
Immortal Alchemist: Bound Cultivation

Mikael, in his retirement, dedicates his time to studying abandoned traditional medicines. Some of his experiments prove successful, resulting in potent medications with the ability to cure various diseases. Delving deeper into an ancient mixture, Mikael tragically met his demise while tasting his own concoction. The wish of an alchemist, poised to make a significant impact on others, came to an unfortunate end. However, he had one more chance when he found himself waking up from his bed. [Immortal Alchemist Cultivation System installed.] [Welcome back to life!] [Here, your unfulfilled wishes will come true!] [Each elixir you create will be linked to the consumer, doubling your strength as they grow stronger!] Mikael was stunned in astonishment as he still did not understand what had happened to him. But, like it or not, he had to adapt to a world where cultivation existed and various creatures were lurking at every corner of the realm. ••• Note: Not for under 18! Contains dual cultivation, an act of sexual assault, an attractive older woman, unlawful relationships between close relatives, and no NTR!

Kiverance · Oriental
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60 Chs

Potion Brewer

"Isn't this a basic skill?" he assumed, cleaning some dirt that was still stuck to the red rhizome.

[You have a Mission!]

[Preparing the Ingredients:

Mix all the elements into the cauldron.


Profession EXP: 250

Skill Unlocked: Potion Brewer (1/3)]

"Oh, wonderful! Another mission!" Zhihao sarcastically remarked as he put the components into the basket. "But it's beneficial for me though."

He was about to return to the village when he noticed something in the sky from the north. "Guess it will rain," he muttered, gazing at the thunderous clouds. "Better to come back home sooner."

As the dark clouds approached Twinhill, the wind grew stronger. Some residents hurried indoors, while others seemed unconcerned. The merchants had already set up small shelters of wood and waterproof fabric.

The thunderous roar sounded loud and several flashes appeared to scare away some children who were still outside, forced to enter their house after the water came down heavily. Zhihao, who had arrived at the entrance village, complained, "Ah damn it! I'm late!" He braved the rain.

Soaking wet, the man with messy hair, quickly took shelter on his house's porch, put down his belongings, and took off his outerwear. "So cold, so cold!" he rubbed his hands together and looked at the once bright sky, which became dark.

He shivered and muttered, "Need to warm up!" He didn't want to wet the room with his dripping clothes, so he quickly found the bathroom and went in.

The sound of rain on the roof filled the house, a chill ran through the air forcing Zhihao to wear a thick cloth as he was pouring water into the cauldron, preparing to make an elixir. He who had been familiar with alchemy in his earlier life, knew what he was doing.

Fortunately, the bottles were organized and classified into different classes for easy use, reflecting Mikael who could be said to be a perfectionist. With that, he mixes the bottled mixture into the cauldron while waiting for it to boil.

"Okay, now, it's time for the experiment!" Zhihao took his sack and basket and began to mash the hibiscus in the mortal.

"So, right," he spoke, watching the ingredients carefully. "Could I taste it to know the effects?"

Without hesitation, he had a taste of the crushed hibiscus and swallowed it while drinking the prepared water. His complexion was suddenly bleak and wrinkled, it was expected and despite knowing this, he still could not resist the bitter taste.

[Yellow Hibiscus Effects:


Lower Blood Pressure



"Headache? I've had a headache ever since I came back to life here," Zhihao tried to compose himself, turning to his surroundings to look for something. "Alright, next, where is the knife?"

The two emerald eyes caught the sharp object squeezed between spoons, picked it up quickly then sliced through the skin of the collected red gingers. He meticulously cut them into several slices.

"Well, who knows what the cons of these things might be, but..." he faltered as he became unsure about the impacts. "Screw it! I'm too curious about that!"

[Red Ginger Effects:


Boost Metabolism



"Great! What a combo!" A burning sensation suddenly filled his mouth and his stomach. "Still, the cons will appear when I eat too much right?"

After that, he added all the ingredients to the simmering cauldron, generating the popping sound of bubbles. The froth accumulated, obscuring the fluid inside with its increasing volume.

"Woah, never thought the aroma would be so vital like this!" Zhihao's hand moved as if exerting the vapor onto his nose.

[Mix all the elements into the cauldron.]

[Mission Completed!


Profession EXP: 250

Skill Acquired: Potion Brewer (1/3)

Benefits: (Have the chance to strengthen the effect) Increase the success in making the potion.]

"Now that's interesting," he mumbled, touching his chin like he was in deep contemplation. "There is a fail, of course, but strengthening the effect one is something else. I wonder what percentage it might reach."

After waiting for a few minutes, he carefully scooped the thick white liquid into an ancient simple sieve. Until the final creation leaked into the transparent bottle below, creating an elixir.

"Alright, it succeeded!" Zhihao who was still not satisfied, looked for a ceramic cup and flowed a little into it. "If I died from this, so be it."

He hesitated for a moment then exclaimed, "Nah, I'd be fine." The dark-haired man sipped it, feeling a warm sensation in his throat. "Ow, it's not bad."

He played with his lips, trying to deepen his sense of taste. "A little sour but still acceptable to the tongue."

He strode indecisively, still recapitulating the elixir. "Well, I think it's suitable for this cold condition because somehow, my body is heated." He let out a short chuckle. "The system knows what will happen, eh?"

Extinguishing the fire beneath the cauldron, he made his way to the front of the room, observing the increasingly heavy raindrops cascading down the windows. "It would be long rain," he hissed, sipping his brew.

However, shortly after that, he was startled by the appearance of an individual who seemed to want to take shelter on his veranda, seemingly embracing her own body in the cold. Dismissing any doubts, he quickly left the house and she turned to him with wide eyes.

"You fine?" Zhihao noticed the woman from bottom to top, wearing a loose-fitting white suit, and wide trousers of the same color. The dampened fabric accentuated her buxom shape, especially on her chest where her blue underwear was faintly visible.

Not replying, she looked down still shivering because of the cold. "Thank you for the shelter," she stuttered, her red rose lips trembling.

"You seem not okay at all," Zhihao approached her but the tanned-haired woman tied in a topknot turned her face away, embarrassed. "Please come inside, I have an elixir to make you feel better."

The woman hesitated to look at him, but their eyes met for a moment. She had beautiful brownish irises, twinkling as they reflected the light. "No, it's alright, I'll wait until the rain stops."

"You sure about that?" He tried to reassure her. "I don't have any harm intention or anything toward you. Besides, you can warm yourself inside."

She scrutinized the dark cloud that still lingers above, various thunders emerging with terrific sounds that deafened the ears and heart. With consideration, she pivoted to face him. "Sorry for bothering you."

With a slight smile, Zhihao opened his front door, "Come on in."