
Face lace beast

hey wake up

hey wake up

slowly slowly eyes got opened

hey hey who are you

are you ghost!


are you a idiot!

then the nurse said

no ma'am, no ma'am he is the new doctor

what what

hey nurse bring someone others

I don't want to treated by him,

I don't like his face

which have no lace

where is the doctor who was their yesterday

the nurse said, they are not available right at the moment so please be calm

the doctor need to do check-up

so be calm

I said, how could I

I want to change the hospital

and then something happened

hey hey that face lace beast

suddenly came close

are he making me his feast

trying to tease

I got a little pause

what is he doing

and then

my imagination

seeing a bloody beast

oops opps...

and all over the silly imagination

his finger touched the tips

of my lips

that let my heart race

and my mind craze

hey hey what are doing

and then he said

be silent..

or I will kiss you

are you teasing me

I will kill you

she takes her leg out

and gives him a kick

the beast said, or a doctor

are you sick

I said I am not

but I will truly make you sick

so be far away from me

oh wait nurse

I am packing my things I don't need the checkup,

from the face lace beast

please make ready

my discharge form

i start packing

and looking at that seeking

freeking one

the nurse came,

ma'am you need to sign the paper please come to the counter

I run out

and then....something happened

that took my first...

(try to guess)