

Re writing.

Dexter_SLED · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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7 Chs

1. Gamer

"Yeah I'm not going to be able to play legacy of discord today, I have a match in call of duty, Live"

A handsome young man was making a phone call, seemingly annoyed.

These contractors won't stop bothering him.

"Okay. Whenever you're free then!"


The caller hung up. The man sighed in relief as he rested his back on the adjustable chair he sat on.

He has cancelled all his matches today, time to get some rest.


His rest was interrupted as he saw a young boy come into his room.

"Hey Daniel! I can't seem to find my controller."

Daniel rested back on the chair as he pulled a drawer and took something out.

"Here!" Daniel threw something at him.

"You should focus on your studies more you know." Daniel scolded.

"I know but I get excited in all these games." Damien said sadly.

Daniel didn't reply and was thinking about something.

"You like games right?" Daniel suddenly asked.


" There is a new game coming out today - world domination online, it's a VR MMORPG game with a lot of fantasy stuff that you would like."

"Seriously. Like fighting and stuff like that!!" Damien excitedly said.

"But how come the news didn't mention it."

"When do you ever watch the news." Daniel said sarcastically as he gestured for Damien to leave the room.

"When will it be out?"

"Check by 8:00 pm today."

"Okay" Damien said as he scurried off to look up the new game.

The other game he played has already bored him. He was the twentieth strongest player in 'Momster Spasm'. He has already grown tired of playing it as the game has a lot of limitations.

'I hope this new game will be better.' he thought as he walked to his room.

Gently opening the door of his room he walked in. There was a mini sofa by the left side with a bit so large bed.

By the right, there was an X model dive chair.

It had a comfortable seat with a head gear at the head of the chair.

Damien layer on the bed, he picked up his phone and looked up the new game that his brother was talking about.

"Whoa! it's even cooler than what bro said." He exclaimed.

From what he saw online world domination online was a game that plays on a virtual reality line and a VR capsule is needed to play the game. Those things are expensive also.

Much details wasn't put up but according to his research all, there will be an Introduction before a player starts the game.

"I think I'll be able to buy a capsule with my current savings."

He was excited. He didn't know what it was about games that made him love them but he loves them some much.

He stood up and undressed himself as he went to take a bath.

It was early in the morning so after taking a bath he made his way to the nearest game store to buy a capsule.

When he got to the place the scenery he was seeing can make someone to be wowed but there was no such expression on Damien's face as he has been here lots of times. The scenery looked like some sort of cyber world in a building, multiple screens everywhere displaying different games and capsules.


Damien took a long sniff as he felt his excitement rise.

"The smell of games."

Damien smiled as he made his way to the counter.

"If it isn't our regular customer Damien.I guess you are here to buy a Full dive Capsule." a young man in his twenties said to Damien as he was searching for something.

"Hehe... how did you know?"

"Everyone is excited for the new game that SLEDs is releasing. You know 'World Domination Online'."

"I watched the advertisement a couple of times. There is something about this game that interests me." Damien said.

The man at the counter only chuckled at his remark.

"So what type of capsule?, leather or foreign material?" the man asked.

"Which of them is more expensive?" Damien asked as he didn't want to spend too much.

"They are both the same price and I recommend the leather one for you." the sales man said.


"Because the one of foreign material is not as comfortable but it's is very durable" Jack, the sales man said.

"Okay, I'll trust your words on this one, give the leather one."

And after that jack went to prepare the capsule for him.

Damien looked around to see whether he knew anyone there but he didn't. He then silently waited for Jack to come back.

"I've set up your delivery, it will get to your house by 6:00 PM today."Jack said as he came out from behind the counter.


Shortly after, Damien made his way back home from the store.

This holiday has been very enjoyable for him. Second semester in his school was about to start, which was a bummer to him cause it means that he will not have enough time for games.

Damien soon got home and went to rest in his room.


By 6:00 Damien was waiting by the door pacing around impatiently with his hands at his back.

'Where us it? Where is it?...' the words repeated again and again as he got more impatient. "Damien your food is gonna get cold." his mother who arrived not long ago said to him.

"Just leave it on the table for me mom".

Damien was a 16 year old boy. His mom was in her 40's and looked very young and beautiful. She had long black hair that flowed down her shoulders. Long eyelashes and deep brown eyes which can charm a young man.

Their father isn't alive anymore, leaving his mom to take care of them.

Apart from Damien himself, he had his big bro who was a computer analyst and also a pro gamer in his free time.

Damien got impatient and started walking towards the door.

*Ding dong*

Their doorbell sounded. Damien ran to the door at full speed as he was excited about the capsule.

"Delivery!!" a bulky man said as Damien opened the door.

"Yeah set it up in the second room upstairs" Damien said as he went to eat his food.

'I wonder how the new game will be'.

The thing that he didn't know is that this game will change his life forever.

New novel.

I fixed it, enjoy.

Don't forget to save and give me power stones.


Dexter_SLEDcreators' thoughts