
Illegal Romance

'...And when you came into my life, eternity began.' ~ Illegal Romance: A Tale of fake relationship, dark secrets, lost pieces, unexpected twists, heart-wrenching decisions, race against time, and Mother's Dying Wish. ~ Step into the lives of Celine Saint, an ordinary girl with an angelic face, and Gabriel Davis, a cold-hearted big shot. They are about to embark on a journey filled with shocking news, hidden truths, and a love that may just be a facade. Celine, living a simple life in a small town, is thrust into the spotlight overnight. Her picture splashed across every magazine and newspaper, falsely linking her to the enigmatic Gabriel Davis. But here's the catch - they've never even met! Meanwhile, Gabriel, a man of power and popularity, finds himself captivated by the article. Swearing vengeance on the person responsible, he is torn between his desire for justice and a dying mother's happiness. In a selfless act, he decides to enter into a fake relationship to bring joy to his ailing mother's heart. As their secret becomes harder to keep, questions arise. How long can they maintain this charade? Is their love just a pretense? Will the truth ever be revealed? What happens when a fake relationship becomes a media frenzy? Can love truly blossom amidst a web of lies? Will their love be nothing more than a charade, or will it defy all odds and conquer the world? Well, time will answer those questions eventually...

Jolly_ · Urbain
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18 Chs

Boisterous morning

"Patience with others is love, Patience with self is hope, patience with God is faith."- Adel Bestavros.

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The car was a sleek, black sedan that glistened in the sunlight as it whizzed down the busy city street. The sounds of honking horns and screeching brakes filled the air, but the man sitting in the back seat seemed completely oblivious to the chaos around him.

The man was tall and lean, with broad shoulders and chiseled features that spoke wealth and power.

His looks were striking, with emerald green eyes that sparkled like diamonds against his flawless fair skin. His hair was a thick mane of jet black. His cheeks were high as if looking like guards under his sharp eyes.

Of course, his angelic beauty could kill someone out of greed and of course, as expected, he was an actor... The dangerous and the well-known one.

And his name is Gabriel Davis.

This name only may send a chill down the spine of his enemies or shade a deep blush on the cheeks of his many admirers and the quite few women who got the chance to warm his bed just for a single night.

As expected from someone with fatty pockets and chubby bank accounts, he sure stands first at being quite the Casanova whom everyone thinks is a perfectionist.

Anyway, despite his handsome appearance, there was a look of distress etched on his face now, that betrayed a deep sense of confusion as his bewildered mind reeled as one woman after another called to express their seething hatred towards him, their anguished sobs echoing like a haunting chorus.



His phone rang again making him annoyed and left with no other choice, Gabriel chose to pick it up and hear what on earth was going on.

"I hate you!! Sob... How could you do this to me?!" she screamed into the phone, her voice cracking with pain and anger. Her words, slicing through the air like a jagged knife before abruptly hanging up the phone without waiting for his reply.

Gabriel heard the click and the silence on the other end.

A sigh escaped his lips as he hand-tossed his phone on the seat next to him. Of course, he knew who kept calling and cursing at him as if he had done some crime.

'Why are they calling out of the blue?" It was the same question that bothered Gabriel. He knew it was one of the many women he had dated just for a day and dumped without a second thought.

There must be something that made them scream at their Godfather (Gabriel). They worshiped his perfection until they gave their body and everything their little life had...

Well, Gabriel being him, caring about their feelings or tears never existed in his vocabulary.

'What a crazy morning...' He thought.

Sighing dejectedly, he realized this was the price to pay for indulging in countless romantic encounters. For all their allure, women could be vexing creatures - self-centered and demanding.

In Gabriel's eyes, they existed solely to satiate his desires, to be discarded soon after like playthings. A generous paycheck was their parting gift, a means to keep them satisfied.

With an immeasurable list of conquests, their names, and faces blurred into a sea of forgotten memories. Yet, they clung to him as if he were their devoted spouse.

Who wouldn't covet the role of his wife?

Absolutely no one!

Gabriel stood at the pinnacle of fame and fortune. He was blessed with dashing looks that set hearts ablaze and acclaimed as being one of the best actors on this entire planet (aside from being a womanizer whose greatest addiction was vagina).

Pushing his thoughts aside, "Drive faster!" Gabriel commanded his chauffeur urgently, his voice filled with anxiety and impatience.

"Yes, sir." The chauffeur detected the heavy tension weighing down the atmosphere within the luxurious confines of the car and tried to start a conversation. "How is your mother holding up?"

Gabriel's worry was evident in his voice as he responded, "It's worse than before."

Earlier that morning, his cousin had called him, urging him to rush to the hospital because his mother's health had taken a turn for the worse.

Today seemed to be a day plagued by bad luck. Out of nowhere, his women had unleashed a torrent of furious calls, their voices filled with anger and accusation, berating him as if he were a criminal.

Refusing to lower himself to their level, he decided to ignore them, confident that he could easily find other women in no time.

Well, he was Gabriel Davis after all. God's favorite creature, adorned with perfection.


~Déesse Hospital (Owned by Gabriel's dad, Dimitri Davis)~

After driving for a while, the luxurious car stopped in front of a huge hospital, revealing a well-built figure getting out rashly.

Gabriel's pace hurried further, unable to waste a single second to finally see his unwell mother.

"You are late." Gabriel's cousin, Asher, complained, his frustration seeping through his words.

Desperately concerned about his only mother, Gabriel anxiously asked, "Is Mother sleeping now? I want to see her condition." This wasn't the first time she had been hospitalized, and he feared the worst.

"She is awake."

But before Gabriel could reach the doorknob in his mother's room, Asher grabbed his wrist, stopping him from going in.

"Before you go in, I want an explanation about the article." Shock was evident in his voice as he inquired. "Gabriel, how could you do this? Don't you have some sanity left within you?"

Gabriel was stuck in a puzzle and his eyes were the ones that mirrored how baffled he was, "What article are you talking about?" Gabriel's day spiraled further into chaos. Wishing he could erase this fateful day from existence.

Asher's disbelief was palpable as he continued, "Is this some kind of joke to you, Gabriel? The news about you is spreading like wildfire around the world. Everyone has heard about it."

Frustration and confusion mingled in Gabriel's voice as he retorted, "Why do I feel like you're speaking in a foreign language I've heard before? I have no clue what you're talking about. I haven't heard a thing, Asher. Stop making things more complicated than they are."

Unconvinced, Asher insisted, "Well, before you set foot near your mother, you have to see this." He reached over and opened his phone, revealing the shocking news to Gabriel.


As the first rays of sunlight gently danced through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the room, Celine awoke, ready to conquer the day in her unique way. With her eyes still heavy, she stretched her arms out wide, resembling a majestic bird preparing for flight.

Like her every other ordinary day, she jumped out of her bed and headed to the kitchen, yelling until her mouth tore apart, "Mom! This beauty is hungry!" her mother was busy preparing breakfast for the small family.

"You brat,!" her mom, Jessica, turned to her noisy daughter and shook her head helplessly. "Say goodbye to your omelet."

Celine's eyes widened, "Mom? What did I do wrong?" her lips were pouted and puppy eyes appeared out of nowhere.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to yell in the early morning? You are going to wake your daddy." her mom continued exposing her sins. "And most of all, when are going to greet your mother respectfully? Where are your manners? I never raised a kid this disrespectful."

"Forgive this maiden for once!" she proclaimed with a dramatic flair, causing her mother to burst into laughter.

"Hahaha... and?"

"Good morning, your majesty! I hope you slept well, my lady?" she bowed deeply as she spoke.

Her mother, Jessica, wiped away the tears of laughter streaming down her cheeks before returning the favor.

"Good morning, my little cockroach," she managed to say through her fits of giggles.

Celine's eyes widened as if she had just witnessed a horror movie scene. "Cockroach?! Mom, you know how terrified I am of small things! Why ruining my morning like this?! What if I jump out of my skin?!"

Jessica quickly composed herself, trying to stifle her laughter. "Oh, sweetie, I am sorry. Now come and eat before you are late. Remember what happened last time? You almost gave your boss a heart attack!"

Celine sighed, thinking about her troublesome boss.

"Ugh, that old tyrant! He is like the wicked witch of the workplace, casting spells of misery upon us all. But mark my words, Mom! I won't be silenced. I'll be the Dorothy to his wicked witch!"

Mama Jessica smirked, fully aware of her daughter's fiery spirit. "You tell him, my little tornado! Just be careful not to whirl him too far away."

Celine twirled around dramatically, her imaginary red slippers shimmering in the morning sunlight.

"Fear not, Mom! I'll spin him a web of sass that he won't be able to escape!"

The two erupted into laughter, their voices harmonizing like a symphony of joy. Their morning ritual of playful banter was like a secret language only they understood.

As she was arranging the tiny table for their ordinary breakfast, Celine's eyes gleamed mischievously out of nowhere,

"You know, Mom, they say a person's rear end is their best asset. Well, I must be rich as queen because I've got an entire bank vault back there!"

Jessica nearly spits out her coffee, trying to contain her laughter, and joked, "Oh, darling, you've got the sass of a runway model and the spunk of a circus performer. You're just one big fabulous show!"

Celine took a bow, her imaginary audience roaring with applause. "Thank you, Thank you! I'll be here all day, folks! You are-" Yet her mother ruined her imaginary show.

"Oh my cockroach, when are you going to stop acting like a toddler?"

"Mom?! How dare you say that again?!" They started running here and there, like kids in a playground. "Apologize at this instant!"

As they playfully scurried around the room, Celine's dad, John, groggily walked in, rubbing his eyes. "What in the world is going on here?" he exclaimed, trying to make sense of the chaos.

"Daddy!" Celine squealed, trying to catch her breath. "Justice to the only daughter of yours! This woman over here called me 'cockroach' twice!"

John chuckled and joined in on the fun. "Well then, my drama queen caterpillar, maybe we should all embrace our insect alter egos!" Celine gasped in mock horror. "Daddy, you mean you are a creepy crawly creature too? Our house turned into an insect kingdom!"

Jessica winked at her husband. "Yes, John. I am afraid we have been overrun by bugs. We might have to hire an exterminator."

Celine crossed her arms, pretending to be offended. "Hey, I resemble that remark! I am not a bug; I am a beautiful butterfly!"

John squinted his eyes, playing along. "Are you sure, darling? Because I distinctly remember you transforming from a caterpillar into a beautiful mess every morning."

Celine stuck out her tongue, feigning annoyance. "Well, at least I'm not a daddy longlegs with those

long, spindly legs of yours!"

"What's the use if my daughter ended up being a tiny caterpillar even if her daddy has long legs?" Her father mocked.

"Hey, you are hurting your only daughter with your harsh words!"

The trio erupted into laughter, their playful banter filling the room like music. In this household, laughter, and silliness reigned supreme, painting their days with a vibrant tapestry of joy and unforgettable moments.

Yeah, even if it was ordinary life, their little home was filled with joy and warmth.

Even if there was nobody by their side, they were enough to bring peace to themselves.


Celine had barely finished her breakfast when she heard her mom and dad wish her a good day at work. She kissed them both on the cheek and grabbed her purse, ready to face another day in hell.

That's how she called her job because that's where the old grumpy Devil boss who made her life miserable, worked.

She stepped outside and felt the fresh breeze on her face. As it was her habit, she decided to walk for a while, enjoying the morning sun and the chirping of the birds. Celine loved nature and always felt calm when she was surrounded by it.

But... she noticed something unusual and strange as she walked. People were staring at her with wide eyes as if they had seen a ghost. Some of them even gasped or whispered to each other.

Celine couldn't ignore the pang of self-consciousness she felt and checked herself nearby window. Was there something wrong with her appearance?

She wore her usual normal clothes: a simple blue dress that reached her knees, a white cardigan, and a pair of flats. Nothing fancy or flashy.

She didn't like to draw attention herself. Again, unable to stop the staring and gossiping, she looked at her reflection and thankfully, saw nothing out of the ordinary.

She saw the same Celine she had always been: a young woman with wavy long brown hair that framed her small creamy face, big round chocolate eyes that sparkled with innocence and curiosity, and heart-shaped rosy sweet lips that covered her white teeth as a guard.

But when you go further down to her body, you will almost faint at the sight of her sinfully sexy body. Very big boobs, a very tiny waist, and a very big ass. Even the number 8 would be jealous!

She was pretty, Celine knew that, but not exceptionally so. There were many beautiful women in the world, and she didn't think she was anything special.

She shrugged off the weird stares and continued walking, trying to ignore them. 'Maybe they were having a bad day, or maybe they were jealous of my happiness'  she thought.

But then, out of the blue, a girl approached her and stopped her in her tracks.

"Excuse me, can I take a selfie with you?" The girl asked eagerly, clasping her hands together.

"Please? It would mean so much to me!" Celine blinked in surprise and looked at the girl, who was smiling at her with admiration and awe like she was a celebrity.

And before she could say anything or ask a question, the girl wrapped an arm around her shoulder and snapped a picture with her phone.

"Thank you so much! You're awesome!" the girl said, hugging Celine briefly and then running away.

Celine stood there, frozen in place, holding her purse tightly.

What just happened?

She looked around and saw more people staring at her with admiration. Some of them even approached her with their phones or cameras, asking for autographs or pictures... She felt like she was in a nightmare.

Dazedly, she ran away from them, trying to find a cab or a bus or anything that could take her away from this madness. She needed to get to work before that hardy boss went nuts.

Finally, dear God heard her prayers and sent her a cab. She got in a hurry, telling the driver to take her to her office.

Celine worked in a small company that sold cheap products online. It was a boring and stressful job, but it paid the bills.

After all, she had to support her parents, who had moved with her from France years ago. Her father, Mr. John Saint, was a retired doctor because of health issues. Her mother, Mrs. Jessica Saint, worked in a small mini-market that barely made any profit.

As for her, she used to work in a very big industry in France and changed to this crummy job when they


Despite all these, they lived in a small apartment filled with warmth and affection.

'God is too busy writing the best love story for me so I will wait.' Was Celine's response to the question, 'Why she had never been in a relationship before or why she is still a virgin as if becoming a nun was her main goal?'

Anyhow, she arrived at her office and got out of the cab, paying the driver. She entered the building and all eyes turned to her... Everyone who saw her stopped what they were doing and gazed at her with surprise and marvel.

Awkwardly, Celine passed through the paused crowed and headed to her office but when she was on her way,

"Celine, come here for a second!" she heard her boss's voice thundering from his office calling her name.

She felt a shiver run down her spine.

What did he want from her now? She knew he hated her guts, and he never missed a chance to humiliate her or make her work harder. She hated him too, with every fiber of her being.

Celine entered his office, expecting to see his usual scowl and hear his usual insults. But to her surprise, he was smiling.

... Smiling?!

"Yes, boss?" She said, cautiously.

"Please be seated first," he said, politely.

... Polite?! He was never polite to anyone, let alone her.

Just what the heck is happening today?!!!

"Boss, is there a problem?" She invited nervously, after sitting facing him.

"Celine, I was so shocked when I read the headlines all over the newspapers but of course I was delighted." he continued, beaming. "I tried to reach you, but you never answered your phone. I assume you were busy with your wedding ceremony?"

Huh? Headlines? wedding? What was he talking about?

She remembered that she had left her phone in her purse and hadn't checked it ever since. Well, she rarely used her phone as she had someone to call or text, except her parents and her only friends, Aurora and Bella.

When she took out her phone and looked at the screen, her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

256 missed calls!!!

What the freak?! Most of them were from her friend Aurora, who was supposed to be on her honeymoon right now. Some were from her boss, and some, unknown numbers. She felt a surge of panic and confusion.

'Please someone tell me if I've finally gone crazy.' Her inside was melting.

"Sorry, I never had the chance to check my phone, but I don't understand... What are you talking about?" She inquired bewildered.

"Look, Celine-" he started to say, but before he could finish his sentence, they heard a scream from outside.

"Celine!... Celine!"

Someone was calling her name out loud... Why and who was that?

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and make my day. Love ya

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