
If love is war

Chisom_Loveth_7518 · Urbain
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If love is war

[3/22, 11:26 PM] Chisom Loveth: Bella: Omg! 😱 like...dis is dupe!! You mean Eric got you dis on your first date??

God!!! This guy must be very rich, and I'm beginning to think 🤔that this is the right time to stop the marathon of always throwing up your longer rope to guys even when you don't know their real intentions.

Phyna: (sighs)...Bella!! So you have sworn never to change from dis your endless preachings each time I come back home with gifts from male genders? 😏

So you think that good responsible guys are measured by the level of money dey have??

Bella: (chuckles)😁 so if that be the case, can I have this gift by my self 🤪?....

Mom: (rudely interrupts smashing the door against the wall) ... So you girls are still asle....ep(with a suspective look 🧐)

Bella: ( Quickly hides the gift under the old rugged rug and pretends to be fast asleep) yes mo....m🥱 yawning greatly....

Mom: So what of Phyna, where is she???(asked with a confused 😕 look dis time)

Bella: I don't know??

Maybe she's at the store house...

She earlier said that she was looking for her hand drier(Bella lied confidently)

Mom: Hmm ok...

You girls should get ready cause you're going to victor's school today...

You know today is his visiting day. And I won't be around.So you guys should better not be late(she said as she finally left the room why leaving the door wide open with the impression that closing the door for some reasons will make Bella go back to sleep, as it looks like a go ahead order 😁).

Phyna: Smuggling out herself from under the bed bed(heaves in relief 😮‍💨) so finally this woman is out...

Bella!!! Why didn't you lock the door 😒cause if you have mom won't have banged on us...

Bella:(Laughs out loud 😂😂😂) wow! wow!! wow!!! I taught you would be all things but certainly not a spider 🕷️ woman😂... how come you hid so fast??(Bella said with a curious tone)

Phyna:So you think is funny??😕 When you're busy romancing my newly gifted wrist watch ⌚ pray it doesn't get scratched on that rug u hid it(phyna says why cleaning up the dusty particles on her hair)

Bella: Ok miss spider woman(Bella teases phyna🤪)Ehee get ready ohh

Remember we're going to victor's school today!!! thank God you heard when mom said it...(She says as she reluctantly climbed down the bed).

[3/23, 10:42 AM] Chisom Loveth: (Scene opens in a Diamond bank 🏦, Bella already sitted on the stair case since the chairs are already occupied by people whose only aims was to feel and perceive the aroma of their money 💰 and are definitely not discharging their chairs which have been on a long time detention by their heavy fat buttocks 🙃...😁)

Bella: (Hisses🙁 with a fainty eyes😩, slowly sipping her bottle of lemon juice 🧃 which with it's help has kept her hydrated and away from dry throat) What sort of mess is this?(she asks rhetorically) If only it is in my power, I will sue dis bank for their constant poor services to customers 😡(she soliloquizes angrily but was suddenly distorted by a little kick at her back slowly bringing her back to reality since she was lost in a deep thought for the past minutes)

Bella: (stood up quickly fully eranged😡) Who the hell is this???(already fuming) she shouted already facing a young man who could not help but look awkwardly at her with eyes wide open😳)

Young man: ( looking confused and innocent at a time) I'm so sorry dear, I missed my step,and I didn't know you were sitted here( he pleaded with a flashing smile🙂 as he removed his spectacles for clear observation) Honestly I'm very sorry it wasn't intentional (He said Crossing his hands)

Bella: (signs😏) so I'm now too small to be noticed ( she asks rhetorically why packing her things to avoid being bumped into by another shoe👟 which might be heavier than than the previous one😁 that just bumped on her) But it's alright, apology accepted (As she looks around for an imaginary chair hoping to find none)

Young man: (chuckles😁) Thanks for understanding....

Seem like you've been here for a long time??( He asks as he slowly climbs down the stairs)

[3/23, 2:02 PM] Chisom Loveth: Bella: Yeah, av been here for couple of hours now (she said using her left hand to adjust her shirt)

Young Man: Hmmm 🤔 you must be really tired, I just came to make deposits....all thanks to my banker friend; if not I will.....(he was interrupted by Bella's caller tune📱)

Bella: (Yawns🥱 tiredly as she picked the call) Hello mom! the bank is very stuffy today; I don't think we can make withdrawal today and besides, the 🏧 machine is not functional (Bella said finally emptying her bottle of lemon juice 🧃)

Mom: (sighs) Hmm okay ohhh

Well I think you should start coming back, I will look for a way to send Benita her remaining balance for the stuff she bought ( she said with a sober tone 😦)

Bella: Alright, I will be back shortly ( Heaves in relief as she looks at the young man who was waiting patiently all the while she made the call)

Young Man: You just said you will be going, aren't you going to wait a little longer?

Bella: No, I think I should get going (she said finally making it to the last floor of the stair case)

Young Man: Please wait (he rushed to meet her)

Do u mind if I lend you money? At least to solve your problem so as to not make those hours of your stay a waste.You can pay me back when you finally withdraws the money 💰 ( He said admits mixed feelings)

Bella: You!! Lend me money!! do you even know me??(she asked looking straight into his eyes)or perhaps what if we never get to meet??😏

Young Man: Then I will be glad that I lost my money in the hands of an angel( he said with a beaming smile 😊)

Bella: ( gives a snappy smile for the compliment but buckled immediately as not to fall her pride) Mmmmm 🤔 okay, so how much do you think I will be needing??

Young Man: I don't know burr I think I still have some cash with me

Bella: I Will be needing a hundred thousand naira( Bella said as she finally turns to face him)Do you have such an amount??

Young Man: Oww!! Yeah I do, but it's in my car 🚗

Hope you don't mind following me to my car to pick up the money?

Bella: (was surprised at the mention of the car burr had to hide her expressions so as not to make her look timid) I won't mind....

Young Man: okay,I will be after you( he said why creating a space for her to go first)

(On the car, the young Man opened the car, brought out the money which was already counted in bundles and handed it over to bella who is already lost as she stairs at the car to and fro like an unsufisticated girl)

Bella: Ohh! Thank you(she said finally regaining her self)

Hope is complete or should I count(she asked confidently)

Young Man: Yeah sure it's complete👍( He answered with full assurance)

Bella: Alright thanks, I think u should give me your account details so I can can forward the money to you or perhaps send me your address so I can bring the money to you as soon as I withdraws it

Young Man: ( Dips his hands in his breast pocket and brought out his card)

This is my card, All my details are there already (he smiled)

Bella:(little bit surprised as it was her first time recieving card from anyone and also with her innocent mentality that those kind of cards are only for the rich as she has always seen in movies🙂) Hmm...okay thanks, will be on my way

Young Man: you don't mind if I drop you off?? I am already on my way out before we met

Bella( who wouldn't want to miss any opportunity to enjoy luxury had to agree burr in a reluctant manner so as not to look cheap) yeah....😏 If you can😐

Young Man: Alright(he smiled as he opened the door for Bella who was already beside the door of the car,she gently entered the car and they zoomed off)

[3/25, 4:17 PM] Chisom Loveth: (Phyna in the sitting room watching her favourite program while Bella comes in)

Bella: ( slightly opens the door)

Ohh Phyna; you are still at home? Where is mom??(she asked as she gently sat on the cushion)

Phyna: She went out not quite long ago maybe she went to figure out on how to pay Benita, you know mom naw... She doesn't like owing people (she drawls)

Bella: ( Quickly turns facing Phyna; dips her hand in her pause and brought out the money)Phyna! (She called flinging the money in the air) Taraaa!!!!! I got the money(she exclaimed)

Phyna: How?? I thought mom said you won't be coming back with the money since the bank is overcrowded (Phyna gapes)

Bella:( chuckles 😁) my sister, it's a long story I didn't actually got the money from the bank. A guy offered to lend me the money(she whispered as she places the money on the table)

Phyna: (Gapes) Wait!! You mean a guy offered to lend you this kind of money?? Do you know him before??( She asked with a curious tone)

Bella:No, I just met him today.He actually bumped into me and he offered to help.

Phyna: Hmmm 🤔

So how are you going to pay him?(she asked as she paused the movie with the remote on her hand)

Phyna: Oh less I forget; he gave me his card, all his details are there (she handed the card over to phyna) and do you know he brought me home, but I told him to drop me off on the third street to avoid unnecessary query from mom.( She further explained)

Phyna: Omg!!😱 Tell me is not what I'm thinking....cause how can a guy you barely know offer to lend you money and at the same time brought you home!

This might be a love chemistry 😜( phyna teases)

Bella: I already know you to be a story twister😆. Burr honestly I think he's rich and wouldn't be a bad thing if we by any chance we become a thing ( she said as she gazed at phyna why making a sexy look)

Phyna: Honestly you are a bad girl(she teases bella)

Bella( laughs out loud 😂) I'm the baddie of all times!! (she blusters) Pls when mom come back I will tell her that one of my female friends did me this favor; I don't have strength to entertain her jamb questions ( she said as she stood up tiredly and makes way to the room)

Phyna:( chuckles 😁)

Better ohh

Cause I know mom, she won't hesitate to call on emergency family meeting if she finds out the real source of this money...

Bella: ( Stomach rumbles)

I'm famished ( she said as she plodded to the kitchen)

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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