
Chapter 3 Demon Race's Pride Has Gone?

For nearly a hundred years, the flag of the temporary headquarters of the demons had always been the pride of demon race.

This was because the place where this flag was set up would definitely be the place where lord Taurus personally led his army in a military operation, and the land that lord Taurus had stepped on would also become the territory of demon race. Under the expansion strategy of demon race, in just a hundred years, their territory had expanded by nearly two times!

Demon race were ushered in unprecedented prosperity. Not only the territory, but also the resources and the number of their vassals were also far greater than before. The growth of the labor force brought about the strengthening of the production force, which caused a change in the technology. A series of positive feedback not only brought a huge change to the society of demon race, but also caused the increasing combat effectiveness of the demon army.

Since then, the demons had stood up. They no longer had to be afraid of being bullied by other races, especially humans. Even those human brave warriors who kicked their ass would be personally dealt with by the lord. The demons were no longer the eternal villain in the legends of human brave warriors!

And all this was prompted by their great lord, whose name was Taurus!

At this moment, the flag representing the presence of the lord was erected outside a human city. Along with it was the first demon army, in which the whole demon race took pride.

The enemies have solid towering walls and extremely strong magic barriers, but our lord is in charge of it himself, so we prevail in momentum!

"Listen, all the people in the city! We are the first expedition army of the demon race! Led by our lord Taurus! You have three days to open the city gate and surrender to our lord! We can not only ensure the safety of all of you, but also ensure the equal obtainment of family benefits, such as shortened working hours, vacations and so on! Tell your king not to be ungrateful! Make haste! Open the gate!"

A military officer of the demon army, who had just finished his words at the gate of the city, returned to his camp happily. At this moment, in the temporary command center a discussion about the war was going on. Because it was lunchtime, in addition to the strategic map and several reports of the invasion plan that were spread in the center of the table, he could also see the steak, wine and other food that were prepared for each of them at the edge of the conference table.

"This group of stodgy humans! They still stick to their little dignity there. How stubborn they are! Get ready. Maybe we will have to force them into it later."

Official A, who had just finished persuading the surrender, complained. In fact, he went out just now mainly to pee. As for the two roars, they were just "improvisational performance" at the climax of his pee.

"Damn it! Force what? We should bombard the whole city with our demonic beam cannon. It was simple, efficient, powerful and convenient."

Official B responded while cutting the steak. His idea immediately suffered the disdain of all his colleagues, including A.

"Are you an idiot? If we bombard the city, everything in it will be lost. It's pure destruction! Then what's the point of our invasion!"

"That's right! Let's think about how to take over the city as soon as possible?"

"Maybe we could just find a reason to let our lord do it. With our lord's powerful strength to make the city gate open, wouldn't it be convenient for us to attack the city?"

Official C suddenly spoke, and his idea immediately attracted the praise of his colleagues.

"You're right! It's the most convenient to let our lord do it. By the way, where's our lord? Why did he disappear after I peed?"

They looked around and didn't see their lord, which confused the officials. They didn't know what to say until someone pointed out that the lord was talking to himself by the lake.

Their lord had a secret, which was, he was very familiar with the "twelve natural disasters". Occasionally, he would communicate with them through the long-distance magic communication like now. Perhaps this was also something great about their lord? In this world, there were not many people who dared to have anything to do with the "twelve natural disasters".

For example, the "Calamity Silver Lion", who often came to the demon city for meals, had frightened the demon city from head to toe at the beginning. Even when the brave warriors broke in, they had never made such a noise. At that time, everyone thought that a disaster was approaching, but no one had expected that the "Calamity Silver Lion" only left quietly after licking the meals sent by their lord…

In the end, nothing happened.

Gradually, they became accustomed to that. When they no longer felt panic because of the arrival of the "Calamity Silver Lion", the demons discovered that they were already numb. Perhaps there would be nothing in the world that could panic them again.

Thanks to the "spirit trial" given to them by the lord.

However, it was a pity that they didn't know that their lord was participating in an "emergency family meeting".

"Hello, hello? Is everyone here? Is there someone absent?" Said Taurus.

Gemini (sister): "My brother is busy now. I can do this for him. No one absent now?"

"Scorpio and Pisces are not connected. The concentration of demonic energy in their location is a little abnormal. It's not in the same channel with us." Said Virgo.

"Ok, let's not wait for them! Lina talked about an important thing with me in private a few days ago! Dad... No, our master climbed out of the grave and asked Lina to pick him up." Said Taurus.

All constellations: "!"

"The time for balance is up! Anyway, I have been on guard for the past five hundred years. I'm not afraid that my master will come out to check. Brothers and sisters, take care of yourselves." Said Libra.

"The last thing our master want is to destroy the balance of the world. Now let's calculate it carefully…Taurus led the demon race to expand their territory, aiming to dominate the world…"

"Humph! It's unnecessary to calculate our bad deeds. Most of us gathered here now are innocent…" Said Taurus.

"Me!!! I'm innocent! Of all the brothers and sisters, I am the best!" Said Libra.

"Shut up! Libra! If you don't want to be kicked out of the group, just stay quietly." Said Taurus.

"Waah... Waah... Sister Aquarius, Brother Taurus is bullying me again!" Said Libra.

"What??? Who dared to bully my brother? What a Taurus! You have done something that will upset our master, but you still vent your anger on us. You should bear the responsibility for what you have done!" Said Aquarius.

"No! I didn't mean that. I just…"

"Hmm! Everyone, please stop for a moment. I'm going to tell you something as now I'm temporarily separated from our master. Our master wants me to go find Taurus first. In short, I'll try my best to stall for time. I hope Brother Taurus can help me during this period…" Said Leo.

Taurus: "Fuck! I'm the first one to be found!? Brothers and sisters, I will run away first. If I can get through this, I swear I will propose to Aquarius!"

Aquarius: "What??? Fuck off! I won't answer it!"

Libra: "Sister Aquarius, he has already run away."

Aquarius: "Humph! He ran so fast! Now that we have noticed that our master doesn't seem to know much about what we did in the past five hundred years, so no one is allowed to reveal the information of other brothers and sisters if he or she is caught!" Said Aquarius.