
Im Marceline from Adventure Time?

One day a lucky human from our world gets reincarnated into a not-so-lucky situation. Reincarnated as Marceline the Vampire Queen right after she meets Simon Petrikov, watch as she struggles to cope with her new identity in a land unknown to her. *Basically MC becomes Marcy, will be F/F romance later on, Fionna and Cake inspired me to write this, finally dont expect much. Also I don't own any images I use.*

GaZe_Zero · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Soul Sucking Extraordinaire

(Few day time skip)

'Big day Marcy' I thought while drying my hair from the shower that I just took. 

I would say it was weird, to be a girl, to be half-demon, or even to be in Hell, but it isn't. I have grown used to everything, even with my other set of memories causing difficulties now and then.

Looking at myself in the mirror I began to brush the thick black hair that I have to put up with daily. I normally try to cut my hair so it doesn't go past my shoulders, so luckily I don't have to deal with too much.

Right now I am tying my hair back into a long braided ponytail, while having two side bangs that went past my hair, framing my face. 

My long, almost elvish ears pushed through my hair no matter what, so I normally just worked my hair around it. 

Besides my sorta long black fluffy hair, I began to wash my face. My skin isn't what you would call pale, but more of a grayish-blue color. Most people can't notice a thing and assume I am just pale, but in reality, I am not.

Drying my face off with a nearby towel I looked at myself in the mirror. Covered in an oversized white fluffy bathrobe anyone could tell I must've just got out of a shower.

'I really have changed a lot.' I hummed while opening my mouth and looking at my teeth in the mirror.

I have always been accustomed to change, or at least in this life I was. The world ends, I adapt, my father figure leaves, I adapt, and I gain another set of memories from a different world? Well, let's simply say that I adapt.

But I will always be astonished by these changes. Powers and abilities that could only be considered fantasy by my other set of memories, punkish yet charming looks for my age, and knowledge that is unheard of… I was unique.

"And pretty good looking." I grinned while doing finger guns and winking at my reflection. 

Standing up I walked out of the bathroom and began to get dressed in some simple clothes. A black tank top, a red cropped bomber jacket, some blue jeans, red polished high-heeled boots, and my axe-Rose, and then I was ready. 

Hunson caught me throwing a fit and beating his demon generals up for laughing at my singing. I thought he would be a little upset when he caught me red-handed, but he was surprisingly happy. So happy that he said it's time for a special training lesson with him.

Humming as I strapped Rose onto my back I did a once-over of my reflection before smiling and walking out of my room. 'Wonder what he will be teaching me today.' 

Walking down the long hallway of the castle that I live in, I passed by multiple demons, each cowering and kneeling before me.

One thing that I didn't like about being in the Nightosphere was the demons. Not all of them were too bad, but because of my role as Princess, almost every demon would rather jump into a flaming pit of lava before upsetting me.

'So tiresome.' I sighed as I passed by a small knee-high cowering demon that was groveling on the floor. 

I have tried multiple times to get them to stop, even physically pulling them upwards and pleading with them to not act that way to me, but no matter what I do they won't stop.

So the best solution I have found was to try my best and stay away from most demons, in the hopes of not making their lives even tougher. 

'This better be worth it.' I humphed, being accompanied by only my thoughts and the clicking of my red high-heeled boots across the black stone floor.

Looking at my boots I smiled a little bit at the recent memory of Hunson catching me crying from his tortuous antics that he called training, so as a gift, he got me a pair of boots to match his. It is one of my fondest memories of Hunson.

I continued a steady pace, left with my thoughts while walking through the hallways of my castle before finally making it to Hunson's office.

"Whelp, here I go," I muttered before casually opening the dark red double doors to Hunson's office.

"Ahh sweety! What took you so long? I know you have been putting on weight recently, maybe you should go on a diet…" Hunson casually scratched his chin making my eyes shoot open in surprise.

"Dad! What the heck!? I am not getting fat, I am getting taller!" I yelled at him only to see him blink each of his eyes slowly, one after the other causing me to sigh. "Ughh, whatever what did you want?" I sat down on the chair across from him.

"Well, you see, on my recent business trip to the surface I have deemed it ready to teach you an important lesson." 

I raised an eyebrow before looking curiously at him.

"Oh? What lesson is that? Oh-oh! Am I finally going to learn some more sick Evil Magic?! Maybe like an evil lightning bolt?!" I excitedly asked while the thoughts of learning more magic filled my head.

"Hahaha! No! You are terrible at magic… The lesson I want to teach you is how to truly suck souls!" He casually said while standing up and going to a brick in the corner of the room. 

Slowly but surely he pushed the slightly protruding brick in the corner of the room into the wall. As he did this clicks were heard until suddenly, a hallway appeared where the brick was, formed from bricks that all slowly moved aside to form the walkway.

'What the? Wait this isn't important!' I thought before focusing on what he wanted me to do.

"Uggh what? You already taught me how though! And it's really gross and wrong, I am not doing that again!" I shouted at him before watching him completely ignore me.

I watched Hunson slowly but surely continue his pace through the newly opened hallway before yelling at him to wait up. "Oh my glob! Dad wait up!" 

Hunson was a few steps ahead of me, so by the time I followed him into the hallway I found him at least 12 feet ahead of me.

Quickly following after him I heard a thud and quickly turned around before watching the hallway close itself off, bricks slowly moving back into place to reform the wall which was once there.

'Weird…' I looked at Hunson before doing a light jog to catch up to him.

"You see Marceline, I haven't taught you a lot about our family… About our history." He started while walking down the dark hallway, approaching a door with engravings that I couldn't make out from where I was.

"Yeah I know you haven't, you said I wasn't old enough and to mind my own business before throwing a burger at me." I deadpanned at Hunson as we approached the door.

Hunson did a spit-take before coughing slightly. "Ye-yeah I did do that, but now it is time for you to learn of our history." He regained the certainty of his voice before we finally made it to a large stone door.

This door was about twice my height, and was covered in an engraving of what looked like Hunson's demon form… but larger… and scarier. 'Did it just move?'

"Beyond this door is the history of our family, beyond this door lies the history of some of the darkest evils ever committed in this universe…" He darkly said, his previous nonchalant personality gone, before kicking the door open.

'What?' I looked at his switch of personality in shock before he beckoned me in.

"Come on Marceline, I still gotta teach you how to suck some souls so let's hurry this up!" He cheerfully said while walking into the room.

'Dude, what is going on today?' I asked myself as I watched Hunson casually walk into a pitch-black room with a glowing purple heart, that was beating in a pool of purple and black sludge. It was partly in the ground, like a pond but much more Lovecraftian.

The heart was a massive, pulsating purple monstrosity that was embedded in the floor of the room. All around the room torches with purple flames lit up, showing the murals on the ceiling of what looked like Hunsons demon form committing evil deeds.

The mural started off with what honestly looked like a picture of Slenderman, but with a massive butt for a face… also it was depicted as grasping multiple marbles? 'Nope… those are planets.' I continued following the mural that circled the room.

It showed this figure holding multiple marbles, fighting other large cosmic entities, I think one entity was a massive orb with… rave glasses, and then it showed the massive demon disintegrating from fighting the orb.

It showed how bits of this evil deity were left, such as its heart, and what looked to be a humanoid entity praying to this heart? This humanoid entity after praying to the heart was surrounded by something that flew off from the heart.

Slowly this something merged to form what looked like an image of the devil, a man wearing a suit with long pointed horns, holding an all-familiar purple amulet. 

This picture continued showing the evil deeds that this new figure committed until finally, the mural ended with the figure sitting on a large throne, tormenting other beings.

I stared in awe at the mural, before suddenly looking at Dad who was staring at the pulsating heart.

"Dad… what is this place?" I slowly asked him as I tried to wrap my head around what I was looking at, frankly a bit freaked out.

Hunson continued to stare at the pulsating heart before suddenly pulling the Nightosphere Amulet from his neck, and holding it in his hands.

"This, Marceline is where it all began. This amulet doesn't just serve as the physical representation of the Nightosphere but also as a connection to that heart over there." Hunson calmly replied while pointing to the pulsating heart.

Hunson slowly walked towards me, doing a once-over of what I was wearing before giving a proud smile. 

"You know honey, one day you will wear this necklace and take on the family business… But not today." He slowly said before stuffing the Nightosphere Amulet back under his shirt.

I could barely register his words, only staring at the pulsating heart that seemed to thump louder and louder as Hunson stood next to me, holding my shoulder and drawing my attention back to him.

"That heart? Well, it is what keeps the Nightosphere existing alongside the tormented souls we have down here… and it's the origin of all demons." 

"Wait what?" I looked at Hunson before pointing at the heart. "You, are saying that thing… made us?"

"Yup, your Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Grand-Pops found that heart and became the first demon, unleashing its evil magic back into the universe." He patted my back before turning me to look at him.

"You see Marceline, we are related to that thing right there. It used to belong to one of the evilest beings in the entire universe. He could suck the life force from any living being, and incorporate it into itself, becoming stronger." 

Hunson sighed before shaking his head, looking up at the mural before pointing at the part of a massive Orb with rave glasses.

"It was said that what he did Violated Life and Death, so they called in some big wig from upper management that wiped him out." Hunson looked back at the heart before heading to the heart.

'Thats… I am sure I saw that Orb before. Maybe? And upper management?' I questioned myself before following Hunson. 

The beating heart did not gain my attention as fiercely as when I first saw it, but it gave off a strange feeling. Standing near it gave off a sense of comfort, yet complete and utter dread.

Looking at Hunson I saw him staring blankly at the heart. "Heyyyy Dad? Why did you bring me here?" I asked quietly as I felt the hair on my neck straighten. 

"It was a lesson that I was taught much later than you. It goes to show how smart you are my little genius to learn it so soon." He kindly said, complimenting me for one of the first times.

"Wha-what! Dad!" I blushed slightly while inwardly being completely surprised that he complimented me.

"Whelp enough mushy junk, here ya go!" He laughed while mysteriously pulling a cup out of his pocket. 

Looking at the cat mug he was holding I awkwardly grabbed it. "Uhhh what is this for?"

He looked at me dumbly before shaking his head, grabbing the mug back from me, and dipping it into the pool of black and purple sludge that was surrounding the beating heart.

"Drink this," Hunson said with a smile on his face before handing the mug back over to me.

"Awh dude gross NO! I won't drink the mysterious purple goop, Dad!" I yelled at him, refusing to hold the mug.

Hunson raised an eyebrow before slumping his shoulders. "Alright alri-psych! Open that mouth!" Hunson yelled before grabbing my face and shoving the mug on my lips.

"Mhmhm!" I yelled 'NO' while keeping my lips sealed as Hunson tried shoving the mug into my mouth.

"Just! Drink! It!" He yelled before harshly pushing in on both of my cheeks, causing my mouth to open just enough for him to pour the contents into my mouth.

'No, no, no, no!' I yelled in my mind as I felt the black and purple sludge slowly pour into my mouth, with the same consistency as honey I began to try and cough it out only for it to stick in my mouth like cement.

'Noooo! Sick this tastes like trash juice!' "Blugh!" I gagged as I tried not to drink the sludge that Hunson just poured into my mouth.

'Gotta spit this junk out!' I screamed in my mind as I tried to open my mouth to vomit only for Hunson to hold it shut. Shakily looking into his eyes I saw they were fiercely glowing, causing me to shiver in fear.

"Marceline just drink this mysterious liquid I got from the floor!" He yelled at me as he held my mouth closed and pinched my nose shut so that I couldn't breathe.

'Mhm! Mhmmm!' I screamed through his hand which covered my mouth as I began to punch him in the face.

The taste of the liquid was spicy, yet unbearably sugary. It also tasted how that mysterious trash liquid would smell, you know the liquid that would drip out of trash bags occasionally.

Gagging constantly I felt a few drops go down my throat as tears fell from my eyes. 'Please! No!' I was seriously beginning to freak out, as it was getting harder to hold my breath.

Glaring at Hunson I saw him kindly smiling at me while doing this. 'Why! What even is this junk!?' I screamed in my mind before getting the urge to take a fresh breath of air took over my conscious thought.

Without even thinking I inhal-swallowed the evil demon liquid, and with that Hunson moved his hand from my nose and mouth, letting me breathe in fresh air.

"Haaah! Haaah!" I harshly inhaled as I felt Hunson pat me on the back a few times.

"Wha-haah! The!…heck!" I screamed at Hunson before giving him a fierce right hook to the chin.

"What was that!" I yelled at him, begging for an answer only to be met with Hunson looking at a watch on his wrist.

"Anyyyyy minute now…" Hunson muttered before dodging another one of my punches.

Throwing a few more hits at him I felt a burning come from my gut and lungs. Accompanying that feeling was a sudden weakness, and mid-punch I fell onto the ground groaning.

I could barely move my fingers, it was like I was just suddenly hit in the head by Mike Tyson. A throbbing headache assaulted me as I felt my vision blur and my senses become dull.

"Don't worry sweety… This will all be over soon and you will know why I did it." Hunson's voice echoed around me as I struggled to stay awake. 

'Damn… you Hunson, I should have never trusted you!' I coldly thought before feeling my vision fade to darkness.

'What?' I questioned myself as I thought I would surely pass out, but I guess I was wrong.

It was like I was in a lucid dream, floating in a black ocean that was all-encompassing. I stayed thoroughly freaked out, floating in this black liquid until a short memory from Adventure Time popped up.

The memory of Marceline fully absorbing the vampire's essence in some dramatic sailer moon flair and then transforming into a large sheep cloud thing. 

This memory kept bouncing around in my mind until I felt something click. It was as if I knew how she did it. 

Once those thoughts clicked I knew how to truly incorporate one's soul into myself, to utilize the absorbed soul fully.

'Huh… so that's how.' I thought to myself. I felt more attuned to my essence I guess? More at home in the body of a half-demon? I just know that everything felt clearer like I knew what I could do and what the demon's role was in this world.

It felt like I was only floating in the dark liquid for a few seconds before I understood all of this, and then suddenly everything just vanished.

I was no longer in the dark liquid, I no longer felt like I was stuck in a molasses ocean, instead, I felt warm. Slowly opening my eyes I awoke to being in my bed.

Looking around my room I saw a large red duffle bag covered in flag patches of destroyed countries, and on top of it was a letter with the name Hunson Abadeer written in cursive. 

'Really? He makes me drink a mysterious liquid that tastes like garbage and can't even face me in person to apologize?!' I glared at the letter on my bag before rolling out of bed and grabbing it.

Tearing the top off of the letter I pulled out the note and sat down on the corner of my bed.

= = The Note = =

Dear Marceline, I know that I kind of donked you up with that trash juice, but my pops did it to me like that too. Listen I wanted to say I'm sorry but in a manner that didn't require me to see you face to face, as that would prove that I was more in the wrong than you were when you overreacted. 

Anyway, to prove that I do feel slightly bad, I packed your duffle bag with some junk. It is time for you to leave the house and explore the world yourself. Use that demon-sucking power wisely, and get strong enough to beat me up one day. 

Be careful, some big baddies are starting to pop up in the mortal world again. I've made sure that there aren't any that'll target you unless you mess with them first. Call me if you need help.

- From ya pops Hunson Abadeer

P.S. After you read this letter you will get transported to the mortal world in a super trippy manner, okay bye!


As I read the letter I heard it as if Hunson was saying it to my face. Guess that is the power of magic… a shame I can't use much of it. 

Finishing the letter I scratched my head and read it again. 'Well that was nice I guess?' 

As I skimmed the letter again I saw a part hidden on the bottom of the page, covered by my thumb. "Wait I get transported to the mortal worl- AHHH!" I screamed as I was suddenly falling backward through a hole in the ground. 

"HUNSONN!!!!!" I screamed loudly as I watched my room get smaller the further down the pit I fell, like Alice in Wonderland style. 

 'Maybe… this won't be too bad.' a small grin made its way to my face for it was time. 

It was finally time to start my journey. 


A/N: Just edited this chapter a bit fixing some mistakes as I come back to this fic, expect next chapter