
Chapter One

I have never believed in anything magical, for instance eight years ago when I was 7, I woke up one christmas night and creeped down the stairs wondering who was making a racket , only to see my dad placing presents under the tree, sloppily dressed in a red beanie and wrapped in a red furry blanket.

I found books where people gained powers to do incredible things like pick up a car or fly through the air or turn invisible really cliché.

I would of continued to stay this way, with a dead imagination and boring life style, but something happened that changed my life and view of reality. Something that took me by surprise.


I blinked open my eyes, and shifted my body that layed on a matress - of some sort. A curtain is surrounding me. Maybe I've been kidnapped? This place doesn't look familiar to me. I slowly breath out and bite my lip from making a sound from the agony of moving my self upright.

"Patient number 14 is awake" A young lady peered from behind the curtain. Oh! A hospital? /"Poor thing, I'm not sure if her mother will make it..."/

What? Did she just - Her mouth wasn't moving. I raise an eyebrow at her, but a second later she shakes her head and tsk's herself away. Nonononono, I'm going insane.

The lady came back, a tall figure beside her. "Hey dad" I said "where's mum, is she alright?" I rip off the wierd strings attatched to me and my hand, and hop out of the bed.

/"I'm sorry sweetie, but for your sake I must keep the truth sealed"/

"hmm?" I could've sworn I heard him talk

"She is alright, it will take her a while to recover though, so let's head back home." I could see his forced smile, painfully red eyes, and red nose. This indicated the third tell that mum was not okay.

I clamped my fist and pointed my finger at him. "Liar! I am 15 years old, dad! 15! Yet you're still trying to hide things from me? You can't even hide the fact that you always put your secret chocolate stash under the couch!"

I stormed out, not because of my frustration of my dad lying to me, but of the fact of what I had heard once I exposed him.

/"I know. I wish I were a better parent"

Where will I even go? I don't know where I am. I sniffled and wiped my eyes on the way to the waiting room. I still don't remember what happened, but apparently I think I can hear extra voices for some reason, revealing the truth, is this the same with everyone?

I inhale the bleachy hospital smell while my eyes scan in search for a victim.

/"These hospital bills are getting more expensive by the second."/ An old lady with a bright pink handbag looked in my direction /"What is that brat looking at huh you think-"/

/"I hope uncle Joey is otay"/ I smile warmly at a five year old boy, wishing I could comfort him by hugging him and saying that everything will be alright, your uncle Joey will be fine.

"Alli" I spot dad entering the waiting room. What took him so long? Was it my fault? I jump up "Let's go"