
It got worse from here or so I said

Blanc: Stay single until your appreciated


Alice: No

Alice: You cant make me


Edgar: What is the 1st think you notice about someone when they walk up to you?



Sirius: Where do you live

Loki:With Harr

Sirius: Where does Harr live

Loki: With me

Sirius: Where do y'all live

Loki: Together

Sirius: Wheres your house

Loki: Next to my neighbors house

Sirius:Where is your neighbors house

Loki: Next to my house


Alice: Hey dad, I decided to drop out of school, sorry.

Sirius: Its ok, just remember one thing

Alice: ....ok?

Sirius: I don't like pickles on my Big Mac


Jonah: I remember the "Selling their kid on Ebay" story

Kyle: Who sells their kid on Ebay? Thats nuts

Zero: Thats a child, a living being that they created

Edgar: That sh!t goes on Estay


Seth:Who said we were done, that wont float

Fenrir: Well Ship, Wreck'en il have to think of some more

Seth: We will sea, weed have to get creative

Fenrir: I shrimply can't think of any others

Seth: Oh buoy neither can I

Fenrir: Ill need an act of Cod to think of some more

The next day

Seth:I would grill to think of some mroe

Fenrir: this is becoming a pain in the bass

Seth:Well I aint fin-ished this is reel fun

Fenrir: Your being shellfish, we should stop this

Seth: Suck my Dinghy

Fenrir: I cant bait for this to be over

It didn't get worse my humor got worse

Valkyrie_Taloscreators' thoughts