
Immortal Across the Multiverse

"I once was human, but now I stand as the shield of humanity against threats from both within and out. Not a single soul shall perish in vain under my watch." - James Newitt A man destined to shake the very foundations of the multiverse, ushering in an era of peace, order, and security for his new Empire.

Cadet1220 · Autres
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11 Chs

My First Action

A couple of days had passed since Jek became my shadow. We started small – a repeat beatdown of those eight goons who jumped Jek (not that the loot was a bad incentive, ahem). Apparently, those thugs belonged to a "Big Brother" who came to "teach us a lesson."

Imagine my surprise when this "Big Brother" wasn't a muscle-bound hulk, but a short, rotund fellow with surprisingly luscious blonde hair. Laughter bubbled up at first, but it died in my throat when he effortlessly blocked my punch and followed up with a well-placed kick that sent me flying into a wall.

Thankfully, that was the only hit I took in that fight. Afterward, I switched tactics, disarmed him with a smile, and proceeded to thoroughly pummel him and his "little brother" while Jek relieved them of their valuables (standard business procedure by now).

With the defeated goons whimpering at my feet, I used a little coercion to convince the "Big Brother" to spill the beans on the city's political landscape. So, here's what I gleaned:

The Gangs:

Fox Gang - led by a man named Meinko

Snake Gang - led by a woman named Hiny (interesting)

Dragon Clan - led by Usio, an old man who's vanished from public view lately.

The Dragon Clan: Initially, the cool name had me considering joining them, but after learning these buffoons belonged to the declining Dragon Clan whose power crumbled with their leader's disappearance? Yeah, no thanks. Apparently, other factions are circling, waiting to devour the Dragon Clan's scraps if news of Usio's demise becomes official.

The Governor: This tyrant runs the city with an iron fist, his corruption as blatant as the lavish parties he throws every week.

Military:Tightly sealed off from outsiders, no surprise there.

The Planet: Goru-Prime. I vaguely recall reading about Mukaali on this planet in some wiki, but didn't think much of it then, as the Big bro said that this planet is located on Segmentum Tempestus.

Jek, bless his ever-inquisitive mind, had been diligently taking notes during my interrogation. Now, with this intel in hand, it was time to strategize. How could we, a fledgling duo in this cutthroat city, carve out a niche for ourselves?.


"Is that all?" I asked the now unrecognizable face of the 'Big Brother.' "Yes, there's nothing else I know," he stammered.

"Alright then," I said, a smile creeping across my face as I rose from my crouch. "Did you get all of that, Jek?" I turned my head to Jek, who was diligently scribbling information in his notebook.

At first, I intended to ask Jek about this world's details. Unfortunately, even Jek, a fifteen-year-old orphan, didn't possess much knowledge about this planet.

"Yes, Sir," Jek confirmed, glancing up from the small notebook I'd 'borrowed' from one of the eight imbeciles earlier.

Turning back to the eight 'Little Brothers' and their stammering 'Big Brother,' I banished my smile. "May the Emperor's light bless you," I said with a finality, then turned and strode out of the dark alley, as Jek followed closely behind me.

Emerging from the dark alley, the alien sun of this planet slammed into my face. Escape. That was the singular desire burning in my gut. This whole damn planet. Glancing left and right, I opted for the less-traveled path. Today was sluggish, devoid of any significant events (at least, not according to my meticulous plan).

Jek, ever the faithful companion, tucked his scavenged notebook away as we walked. "Sir," he began, his voice barely a murmur, "what's the next move?"

Silence stretched for a beat, thick and heavy. Finally, I came to a stop, pivoting to face him. A grin, genuine and wide, stretched across my face. Locking eyes with him, I lowered my voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Jek, my boy," I began, "we're going to start a revolution." The weight of my words hung heavy in the deserted path, a stark contrast to the bustling avenues we'd just avoided.

"Sir?" Jek stammered, his eyes wide with a mixture of fear and excitement. "Are you sure about this?"

I met his gaze with a manic grin, my voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Absolutely," I hissed. "It's what the Emperor wants, isn't it?"

A flicker of doubt crossed Jek's face for a brief moment. We both knew the Emperor wouldn't endorse sparking a rebellion within his own Imperium. But maybe that was the point. A tiny voice in the back of my head, the one I desperately tried to ignore, whispered that I might have gone rogue.

Swallowing the doubt, I pressed on. "This is for the betterment of humanity, Jek. Now, what do you say? Are you in?".

Silence as Jek look taken back for a moment then he Open his mouth "I'm in sir" hearing that my smile just grow larger.

With a manic grin, I resumed walking, humming a jaunty tune. First, the Fox gang, then the Snakes. Once they're on our side, or crushed beneath our feet, we'll sow discontent throughout the city. A flawless plan, I mused, erupting into a villainous cackle. Jek trailed behind me, his face etched with worry.

Just a few minutes later, the unmistakable sounds of a brawl reached our ears from a few blocks ahead. Naturally, I quickened my pace to a power walk and arrived at the scene to find a skirmish between three individuals sporting Snake tattoos and five with Fox emblems on their cheeks.

"How unimaginative," I scoffed, disappointed by their lack of gang attire. "Shouldn't they be sporting their animal colors or something?" Instead, they were merely ordinary thugs throwing punches.

Disregarding the onlookers, I strode towards the brawl, a single-minded purpose fueling my steps. Reaching the heart of the conflict, I unleashed a devastating blow to a Snake-tattooed thug.

His body crumpled to the ground, the impact sending tremors through the cracked pavement. Silence descended like a shroud as the others gaped in stunned disbelief.

A satisfied smirk played on my lips, savoring the raw power coursing through me – this "lion strength" held undeniable appeal.

Eyes darting between the remaining Snakes and the seemingly neutral Fox gang, I recognized an opportunity. The Foxes held back, wary of my sudden intervention. With a predatory grin, I pivoted towards the two remaining Snakes, their confusion morphing into panicked aggression as they charged. Their attacks were a clumsy display compared to my enhanced agility. Moving with the grace of a panther, I dodged their swings with ease, before delivering swift, decisive blows that sent them both sprawling unconscious.

Brushing the dust off my hands, I turned to the remaining Fox gang members, who were frozen in apprehension. A wide smile stretched across my face, sending shivers down their spines (perhaps my smile truly was unsettling). Nonchalantly, I deactivated the grin and approached them with measured steps. The Foxes tensed, adopting a defensive stance.

"Relax," I reassured them, my voice calm. "I have no intention of violence. I'm here to propose a change for the city's benefit."

The gang members exchanged nervous glances, worry etched on their faces.

"To achieve this change," I continued, "I need to meet your leader. What was his name again...?" Feigning forgetfulness masked the fact that I never knew it in the first place.

"Meinko, sir," Jek helpfully supplied from behind me.

"Ah, yes, Meinko! Thank you, Jek," I acknowledged, turning back to the gang. A hint of a smile played on my lips once more, but this time, it seemed less menacing as the leader of the Foxes, visibly relieved, relaxed his posture.

"What do you want with, boss?" he inquired, his voice laced with apprehension.

"An alliance," I declared, a confident smile returning to my face. Whether they found it reassuring or further unsettling remained to be seen. The leader hesitated for a moment, then glanced back at his comrades before nodding curtly.

"Follow us," he instructed, leading the way with his men flanking us – me in front, Jek by my side.

Our walk continued for several blocks before we reached our destination. It was a building that reeked of a brothel. Scantily clad women, some flirting with men, others engaged with women who bore more resemblance to burly laborers than any man I knew back on Earth (including, ahem, Jack), lined the entrance.

The air inside was thick with a repugnant cocktail of sweat, blood (or was that something else?), and a variety of...unsavory scents best left undescribed. The leader ushered us past the throngs of patrons, some locked in passionate embraces, others disappearing into dimly lit rooms. Finally, we arrived at a chamber where a man sprawled on a plush couch, surrounded by four women playfully vying for his attention.

Our guide stopped before a man sprawled on a plush couch, luxuriating in the company of four scantily clad women who fawned over him. The leader leaned in, whispering something into the man's ear.

The man, presumably Meinko, finally tore his gaze from the women to scrutinize us with an arrogant stare. "So, you seek an alliance?" he drawled, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes.

My smile widened, a touch too predatory perhaps, causing the women to flinch back. Meinko's confident expression faltered, replaced by a frown. But before I could decipher the shift, a blur of red materialized in front of me.

(Super speed, huh?) I barely suppressed a flinch as our eyes locked. We were about the same height, both hovering around 171 cm (or 5'8 ft for the Americans in the audience, hey, it's not that short!). Despite the chaotic situation, I couldn't help but appreciate Meinko's striking appearance – fiery red hair contrasting sharply with his black eyes, the whole ensemble completed by a flashy red suit.

"What's the problem, 'Boss'?" I said with a mocking lilt, the tension crackling in the air. Meinko's gaze burned with barely concealed bloodlust. Just then, Jek, ever alert, reacted with lightning speed, whipping out the lasgun he'd cleverly hidden on his person. Their security seemed more like misplaced confidence than actual caution.

Meinko remained silent, a chilling prelude to the action unfolding behind us. Thirteen Fox gang members materialized, armed and aiming directly at Jek and me. A cruel smirk played on Meinko's lips as he spoke, his voice dripping with condescension, "Looks like you're surrounded, boy."

Despite the dire situation, my smile remained fixed. This wasn't ideal, but perhaps a little chaos wouldn't hurt. Reaching out with my mind, I silently interfaced with my internal system.

'System,' I commanded mentally, 'show me my current credit.'

A response materialized in the corner of my vision:

[Credit: 1250]

Perfect. Just enough for what I needed.

'Do you have any speed power I could buy?' I queried further.

Another response flickered:

[Cheetah speed (Tier 2): 1.200 credit]

'Buy it,' I instructed without hesitation.

Confirmation flashed before my eyes:

[Purchase confirmed]

A surge of exhilaration coursed through me. A humorless chuckle escaped my lips, the tension in the room thick enough to choke on. "All I'm surrounded by is fear," I announced, my voice laced with a dangerous edge, "and dead men."

The air crackled with anticipation as the four women, sensing the impending storm, fled the room in a flurry of panicked movement.

With a burst of newfound speed, I became a blur of motion. In the blink of an eye, I was among the thirteen Fox gang members, disarming them with a series of lightning-fast strikes. Their weapons clattered harmlessly to the floor as groans of surprise erupted from the stunned men. Jek, ever vigilant, kept his lasgun trained on Meinko.

The leader's amusement was evident in the widening of his lips. He didn't rise from the plush comfort of the sofa but gestured to the guide who had brought us in. "Fetch something stronger for our...guests," Meinko drawled, his voice laced with a hint of newfound respect.

Seizing the opportunity, I strode back to Meinko, a cocky grin plastered on my face. "Now that the air has cleared," I declared, "wouldn't it be hospitable to offer your guests a seat?"

Without a word, Meinko reached behind him and flung a wooden chair in my direction. With reflexes honed by my recent upgrade, I effortlessly caught it one-handed. A surge of satisfaction coursed through me – maybe there was a benefit to this whole situation after all.

Planting myself confidently in the chair, Jek standing beside me, I surveyed the room. The pungent aroma was undeniable – a sickening mix of sweat, stale alcohol, and something far more disturbing that hinted at practices better left unmentioned. A grimace contorted my face as I met Meinko's gaze. "Look," I began, my voice taking on a hard edge, "this place reeks like..." I hesitated, searching for the most appropriate (and printable) way to phrase my observation.