
Chapter 2 I Am Not My Father

"We have traditions and a reputation to uphold!"

Kenchi's father yelled at him from across his desk.

He knew the time was going to come when his father would pass the mantle of head of family down to him. "Asue was supposed to be given the title! Not me! I never wanted it!" he replied.

He could visibly see how angry his father had gotten. But he couldn't help it. His father always provoked him. And It was no secret that Asue had father's favor. Ever since Asue's passing away, Kenchi hasn't been the same. He became recluse, hardly ever went out, and stopped contacting people.

His father was not only worried about the future of the family business, he was worried about his only surviving son. And if he was being honest with himself, he never wanted Kenchi to be involved in the family business. As he's standing there looking at him. He couldn't help but to recall a conversation he had with him while he was a boy. 'You have to grow up to be a great man son... get a degree, start your career and family. I don't want you in the family business.' 'but why dad?' 'cause one of us have to keep our hands clean'.

And now here he is in the present telling his son the complete opposite.

Kenchi had had enough. He shut his mouth and threw up both of his hands in surrender then turned around and walked out of his father's office.

He needed to go somewhere to clear his mind before he said something to his father out of anger that he would regret.

He had planned a totally different life for himself. He thought he had a choice. Now as he stood in the entrance to the building he couldn't help but think 'i need to clear my mind.' So he decided to head to the nearby park and look at how beautiful the cherry blossoms petals were. As he was walking, something told him to look up. When he did he saw the most beautifully-exotic woman he'd ever seen in his life. He couldn't help but stare at her. She was sitting in the park with her back leaning against a tree. As she's looking up at all of the petals blowing in the wind around her. He couldn't help but take a picture of her. She was beyond beautiful and had a gorgeous smile. He'd never been shy when it came to women, but today he couldn't make himself move towards her. He tried to hype himself up to walk over and say something to her. 'okay just go over and sit by her and then casually start a conversation....about the trees.'

Slowly one step at a time he made his way to a tree next to hers. As he sat he kept snapping pictures of her. She was so engrossed with the beauty of the petals she didn't notice him-at least he thought. He noticed not only him but others around them were taking pictures of her as well. He wanted to tell them to stop, but here he was doing the same thing as them. He was caught off guard. He looked up she was gone. In reality she was beside him looking at his phone at all of the pictures he'd taken of her. Before he could register what was happening. She spoke to him. "These are nice pictures. Could you send me those?" but she said it into a translator as she smiled at him. He was still shocked that he just kept looking at her. Ashamed of being caught. He felt he had to run away, escape this embarrassment. All of a sudden he crab crawled backwards away from her with the look of horror on his face; as she tried to stop him. "wait! where are you going? I want those pics!"

He got up and ran.