
If I Die, I Will Be Invincible

Ye Ning, who traveled through time and space, did not receive any special abilities, except that he could become the Heavenly Emperor after his death. So he began to desperately search for a way to die. But soon he discovered that this world was poisonous. Emperor of the Great Zhou: "I made a mistake in my entire life after meeting Ye Ning. If he dies, I will never live alone." Heavenly Immortal: "People are so cold-blooded, only Ye Ning, who has never hated or abandoned me, so I will risk my life to protect him." Millions of human race: "Everyone in the world can be missing, but we cannot miss Lord Ye. He is a saint of ancient times, and only Ye Ning!" Ye Ning: "Please, can you stop? I'm about to become invincible, so how can I die?"

Kun_Zent · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

Wanna kill me, then kill me, I won't betray the empire

What is happening outside has no effect on the imperial palace.

After all, the imperial palace was built since the reign of the Great Zhou Taizu, and it had its own territory.

Especially the court, which was the most dignified area in the world and could not tolerate any noise from the outside, completely isolating it from the outside world.

If it were at another time, there might be eunuchs or guards reporting from outside.

But in today's situation, who would dare to be careless?

So the people in the Golden Chimes Hall basically didn't know what was happening outside.

But that didn't matter.

What mattered was that the civil officials, at this moment, had their literary spirits surging up with Ye Ning's.

" No one needs to know my name."

"My righteousness will survive with this world!"

"Moreover, how can it be said that I am nameless? Historical records as evidence, mountains and rivers bear witness!"

These three sentences constantly circled in their minds, shaking the literary courage of these civil officials, resonating with their literary spirit and boiling endlessly!

This is a holy saying.

The civil officials couldn't find words to express the emotions within their hearts.

In their eyes, looking towards Ye Ning, they couldn't help but bring along a sense of reverence.

Ten thousand years ago, the Great Zhou Taizu rose to power from the common people, becoming a ruler of the world.

Apart from the Immortal Sect, which he believed to be the source of chaos, suffering oppression, other orthodox sects did not receive any influence from him.

As a result, ten thousand years ago, his glory resounded throughout the land, and he was considered prosperous and mighty.

Later, the Great Zhou Taizu disappeared, and his descendant's era was not as great as before.

The Immortal Sects once again rose, seeking revenge on the Great Zhou and suppressing other orthodox sects.

What they wanted was only one thing, that was uniqueness!

The Confucian Sect was one of the main targets they oppressed.

During the era of the Great Zhou Taizu, Confucianism flourished, with great achievements in personal conduct, morality, and literature.

A pen determined life and death, a verse could slay demons.

How magnificent was that?

But it was precisely two thousand years ago that the Immortal Sects used bloody means, killing Confucian scholars and students, destroying the courage of countless book readers, and most importantly, they sealed numerous Holy Academies that nurtured scholars and sages.

Since then, the road of literati has been cut off.

This has also led to the current state of literati, in terms of level of literary expertise, being far inferior to the past.

Regardless of temperament, moral character, or personal cultivation, they are not enough to resist the Immortal Sect.

Gradually, the Confucian Sects naturally declined.

The reason why the literati of the empire are sluggish is precisely because of this.

They have forgotten how long it has been since they last heard the holy saying that can stir up such a fervent literary spirit like this!

Since the demise of the Confucian sects, there have been no shortages of those who submit and those who are poor and cowardly in the Confucian sects, but very few true heroes who dare to stand up for what is right have appeared.

Today, such a hero has emerged!

"This person has unlimited wealth and at a young age can speak the holy saying, and may change the miserable situation of our Confucian sects for a thousand years!"

The literati who have not lost their conscience once again see the "light" in their silent eyes.

They looked at Ye Ning as if they saw hope.

Of course, others couldn't sense the thoughts of the literati, but Cao Meng was deeply moved by them.

This was a true scholar!

Cao Meng was once youthful and passionate, but he regreted that he has become cold today.

However, Ye Ning's words have rekindled his long-lost passion.

At this moment, he no longer had any murderous intent.

Cao Meng's sword was not meant to kill a true hero!

He silently gazed at Ye Ning, and after a while, he spoke again.

"The situation of the Great Zhou is like the past, it cannot be reversed. The dignified bearing of you makes me admire and respect."

"On this world, there are great figures who fear nothing like that. If you were to die, it would be a loss to the world. So why bury yourself with the Great Zhou? If the you are willing, why not become an official for my Wei Kingdom? I, as the king, will surely clear the way and treat you with the highest regard."

Cao Meng's love of talent was as strong as ever, and a different idea had clearly sprung up in his mind.

His words became a pledge, even bowing his head to Ye Ning!

This scene shook the crowd.

The remaining five kings had different thoughts, but they could all understand Cao Meng.

If Ye Ning was really a hero, as the king, who wouldn't want to have him?

However, Ji Mingyue sitting on the dragon chair did not have this kind of mentality.

He clenched his teeth in anger, extremely furious.

"How dare you steal my official!"

Cao Meng was truly too arrogant.

He dared to say that the Great Zhou was a empire that would eventually perish.

Although this was the truth, to say it so openly was extremely arrogant!

Even though some things were well-known by everyone, they were still not said in front of others.

Didn't Cao Meng know the consequences?

He knew! But he still said it.

What was this?

This was determination!

He recruited Ye Ning, which could be said to fully demonstrate his intention.

It was not easy to find a loyal and righteous official, so why would Cao Meng want to steal Ye Ning?

Ji Mingyue was pessimistic in her heart.

To be honest, at present, the Great Zhou is like a broken ship. How can it compare with the state of the Wei Kingdom?

Once the Great Zhou is destroyed, the Wei Kingdom will be the number one contender for world domination. Joining the Wei Kingdom now could lead to future rewards and benefits.

From this perspective, it seems that the Great Zhou has no competitive edge.

Ji Mingyue couldn't say anything.

The current situation of the Great Zhou made him lack any confidence, and he couldn't promise anything to Ye Ning.

He anxiously looked at Ye Ning, waiting for him to make a decision.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Ye Ning.

No one expected that just a low-ranking official would become the main character of this imperial court meeting.

However, Ye Ning's mood was not good at all.

It could even be described as terrible.

He stared at Cao Meng, with thousands of thoughts running through his mind.

"What's going on with this king?"

"Aren't you supposed to kill me?"

"Are you sick or something?"

"I pretended to be powerful for half a day, hoping you would give me a decisive blow. But you didn't kill me, and now you want to recruit me?"

Ye Ning felt that Cao Meng had gone crazy!


Come and kill me!

The Wei Kingdom, the Great Zhou Dynasty, to Ye Ning, it's useless to talk about them!

He had long given up trying and just wanted to die quickly, then become a Heavenly Emperor.

So he didn't hesitate and directly refused.

"I won't go to the Wei Kingdom, and you can just kill me!"

In contrast, Cao Meng hurriedly spoke.

"Why is you so stubborn? The Emperor is cowardly and fearful, where else can you go but with me?"

Hearing this, Ye Ning gave a cold laugh, turned his head and looked at the Emperor.

"I come from humble beginnings, studying with extreme hardship for over ten years, going through the imperial examinations, becoming a scholar, and serving in the court. This is the grace of the empire!"

"To repay the emperor's grace, to guide the emperor, and to die for the emperor!"

"Therefore, if you want to kill me, then do so, but I will never betray the empire!"