
immoral path (dropped)

¡¡¡Important!!!!! My first language is not English First world: Naruto Tag: Harem, Incest, Romance, Incest. BlackMail, Manipulator Chaotic protagonist, he will do anything to be stronger, and to get women, including rape, blackmail, and other methods. Generally, he is a scum of character. who only cares about himself and his women, perhaps the method of getting them is not the best, but even so, he will think of her, not all of them will receive that treatment at the beginning. He matures over time and understands their importance to him. If you don't like it, don't read. Traveling around the world of Naruto, to collect money and buy points from his system. No R-18 scenes.

Reykingtercero · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs

Chapter 13

The rain fell relentlessly on the ninja camp, creating a curtain of water that made visibility difficult. Several shinobi, in sodden cloaks, kept a watchful eye on the surroundings, preventing intruders from wreaking havoc.

In the dark and the rain, Yor slipped silently through the trees. His red eyes glowed with the intensity of his sharingan, using a pair of military binoculars, allowing him to see past the rain and sense any movement in the camp.

After hours of patient waiting, Yor had meticulously memorized the routine of each watch. He knew their patterns, their break times, and their blind spots. His almost photographic mind, combined with the power of his sharingan, gave him an unparalleled strategic advantage.

Meanwhile, back at the camp, Tsunade fidgeted to and fro, leaving deep footprints in the sodden ground. Anguish and uncertainty were reflected in her face, her eyes reflected the determination and despair of finding her loved one.

Two days ago she found out that the team where her boyfriend was going was ambushed; only corpses were left rotting in the open.

Her only consolation was that her boyfriend's body had not been found, indicating that he should still be alive.

They won't kill you until they've stolen all your information.

She knew her boyfriend and knew that he was loyal to Konoha, and she would never reveal any information.

That would give her several days of torture, but she at least she would be alive. During these two days, she has sent several teams of ninjas after her tracks; unfortunately, she did not find a single clue.

If she wasn't her because she was the commander of the camp, she needed to deal with the poison of the Sunagakure puppeteers and Hanzo the salamander, she already would have run to find her lover.

Just thinking about losing the man she loved, she cried with fear and anguish.

Tsunade couldn't help but think of the potential torments her boyfriend faced. He imagined the ninja's brutal methods of torture and interrogation but clung to the belief that his beloved was strong and loyal to Konoha. She was sure that she would never reveal any valuable information, even under torture.

That fact would give him several days to live, they would not kill him until they got what they want, or until they see that torture is useless and they are just wasting time.

"I can't stay still... I have to do something," Tsunade thought.

She took a deep breath, calming her growing anxiety. She could not make irrational decisions that cost the lives of her compatriots.

Konoha was important. If she left her, she would lose hundreds of ninjas due to poison and injuries that ordinary medical ninjas couldn't heal.

If she wasn't for Kato Dan, a Jōnin information gathering specialist with very useful ninjutsu.

No one would send ninja squads to look for him. If she were a mere genin, she'd be left for dead and he's done.

However, that was not enough for her, her heart would not leave her alone, torturing her and forcing her to seek answers. She didn't know how long this situation would last until she received bad news.

she sighed. "Perhaps… I could take a day off. The war is in a state of false peace, no one should attack…"

Tsunade made excuses to herself, though weak, they worked slowly.

She left her tent and hurriedly walked towards the medical division. If she was going to make a decision, she had to see how the rest of the place was doing and make as rational a decision as possible.

Once inside, he found that everything was in order. There were not as many wounded as at the beginning. As she watched, a medical nin approached her.

-Master Tsunade.

-Miko, how is everything?

-Well teacher, we have less and less wounded, and the war seems attenuated. Her fight against Hanzo managed to deter the rest of the ninja villages.

Tsunade nodded. After almost dying at the hands of Hanzo, the salamander, she was called Sannin, a title she did not hold dear, instead, it was a mockery of her pride.

She almost preferred to die at that moment, however, dying is the end and it would be of no use. It's better to swallow her pride and move on, especially when she had someone waiting for her at home.

The battle with Hanzo was very complicated. Although they managed to damage her, she was far from being able to defeat him. In the end, Hanzo ended up forgiving them, even though she could have killed them. Who knows why she did it.

Tsunade hated losing. She has always been proud and arrogant, raised as a princess since she was born.

It would be weird if she wasn't. Maybe in the future, she will mature, but for now, she is still very young, she is only 25 years old.

Damn Hanzo! Once I see him again, I'm going to beat the crap out of that bastard. Hmph! But first, I better focus on Dan. I don't want to lose him, I don't want to repeat my story with Nawaki.

"It's good to know, I have a business to attend to, nobody bothers unless it's an emergency."

"Yes, teacher Tsunade."

Tsunade did not go to her camp, instead, she went in search of the second in command, Shikaku Nara, a very intelligent young man at her young age. The Nara clan is renowned for its great intelligence.


"Master Tsunade, how can I help you?"

I need to go to the place.

It seemed like a question, but she knew it was an order she couldn't refuse, although she wouldn't either since there weren't any big risks for now and she could afford to miss a day or two.

"Prepare two people to guide her..."

"There's no need. It will be faster if I go alone." Tsunade interrupted.

"It is not a good idea. For your safety, it is better to send two perception ninjas."

Tsunade didn't refuse and accepted. It would be easier to find the place if someone who knew the area accompanied her.

She knew that she would not find anything, since several ninjas who were experts in the subject had gone through the place and found no trace. She did it to find peace of mind and to know that she was doing something for her loved one, instead of just sitting around doing nothing.

Thirty minutes later.

Tsunade left with two shinobi, an 18-year-old girl from the Hyūga clan and a 20-year-old man from the Inuzuka clan.

Elsewhere, Yor waited 10 minutes before going after her target. She knew the Hyūga clan and it wouldn't be good if they found out so quickly. She had to wait for her to get far enough away from the camp and prevent reinforcements from arriving in case of a battle. Although she trusted in her strength, she was someone who avoided any mistake that would jeopardize her mission.

3 hours passed and Yor was ready to deliver the big hit. They were already far from the camp and no Konoha ninja were patrolling the place.

"Master Tsunade, we are 8 hours from the objective."

"Okay, let's pick up the pace. We cannot stop, we must return within a day."

Both shinobi nodded and quickened their pace. Tsunade had a bad feeling and stopped dead next to her companions.

"Byakugan activated."

The girl named Kasumi activated her white eyes and looked around her. When she looked behind her, she could feel a very powerful and sinister presence. It was unbelievable that she had not been able to detect it until she was within 50 meters of her position.

50 meters that were reduced to 0 when she saw how a shadow passed by her partner and stabbed him in the head.

It was an instant kill, she couldn't even see it.

Tsunade didn't stay still. She grabbed Kasumi's shoulder and threw her back. He was just a nuisance, the upcoming battle was not something a low-ranked ninja could participate in.

"Run and ask for help, don't stop."

Kasumi was obedient. He couldn't be of any help and would just be dead weight for Tsunade to save.

Yor let her go. Even if she ran for four hours, it would be easy to catch up with her. It was impossible for her to escape from her. Furthermore, the battle would not last even 10 minutes.

"Who are you?"

Tsunade didn't look away. His opponent's speed was not easy to counter. If not for his good reflexes and instincts, he would have lost both of his companions.

"Hey, it doesn't matter if you're mute. When I crush your body, you will speak."

Tsunade flexed her knuckles at him, preparing to attack. Although he wanted to get useful information, the woman in front of her was very beautiful. He had never seen her before and she wasn't wearing a ninja headband, so he couldn't identify which village she was from.

Yor said nothing, he took the letter from her chest and threw it like a shuriken at Tsunade.

Tsunade stepped back, allowing the letter to fall to the ground. He didn't trust the girl in front of her; her instincts warned her that she was more dangerous than Hanzo, the Salamander.

Yor looked at her gently and said: "open it"

"Hmph, do you think I'm an idiot? Who knows if it's a booby trap" Tsunade replied suspiciously.

"You're right, I'll open it for you" Yor agreed.

Yor bent down, took the letter, and let Kato Dan's silver hair spread over it.

Tsunade's eyes widened and his chest tightened.

"You...!" Tsunade yelled, unable to complete the sentence.

"Yes, if you want to know what happened to your lover, you must follow me, or she will die," Yor stated with a sinister smile.

Tsunade didn't respond, she threw a punch straight at Yor's face.

Yor leaned to the side, avoiding the blow, and countered with a straight hook to Tsunade's kidney. He couldn't help it.

Tsunade walked away numb. Yor's blows were as strong as his own, superior even. She swallowed and began to calm down. Attacking in a state of rage would only make it easier to break through her defenses.

"Tch, it won't happen again. Even though it was your mistake as well, you could have ended the battle right then. There won't be another chance," Tsunade said determinedly.

Yor shrugged. He couldn't kill Tsunade; knocking her unconscious would be enough.

"Are you sure you don't want to come voluntarily?" Yor asked.

"You'll have to make me" Tsunade replied defiantly.

Yor said no more, they went straight into fists. Chakra bursts and the sound of impacts echoed throughout the forest. Each blow seemed capable of snapping trees like twigs.

Tsunade was in pain. She looked like she was hitting steel and every hit left bruises and immense pain.

However, that would not stop her. She had to find answers and she wanted to get her loved one back.

"Tell me where she is!" Tsunade exclaimed, determined to beat the information out if she had to.

"Follow me and you will know"


Using chakra in her fists, Tsunade generated waves of air with each exchange. Yor was agile, dodging easily, and when she couldn't, she blocked the blows.

The forest was left in a mess, with large craters witnessing the brute force of both women.

Being an assassin, Yor used her agility and her speed to get behind Tsunade and strike her in the back of the knee, forcing her to her knees. Yor did not stop and delivered a well-aimed blow to her neck.

White smoke erupted, leaving only a log in its place. Jutsu: Substitution.

Yor had to admit that Shinobi had good escape techniques, and since he didn't have much experience fighting one, Tsunade managed to escape due to his carelessness. He couldn't see when he performed the seals.

"You're good, but here it ends," Tsunade stated.

Tsunade jumped out of the air and delivered a strong kick towards Yor's head. She managed to defend herself by raising both arms.

With Tsunade's tremendous strength, a large and deep crater was created. Yor withstood the blow, though not without complications; one of his arms was seriously injured.

Tsunade clucked and backed away. It seemed that winning with that kick would not be so easy.

"Tough girl huh!" Tsunade commented.

"Hmm, I think I got careless. It's time to put an end to this. It's been ten minutes," Yor stated.

Both recognized the power of the other, despite being enemies. Like brave women, they looked into each other's eyes, appreciating each other's bravery and skill.

Although that astonishment was overcome by Yor's next action.

"Sharingan," Tsunade exclaimed, surprised to see a familiar pattern in Yor's eyes. She never imagined that her enemy would be someone from Konoha, let alone an Uchiha.

Although she didn't like the Uchiha, she never expected to be betrayed by a woman from her own town.

"Why, aren't you from Konoha? Like Uchiha, aren't you ashamed of being a traitor?" Tsunade questioned, she never expected another Uchiha to betray the village, the last one to do so was Madara.

Yor did not explain further. She now she would use all her strength, with the two tomoe activated, everything seemed easier and more fluid. She lunged forward and attacked Tsunade.

The blonde gritted her teeth, feeling a deep hatred towards Yor, despite her admiration for her strength. Apparently, her grandfather was right, the Uchiha were evil by nature.

It didn't take long for Yor to surpass Tsunade. Each of her attacks was precise and impossible to avoid.

Broken nose, several fractured ribs, a shattered eye, bruised legs. After another 10 minutes of one-sided fighting, Tsunade was almost naked with her breasts exposed, breasts that are a miracle of nature.

Any man would pay to see such a spectacle, yes, we should get all the blood they have on her.

To this date, she had not yet developed her ninja art of hers: Rebirth Creation.

"Ha, ha, ha, you are... strong... I admit it" Tsunade said panting, giving a grudging smile.

Yor agreed. Although she didn't come out of the battle unscathed, she was in better condition than Tsunade. She had no broken bones, only superficial cuts and bruises.

"It's the end," Yor stated.

Tsunade witnessed a black blur pass by her before she felt a blow to her neck, knocking her unconscious.

Yor carried her over her shoulder and entered through a dimensional portal. The rest was left to Izumo. What happened to the blonde woman was no longer her problem.

She still had to capture the girl, to finish her mission.