
If I Die, I Will Be Invincible

Ye Ning, who traveled through time and space, did not receive any special abilities, except that he could become the Heavenly Emperor after his death. So he began to desperately search for a way to die. But soon he discovered that this world was poisonous. Emperor of the Great Zhou: "I made a mistake in my entire life after meeting Ye Ning. If he dies, I will never live alone." Heavenly Immortal: "People are so cold-blooded, only Ye Ning, who has never hated or abandoned me, so I will risk my life to protect him." Millions of human race: "Everyone in the world can be missing, but we cannot miss Lord Ye. He is a saint of ancient times, and only Ye Ning!" Ye Ning: "Please, can you stop? I'm about to become invincible, so how can I die?"

Kun_Zent · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

Using the dynasty's fortune to lift the seal on the holy academy

Ye Ning gained fame overnight, admired by countless people.

And Liu Shen, on the other hand, was constantly insulted by others and could only hide in the shadows.

It was impossible for anyone not to be any psychological imbalance in this situation.

However, this did not affect him in the slightest.

A scholar's reputation was even heavier than one's life.

And Liu Shen, in order to revive the Great Zhou, had long ago abandoned his reputation.

He was truly a selfless person.

As for this person, he did not let his emotions affect him and quickly adjusted his feelings.

He began to discuss the main issue.

" He Yuanyi just died. Although it was not Ye Ning's intention, the Ascension sect will not give up their plans. Depending on the temperament of the immortal sect, they will definitely not let Ye Ning go."

Ji Mingyue worriedly said.

In his mind, he thought that Ye Ning might not be able to sleep peacefully at this time.

However, he did not know that Ye Ning was already sound asleep.

"There are two ways to save him!"

A glimmer of light appeared in Liu Shen's still and deep eyes.

"What methods?"

Ji Mingyue was overjoyed.

Liu Shen was always trustworthy and straightforward, without any unnecessary words.

He directly proposed a solution.

"The first way is to make Ye Ning like me, tarnishing his reputation and be a rebellious official. At the same time, he should actively gain the favor of the immortal sects and willingly become their hunting dog. From then on, there may be a chance to survive."

Liu Shen said slowly.

"This is not very feasible. Although I haven't interacted with Ye Ning much, I was able to see his personality today at the Golden Chimes Hall. He is upright and just, hates evil like a foe, and sees the immortal sects as the source of chaos. How could he accept defeat against the immortal sects?"

Ji Mingyue laughed bitterly.

He had considered this option, but he rejected it as soon as it came to mind.

A person with a personality like Ye Ning, relying on him to accomplish this kind of thing, was simply wishful thinking.

"I feel the same way. Ye Ning is too arrogant. If not, he would not have uttered a poem 'In life, everyone will eventually die. I only hope to leave a mark in history.' People like him will never bow down, even if they are killed."

Liu Shen took a deep breath, and his eyes showed an approving look.

"People with a strong sense of justice will always see Ye Ning as a target."

"So there is only one option. If he cannot beg for forgiveness to save his life, then he must becomes strong, so strong that even immortals cannot kill him!"

"How can he become so strong that even immortals cannot kill him."

Ji Mingyue frowned.

This was the same as saying nothing.

But suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something unbelievable.

"The Holy Academy?"

He thought of a place.

"It is the Holy Academy!"

Liu Shen looked respectful.

The Holy Academy was where the Great Sages taught back then, it was the holy place of Confucianism, and it was also the bright moon in the hearts of all scholars.

Unfortunately, it had been sealed by the immortal sects.

The Holy Academy was sealed, and the literary spirit of the world was reduced by half.

The scholars lost their way, and it slowly began to collapse.

"Your Majesty, Don't forget, before the head of the Holy Academy passed away, he said that the righteous qi of the world will not dissipate, the Holy Academy will not be destroyed, perhaps it will be lost for a while, but it will not be lost forever. It's just waiting for someone who can lead the Confucian Sect, who can absorb the righteous qi of the world into his body, selfless and compassionate, not afraid of life and death!"

"When this person appears, the Holy Academy can definitely break the seal!"

A gleam of light flashed in Liu Shen's eyes.

This time, it had nothing to do with the court, but the expectation of a scholar for the holy place within the world.

"The person spoken of by the head of the Holy Academy is probably not much inferior to the great sage of ancient times."

Ji Mingyue laughed bitterly.

"The great sage only exists in books and has never appeared in the world? Could it be that you feel that Ye Ning can compare to the great sage?"

The Holy Academy is the place where the great sage preaches.

Naturally, the great sage can break the seal of the Holy Academy.

But the problem is, how strict are the requirements for becoming a great sage?

One must have great willpower, great charisma, and great achievements, whether in self-cultivation or in one's own talent, one must reach the level of the supreme ancient sage!

Only someone like this has the potential to become a great sage.

The transmission of the Confucian tradition has gone through countless years, and only a few great sages appeared during the ancient period to enlighten the Confucian path.

Since then, no great sage has emerged, at most they are just partial-sages.

Ji Mingyue felt that regardless of Ye Ning's talent or character, they were not bad, but he also did not believe that Ye Ning had reached the standard to be compared to the great sages of ancient times.

That is too difficult.

Almost impossible!

"Even if he can't break the seal of the Holy Academy, just by going through the examination, he can still gain great benefits. The year I was favored by the Emperor and was lucky enough to enter the Holy Academy for the examination, I broke three levels in a row and gained the accumulation of literary spirit for a hundred years, which made me make a great progress."

"If Ye Ning can break through to the fifth level or more, his strength can soar."

"If he can break through seven levels, even the immortal sects would find it difficult to kill him!"

Liu Shen said conservatively.

Because the Holy Academy is a very special place, what disciples of the Confucianism can harvest inside the Holy Academy depends entirely on their own destiny.

He couldn't guarantee that Ye Ning would survive after entering the Holy Academy, but at least there was a chance.

"But if he can't pass the examination, his literary spirit will definitely be destroyed, and his soul will be shattered!"

Ji Mingyue hesitated and said.

All examinations are like double-edged swords, with both good and bad aspects.

"The examination of the Holy Academy strikes directly at the heart, even if a righteous scholar fails, the consequences will not be too bad. Only those with bad intentions and evil thoughts can be shattered. Wouldn't His Majesty trust Ye Ning?"

Liu Shen smiled at Ji Mingyue.

"Or is it that His Majesty is unwilling to use the dynasty's fortune of the Great Zhou to open the Holy Academy for Ye Ning?"

Since the Holy Academy was sealed, it was not easy to enter.

Each Emperor can only send one person in their lifetime.

Because every time the Holy Academy is opened, it will consume the dynasty's fortune.

Only those who are truly trusted by the Emperor can receive this precious opportunity.

Whether it is talent or character, there are extremely high requirements.

In any case, the dynasty's fortune is really important in the Great Zhou today.

So, can Ji Mingyue do it or not?

Ji Mingyue thought for a moment before making a decision.