked missing-nin and former anbu for Kiri. The best thing for me to do with you is to send you back to Kiri." stated the Hokage.

Zabuza did not like what the Hokage just told him. He was basically sending him back to Kiri as a bounty.

"But... I have negotiated with the new Mizukage and will have you working for Konoha from now on. I see that you have taken in Haku as your student and will make sure that it remains so. However I will see to it that you have other students as well to form a three man cell team." pondered Hiruzen.

"You will be on probation for ONE month. Then you will accept your genin team and be reinstated to the rank of Jonin. Work hard Zabuza, I expect a lot from you. Dismissed!" commanded the old Hokage.

With that both Zabuza, Haku and Sato walked out the room, leaving behind Kakashi and Team 7. As they got out the door, Anbu members came and told Zabuza that his Probation month will be monitored by them.

He nodded and asked, "So will I have to be held somewhere isolated from the village?"

"No. You will be staying in a separated room in the Yuki clan grounds." spoke an Anbu member.

"Great, Zabuza-sama. Now we can still see each other." commented Haku.

Sato just looked at his Ni-san with a strange look. He wonder if his brother was attracted to the same sex. Just then a shiver run down his spine and he pushed that thought away from his head as quickly as possible.

As they walked out the office and down the dirt road towards where the yuki family were, Sato noticed something about the villagers they passed.

The women and girls on the street would glance at them every second and had a pink blush on their faces as they walked by. Everytime Sato would meet the female with his eyes the blush they sported would deepen and they would turn their gazes away quickly. This puzzled Sato for a few minutes until realization hit him.

"Oh no." spoke Sato.

"What?" asked Haku.

Zabuza was also interested. What could it be that would make Sato of all people become so petrified. Then he looked out to the villagers they were walking by and he found out.

"FANGIRLS!!!" exclaimed Sato.

"Huh?" question Haku.

Zabuza was trying his best to hold back his laughter. That would ruin his image of a hard bloodthirsty badass if he was to laugh right now.

Sato looked at his ni-san. He was still girly looking. He had his hair done up with a senbon and two bangs flowed down the side of his face.

With pink glossed lips and his small nose coupled with those big beautiful round eyes, Sato could see why the female villagers would stare at him.

If that was the case and he was an exact copy of Haku only his hair was not done up with senbon but flowing freely in the wind and it had grown long enough past his shoulders to his back then he could just imagine just how the female population would take to it when they see both brothers standing side by side walking.

Sato quickly picked up his pace with urgency. He did not want to get caught in the storm known as Fangirls.

He hurried along the way back home with Haku in tow and Zabuza behind them still trying his best not to laugh. If the corner of his lips twitching rapidly was anything to go by then he was failing miserably.

After running for a while they finally came upon a clan ground. It was not like the Uchiha's estate or the Hyuuga's nor was it like the Senju's. It was rather small and unused but this did not bother Sato. All he wanted was his family back together again.

It did not matter if he was back in his old cottage or was made to sleep in a tent out in a camp. So long as he was with his mother and now his ni-san, he did not mind it too much.

Walking into the compound, Sato lead Haku and Zabuza towards the main building where everyone was waiting for them. At the door stood two chunin shinobi from the Yuki clan that Sato saw practise back in Kirigakure. The two guards bowed and Sato nodded towards them while stepping inside.

The building was like a Ryokan with it's exterior a maple brown that glowed with the setting sun and had lanterns hanging from it's ceiling. On the inside there were more lanterns that lit the interior of building.

Sato walked in and went straight to the biggest room in the building. He knows that this is where his Grandfather the head of the clan would be waiting with the others for his return.

Walking towards the room Sato nodded his head to the maids that were busy with the restoration of the place. When he reached the room he gently slid the door open and ushered in his ni-san into the room.

Once inside he found his aunt, his uncle and lastly his mother all sitting before his grandfather.

He announced himself and everyone turned to his direction to see three people enter the room.

"I'm back and I've brought someone with me" said Sato with a big smile plastered on his face.

Haku walked into the room. The first thing he notices are the people within the room. He did not bother with the ambience nor the layout. The people here were his priority. There were four people in here and they all were looking at him.

The first he notice was the three before the person who sat in front of them. He gazed at them and notice there were two females and one male. The male he did not know. He looked at the female next to the male and also could not place her identity. But when he looked at the last person he started to tear up.

Here she was, his mother. His beautiful mother who he thought was not alive. He looked at her for a period of time and then tears fell from his eyes. Without any warning or words he rushed her embracing her in his arms. The warmth he felt ever since he was birthed, he felt once more.

The sweetest aroma he once smelt, he was able to smell again. Everything his mother was to him he was able to feel it again. Haku laid there in his mother's arms and cried. He was afraid to let go. Afraid that if he did that he would lose her again.

Scared that if he let go that she would vanish and that this would all be a dream. Haku stayed there for a very long time basking in the love of his mother without a care for anything else.

Akina looked towards the door as it opened. She was brought here for a meeting with the clan head, her father Fukushima. Together along with Iwata and Midori her older siblings. She was to wait with them in the meeting for what the clan future plans were.

As the door opened, in walked her youngest son. A bright smile was adorned on her ageless features of her face. She smiled brightly at him because he had returned from his mission and she can be with him again.

( Minor Flashback )

It had been a year and some months ago when she finally woke up from her coma. Once she was healthy again the clan had decided to relocate to Konohagakure. She was deemed healthy enough for travel and her father and ni-san was always by her side to make sure she was alright.

After relocating the very first thing she saw was her youngest boy. She was happy and glad. He was safe and that was all she could've wanted. With tears streaming down her eyes and with a joyous smile on her lips she ran and embraced Sato with the tightest hug she could.

She hugged Sato for more than an hour and did not wanted to separate. She finally held her son again.

( Flashback End )

After her youngest son had walked in, he stepped aside to let someone else in. As soon as she saw him she started tearing up once more. There he was without injury and a surprised expression on his face.

Her eldest boy. One she had thought she had lost. Gone forever like her lover. Here he was in all his glory and as she was about to open her mouth to say something, he dashes into her arms to be embraced.

No one was to break this up, no one would dare. She held him and tears fell. Another joyous smile on her face. She cradled him and petted him.

Only she could know what he was feeling at the time. Only she could show him the love he wanted now to rid the pain of what happened. They embraced each other for what seemed like an eternity.

Only it still wasn't enough. She looked towards her youngest and saw that he held a smile on his face. A proud expression. He was the one who went searching. He was the one who found him and brought him back safe. Brought him back to be family again. His family, their family.

She smiled at him and quietly mouthed "thank you" at him. They stayed there not saying a word, not moving but just enjoying the moment they had. Finally they were a family again.

Sato stood by and watched his family. This is what he fought for, what he needed to be strong for and what he would kill to protect. No one would hurt his family again. Looking at his mother he felt warmth and no one was to take this away from him.

Zabuza also stood by the side and watched on as Haku was reunited with his family once more. He swore to himself that he would give anything to protect what his foster child now holds dear to him.

He looked at Sato and saw him with a warm smile on his face and knew that nobody would be able to harm his family and he would make sure of it.

Zabuza turned and left the room.

Fukushima and the others who were sitting there also got up and left. They decided that introductions and future plans can wait. Their family needed this time to reunite and they were going to give it to them.

They all got up and silently left the room but Sato noticed and as they passed by he quietly whispered a "thank you" to them.

Sato and his family spent the rest of the day and night in this room until it was time to sleep. When they headed to bed all three of them slept in one room. Sato and Haku slept right next to their mother. ( In their own futons ofcourse. )

They slept with all three donning a contented smile on their face.

Just Finished this one today. Enjoy!

Comment. Rate and Review please.

Also If any of you are graphic designers and would like to help me with the novel cover please post a discord link so we can get in touch ty

Ezukejyllcreators' thoughts