

Jade, a lover of novels and books finds herself in the world of her male lead Crush of a book but, as a boy. Being an anti-fan of gay love books, she gets frustrated as she has to make her crush fall in love with the male version of herself or remain in the book forever. Join Jade on her journey to Tame her Crush as a boy.

Capt_CJ · Urbain
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13 Chs

BL Story? (if wishes were boys)

Checking his wristwatch once again, he sighs. It's been almost an hour and the person he has been waiting haven't arrived. He was worried because she have not been this late before.

"Mr Angus."

He suddenly heard his name and looked up. It was her. He adjusted his big round glasses and glanced at her with a light frown.

"Why are you late?" He asked, looking at her from her head down to her toe and upwards again.

As usual, she was on a flay skirt, short sleeved shirt and pink girly sandals. Her wavy hair was banded by a pink hair band and she hung a pink cat designed bag to match it. 'she seems okay.' Angus thought.

"I'm sorry, Mr Angus. It's just that classes took longer today and then the professor wanted to see each and everyone of us." She answered, heaving a deep sigh.

'that explains it.' Angus said in his mind and adjusted his lens once more.

"I didn't see you come in." Angus said, piling some books and placing them into a big box.

"That's because you weren't paying attention to the door of your book store." She retorted, smiling happily. To her, It was fun to be around books.

"Yeah right." Angus scoffed.

"Any new book in stock?" The girl asked with glowing eyes. She was a reader, a happy one at that.

"Oh Jade." Angus called and laughed a little. Jade was his favourite customer and he cherished her. Whenever she wasn't in his store by 3:00pm, then something came up. "Yes, I have five new stocks but, I can release just two to you." Angus said, moving to the book shelf.

"Really? Okay." Jade happily answered. She began beating Angus's table, making melody as she happily waited for the new books.

"Here, this one is a kind of ghost story. This one is a Cinderella kind." Angus said, handing the books over to Jade who glanced at the book covers. "Then, this one is a paranormal fantasy Romance. Then this is a...." He was about finishing his statement when Jade's phone rang aloud.

"Hold on." Jade said and glanced at the caller. "It's my Mom. Give me few minutes." Jade said to Angus and went a bit farther from him to answer the call.

"Good evening, mommy. Yes, I can hear you.." Jade had a smile on her face while talking to her mom but, the smile didn't last. "What do you mean? Jayden again? I'll talk to him, okay? Bye Mom."

She hung up and sighed deeply. Her twin brother had done the unexpected again. She laced her frown with a smile and went back to Angus.

"Is everything okay?" Angus asked watching her keenly. Jade nodded and kept looking at the books displayed on the table.

"I'm still going to read all of it right? Let me just take this two." Jade said grabbing the two books her hand can reach.

"Good choice, Jade." Angus smiled coyly and Jade frowned. She didn't have the time to ask the reason behind his coy smile so she just let it go.

"See you tomorrow, Mr Angus." Jade said, holding the books with both her hands and exiting the store.

Angus only smiled after her exit and got back to work. He then thought of something and sat down.

"Wait, she took the BL story? I thought she hated Bromance?" He asked himself aloud and then waved it off.

Angus went back to the shelf with the remaining three and upon getting there, he noticed something strange. He looked at the empty book hole in between other books and frowned. That section was for mystical books so, why is one of the books missing?

"I showed her five new books right? Then where is the old mystical book? Did I perhaps mix them?" He asked himself and immediately took out his phone to call Jade and ask.


Angus heard a voice and went back to his table. It was a customer.

"I want a book." The person said.

"Okay, which one?"


"Why isn't he picking up?"

Jade sighed frustratedly. She had been trying to call her twin brother, Jayden for minutes now.

"Hey, Sis." His voice rang from the phone and Jade quickly placed the phone to her ear.

"Who's your sis? What did you do again?!" Jade yelled into the phone as she unlocked the door of her apartment with her key which had a pink cat designed key holder.

"What did I do this time around? What did Mom tell you?"

Jade heard her brother ask in a sad tone. He sighed continuously and this softened Jade's heart.

"Mom said you brought a man to the house. She believes you are gay, Jayden." Jade said softly. Jayden was her younger twin and whenever Jayden did something, their mother would always report it to her. Maybe because only Jade can talk to him in a way he would listen.

"It's just Tom who I brought home and she came into my room and met us shirtless while playing games with pads."

Jayden spoke, tiredness laced in his voice. Jade understood that he was sick and tired of their Mom.

"I understand but, you know it wouldn't be easy convincing Mom that you have changed." Jade said and waited for a reply but, he didn't respond.

She dropped the books on her reading table and took off her shoes. "You have changed Jayden, or haven't you?" Jade asked and she heard Jayden sigh.

"Talk to you later sis. Love you."

"Love you t..."

She couldn't complete her sentence because, he had already ended the call. Jade sighed. Her brother was gay or maybe still is and this bothered her. She hated LGBTQ and wanted nothing to do with it ever since the day their Mom found out about Jayden.

That day, Jayden who was just 13 years at that time was found naked with the school principal. They were doing nasty things and she knew about it even before that day. Their mother almost killed Jayden. It was a terrible experience for both herself and her family. She taught she would loose her twin that day.

"That is the past now. Let me take a look at this books." Jade said aloud to herself and went towards the reading table.

"Hmmm.. This looks like an old book. But, Mr Angus said they were all new.." Jade contemplated as she kept glancing at the book cover. "Love - In - A - Time - Loop." She read the name of the book aloud and scoffed.

She took the next book, it was new.

"If - Wishes - Were - Boys." She read the name and smiled. "Enticing name." She said..she was about flipping pages when she spotted her worst nightmare.

"BL story?!" She gasped.