
Illegal Romance

'...And when you came into my life, eternity began.' ~ Illegal Romance: A Tale of fake relationship, dark secrets, lost pieces, unexpected twists, heart-wrenching decisions, race against time, and Mother's Dying Wish. ~ Step into the lives of Celine Saint, an ordinary girl with an angelic face, and Gabriel Davis, a cold-hearted big shot. They are about to embark on a journey filled with shocking news, hidden truths, and a love that may just be a facade. Celine, living a simple life in a small town, is thrust into the spotlight overnight. Her picture splashed across every magazine and newspaper, falsely linking her to the enigmatic Gabriel Davis. But here's the catch - they've never even met! Meanwhile, Gabriel, a man of power and popularity, finds himself captivated by the article. Swearing vengeance on the person responsible, he is torn between his desire for justice and a dying mother's happiness. In a selfless act, he decides to enter into a fake relationship to bring joy to his ailing mother's heart. As their secret becomes harder to keep, questions arise. How long can they maintain this charade? Is their love just a pretense? Will the truth ever be revealed? What happens when a fake relationship becomes a media frenzy? Can love truly blossom amidst a web of lies? Will their love be nothing more than a charade, or will it defy all odds and conquer the world? Well, time will answer those questions eventually...

Jolly_ · Urbain
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18 Chs

Demon lord

"Life is a moderately good play with a badly written third act."- Truman Capote

- - -

She should have been terrified, panicking, struggling for her life. She should have been screaming for help, kicking, biting, and scratching. She should have been doing anything but what she was doing right now...

She was admiring the car.

"Wow, nice car," she said, her large chocolate eyes wandering around the sleek interior of the black sedan that had just been used to kidnap her.

Celine seemed to have forgotten that she was in a dire situation and that the man sitting next to her was her kidnapper... the one who shoved her into the car.

He wore a black mask that covered his face, leaving only his cold emerald-green eyes visible and he was holding a gun.

He glanced at her with a smirk of amusement behind his mask.

"I hope you don't mind if I ask you a question." She continued, breaking the silence that had fallen between them.

The man didn't reply.

"Um, did you just kidnap me?" She raised a question, stating the obvious.

He opened his mouth at last and answered with sarcasm, his voice muffled by the mask.

"What do you think?"

He expected her to panic or cry or beg for mercy... but to his surprise, she was composed and glimpsing at him as if he was an idiot.

"I mean, you are not a clever kidnapper."

He frowned.

"Huh?" He questioned, feeling annoyed by her attitude.

"First of all, you never locked the door. What if I tried to run away? Second, this is not a movie but a real life. These kinds of things only happen in a movie." She explained as if she was lecturing him.

"Last but not least, aren't you scared of my famous actor boyfriend?" She added, hoping to intimidate him.

'Dear God, please forgive me for hauling the man I never know the name of to this mess. Please save me from this kidnapper...' her head was storming with nonsense.

"Who cares? I have you now." His voice sent a chill down her spine and his words made her heart race. She knew she was done for.

"Sir idiot kidnapper, will you please lock the door?" She was polite as if she was talking to a cab driver.

"No one will save you. Do you realize that?" He tried to scare her, to see her trembling side.

"Oh, of course, my boyfriend will come and chop you to pieces. You know him, right? He will be furious when he finds out I'm abducted." She lied through her teeth but still managed to say it with such conviction.

'Ah! This damned article!' she cursed the day.

"Anyway," the man didn't even flinch once. And she thought if he was more powerful than rumored-to-be-her-boyfriend-actor was. "I advise you to stay silent. Your voice is annoying."

Yeah. She knew today was her 'The end'.

The kidnapper was careless. He even left the door unlocked... this is it!

"Look, sir, I am sorry if I did something wrong but please... spare me." Now, she looked like a sacred bunny.

... but before he could reply, the car came to an abrupt halt.

The driver's curse followed the silence in the car...


Celine felt a sudden jolt as the car came to a screeching halt and glanced at her kidnapper, asking him what just happened.

"What is it?" sir idiot kidnapper questioned the driver who had been driving it.

"Oh, God! I-I think I hit someone." the driver spoke shivering, his hands gripping the steering wheel.

"Shit." The masked man cursed and stepped out of the car and walked toward the motionless body.

Celine felt a surge of curiosity and fear as she wondered who the person was... why they were on this empty road... if this was some kind of trap or a diversion.

Anyhow, she decided to follow him out of the car hoping to find a way to escape or get help from this dangerous man.

She opened the door quietly and stepped out, her tiny legs leading her to the scene.

... Her whole body shivered when her eyes met the unconscious body that was lying on the ground.

"Ah! B-Bella!... Oh my God!" she cried out, recognizing her friend's face. She ran to her side and knelt, shaking her violently.

"Bella... please... can you hear me?!" Celine could tell she was not injured.

The woman opened her eyes slightly and looked at her with a faint smile.

"Celine?" a whisper escaped her lips, her drunk voice sounding weak and exhausted. "Why am I not dead yet, huh?"

Celine felt a pang of pain in her chest... she felt tears streaming down her face as she heard Bella's voice.

She knew how miserable Bella was... she knew her friend had been through a lot... she knew how broken her friend was.

And of course, she also knew why she had thrown herself in front of the car as if living was the worst.

"B-Bella please don't say that!" she pleaded, tears gushing down her face. "Aurora and I need you, okay? I am here for you... Now, let's go to the hospital and get you checked." She tried to speak softly.

The exhaustion was unbearable until Bella lost consciousness...

Gabriel, who was disguised as the masked kidnapper, looked at his cousin, Asher trying to find an answer to what the hell was happening in front of their eyes. And Asher shrugged his shoulders in return.

"Let's go to the hospital. Now!" Celine turned around and declared to the masked big guys who were standing and watching like a sad movie scene.

She expected them to refuse or argue with her, but they didn't. They nodded silently and helped her lift Bella and carry her to the car, driving away quickly to the nearby infirmary.

~ J Hospital~

Celine sat on the chair next to the hospital bed, holding her friend's hand. She watched her friend's chest rise and fall, listening to the steady beep of the monitor.

She felt a mix of emotions: sadness, anger, fear.. she wondered how things had gone so wrong.

Bella and she had been best friends since childhood. They shared their dreams, secrets and supported each other through thick and thin.

She was happy about Bella's success ... she was delighted to finally see her friend make it to a fine and well-known model.

But... why of all people had to be Bella?

She was a bright woman until problems came flowing nonstop into her life.

Her cruel father making her life bleak...

"I'm here for you, Bella" She whispered squeezing her hand.

~Meanwhile (the guys)~

Their horrifying masks were still on their faces making them look like a kid who dreamed of being a mafia his entire life but never succeeded. Not even to mention the weird stares they were receiving from everyone who passed through the corridor where they were standing.

"I am taking this mask off." Asher could not take it anymore. "It is suffocating"

"Don't even think about it." It was the expected cold response that made him want to cry.

"I can't believe this shit." A long sigh escaped his lips, showing how exhausted he was.

"Asher, follow me. Let's talk somewhere safe."

The 'somewhere safe' ended up being in the men's restroom somewhat.

"Ah, I was boiling." Asher didn't waste a single second to take his mask off and rinse his oh-so-handsome-face with cold water, to cool himself down.

"Asher, why the hell weren't you driving carefully?" Gabriel inquired, his gritted teeth making his voice rough. "You were near to killing her."

"Cut it out." Asher turned his attention to his stupid cousin, "How dare you point your finger at me when you know nothing. She was the one who ran into the middle of the street and threw herself in front of the car. Had I never stopped it on time who knew what could happen..."

Feeling frustrated, Gabriel ran his tall fingers through his hair. "Sigh, what a disastrous day."

"Scoff," Asher rolled his eyes, seeming annoyed. "Fancy hearing those words coming out of your diamond voice and golden lips."

"This is not the time to joke around, Asher." Tension reigned in the atmosphere.

"You are the one who is joking around. We both know why I am right beside you now, wearing this fucking mask like a little kid."

Even if the truth was kinda embarrassing, Asher continued anyway,

"You seem to forget that you were the one who forced me to help you kidnap that lady for the sake of your mom." There was nothing but rage and disbelief in his tone.

Gabriel faced the big mirror, avoiding Asher's questioning gaze. "I explained myself... I told you I wanted to make my mother happy and there was no other option, unfortunately."

"Ah ha, Gabriel I believe I don't have to remind you this but... you are a fucking soon-to-be 30-year-old man!" his eyes turned red when he remembered... "Oh and I know very well all this plan was from that very first movie you starred, wasn't it?"

".." Gabriel froze like a statue as if his ulterior secret was exposed.

"No, please don't tell me..." Asher pleaded shaking his head in disbelief. "Gabriel, what were you thinking? This is a reality not a movie, damn it! I never thought you would be this idiot."

"Shut your mouth. You get along fine with my idea-"

"It's because you never gave me time and rushed me to be your forsaken driver when you abducted her!" Asher finally lost his voice from the whole yelling.

"Now, get serious and tell me what you are going to do."

"Sigh," Gabriel stood straight getting all serious. "Well, I will get along with the article and date the lady with a contract... but it doesn't mean I will let the person who schemed this bullshit go. I will haunt him to death for ruining my life with this article."

Asher's eyebrows were up until they finally jumped out of his face. "Gabriel? Are you hearing yourself? Huh?... the lady was right, you are so idiotic."

"Yes, I am willing to take the risks." A scornful look masked Gabriel's face.

"What if she refuses to sign the contract? ... And until when did you plan to keep lying about your relationship with her?"

'Fake fiancee' never sounded pleasant...

"I am sure she will sign the contract with no doubt."

Asher was dumbfounded.

"... You are not going to jump on her on the next day she agrees to sign the contract and live with you, right?"

Gabriel looked at him calculatingly as if he didn't get what he meant.

"I can't help but worry, Gabriel." Asher's worried cousin version appeared on the show and patted his shoulder as he spoke,

"Given that you are the world's number one player who doesn't even remember the number of women he slept with. You were even proud when you changed women every single night as if they were your underwear."

Gabriel smacked his 'worried cousin's' hand from his shoulder, "I don't need you to worry about me. I can control myself very well."

'Oh really?'

Gabriel heard someone question him...

'Are you sure my child?'

He looked above him when he heard the voice again.. and his eyes met with the view of an angel and a demon standing together, arms folded on their chests and staring at him with doubting looks.

"Are you sure, Gabriel?" Now, Asher's voice brought him back to earth.

"Seriously? you too? Why is it so hard to believe? I can control myself." He sounded so confident.

"Of course, you will. Otherwise, we wouldn't like it if another scandal came when you cheated on your beloved 'girlfriend'."

A smirk that says 'You won't be fucking anybody.' appeared on Asher's handsome face.

Unexpectedly, Asher's eyes turned incredibly wide.

"Gabriel? I think we forgot about the lady... ?"

"Shit," was Gabriel's response when you remembered the lady he kidnapped, was all free.


After the door of the restroom was opened with a loud bang, two tall and broad-shouldered men came out running

and anyone who saw them may wonder if they were prisoners who escaped from prison, looking at the way they dressed and their perfect physiques.

"Pant... pant. I cannot believe this... pant... "Asher leaned on his knees, trying to catch his breath. "Is she even in there?" He asked Gabriel who was peeking at the room through the glass window.

"Fortunately, yes she is there."


Celine didn't try to escape. She must be a fool if she thought it was easy to elude from the powerful and scary kidnapper, who abducted her in the broad sunlight and even brought her to the hospital so carelessly.

He must be powerful.



A knocking sound interrupted her thoughts and she turned her head to the glass window.


There he was standing. Looking all scary and powerful, dressed in black. And his cold emerald green eyes gazing through her soul... he suddenly reminded her of the demon lord she always feared.

As her eyes met his, he showed her his wristwatch and gestured her to come, wriggling his tall and delicate finger.

Her whole body quivered as a chill ran down her spine. She couldn't help but swallow her saliva to the death that was coming.

She knew this demon lord was about to kill her...

"Goodbye, Bella," She said her last farewell to her friend. "I am sorry. I won't be on your side when you wake up."



The sounds of her boots were suddenly loud when her tiny legs trekked to the door of death... her hand reached the knob and that's when her memories started playing on her head.

The days she spent with her lovely parents, the days she cherished with her friends... all of it played in her head, reminding her today would be her end... reminding her today is the last chapter, the last page of the book of her life.

She went to him as she was told.

"You, follow me," The demon lord ordered her, his deep husky, and devilish voice making her body shudder even more. She didn't dare to look up... she didn't dare to look at his masked face.

"And you, be with the patient," Gabriel instructed Asher making him displeased.

"Why?" Even if he tried his best to contain his voice, his face turned red out of rage. "I am tired. I need to go home and rest."

"You are the one who harmed her." Gabriel didn't give him a chance to speak. Rather, he left the hospital with the mini lady accompanying him from behind.

This time, he tied her hands and legs before he got in front and hit the road.. he felt like a villain in a movie.

Who would've thought he would plan to abduct her for real? But most of all who would've thought he did it according to the first movie he starred as the kidnapper of the female lead...?

He must be insane.

"Hm... excuse me, sir kidnapper," he heard her soft voice call from behind.

His eyes skimmed the rearview mirror, showing him her helplessly begging chocolate eyes.


"W-Where are we heading?"

Is he planning to throw her into the sea and watch her drown with a smirk on his face? Or is he going to feed her to the buzzards and laugh wickedly when they devour her? The thought of dying was killing before he did.

"You will see," His response was short and wisely selected, justifying briefly that he is a proficient assassin.

She wanted to hear her parents' voices for the last time. "P-Please let me call my parents and say g-good bye. I-I beg you, Demon lord."

A pair of laser stern eyes stabbed her from the rearview mirror.

She swallowed her tongue out of fear. "I-I mean sir kidnapper,"

"No. I won't give you your phone."

"Then please tell my parents I am sorry. I will keep watching them from heaven and will continue loving them. A-Also don't forget to tell my mom to not eat the omelet I put in the fridge. It doesn't mean-"

"Keep quiet," silence reigned as the order came from 'The Demon lord'.