
If I Die, I Will Be Invincible

Ye Ning, who traveled through time and space, did not receive any special abilities, except that he could become the Heavenly Emperor after his death. So he began to desperately search for a way to die. But soon he discovered that this world was poisonous. Emperor of the Great Zhou: "I made a mistake in my entire life after meeting Ye Ning. If he dies, I will never live alone." Heavenly Immortal: "People are so cold-blooded, only Ye Ning, who has never hated or abandoned me, so I will risk my life to protect him." Millions of human race: "Everyone in the world can be missing, but we cannot miss Lord Ye. He is a saint of ancient times, and only Ye Ning!" Ye Ning: "Please, can you stop? I'm about to become invincible, so how can I die?"

Kun_Zent · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
43 Chs

Traitorous woman, please just be human

Ye Ning would never know that within one night, he had received great protection for his safety.

If he knew, he probably wouldn't be able to laugh.

But at this moment, he was laughing.

He was lying on a swing, laughing uncontrollably because he had been poisoned.

Death was counting down the time.

In just three days, he would be able to end his life.

But for him, it was a form of release.

"After I die, I will definitely repay you all."

Ye Ning was a grateful person.

All those who had contributed to his killing were his benefactors.

The day he became the Heavenly Emperor would be the time to repay them!

The first day passed.

Ye Ning's smile was no longer as bright as on the first day.

He rubbed his chest.

"Heartbeat normal."

He jumped a few times in place.

"Feet are fine."

He looked at himself in the mirror.

"Rosy complexion."

His condition was clearly still very good.

But it was precisely because it was too good that he felt anxious.

Am I showing any signs of being poisoned?

A worry emerged in his heart.

Could this still be overturned?

"No way!"

Ye Ning shook his head.

Xiao Qianqian's secret had been discovered by him.

Such a big matter couldn't just be ignored.

If Ye Ning was the spy of the Kievan Rus kingdom, and he would definitely kill everyone who knew about it.

There was no doubt about this point.

"It must be that I'm overthinking it. I must have been poisoned, but this poison is extraordinary. When the poison has not yet taken effect, it is no different from ordinary people. Once the poison takes effect, death is immediate!"

Ye Ning took a deep breath.

He could almost conclude that this poison was inside him.

This was a world where martial arts are highly valued, and creating this type of poison was not difficult.

He lay on his back again.

He was worried that once he got out, he might encounter a master who could cure him.

Having overturned so many times, Ye Ning was traumatized.

He believed that the critical moment was when one thing was better than many.

The second day passed.

Early in the morning of the third day, Ye Ning didn't sleep all night, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"It's already the third day, why am I still not dead?"

He examined himself, but there were no signs of poisoning.

It couldn't be, it couldn't be...

Ye Ning swallowed his saliva.

Could he still overturn the situation?

His state of mind was somewhat collapsing.

After pacing back and forth in the room for a while, he muttered to himself.

"It must be that the time has not come yet. Xiao Qianqian has no reason to deceive me... If I don't die, and once she is exposed, she will be the one to die!"

It's true, the time has not come yet.

"This poison takes three days to take effect, so it must be exactly seventy-two hours, not a minute less!"

Ye Ning clung to his last hope and sat in the room waiting.

Uncle Huang knocked on the door several times, wanting to deliver Ye Ning's breakfast, lunch, and... dinner.

But Ye Ning did not respond.

Until late at night.

Uncle Huang brought the late-night meal to him.

In his eyes, there was full of sadness and worry.

"What should I do now? The young master refuses to eat!"

"If the young master does not eat for a whole day, what should I do now? Let's wait for a moment."

He knocked on the door.

He planned to advise Ye Ning a little bit.

But as he knocked on the door, Ye Ning came out directly.

He held a curtain in his hand, having swallowed two or three pieces.

Then he carried the watery porridge bowl and drank it all.

"I'm so angry!"

Ye Ning filled his stomach, having enough strength to hold his anger.

Then his face turned black, and he stormed out of the big door.

Only Uncle Huang was standing there stunned.

What was happening?

Ye Ning walked on the main road, suppressing his anger.

It was already this late, if he still did not know he had been deceived, then his intelligence was questionable.

And yet she deceived me!

"I trusted you, but you deceived me, you traitorous woman."

Ye Ning was furious.

For the past three days, he had planned out everything that would happen after his death.

And what was the result?

What was the result?!

"You deceived my feelings!"

Ye Ning stormed into Spring Breeze House, causing a disturbance.

"Lord Ye is here."

The beauties' expressions suddenly changed.

"Lor Ye."

"Ye brother, good evening!"

The passersby greeted.

But Ye Ning paid no attention to them.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

He stomped up the stairs, heading straight for Xiao Qianqian's room.

Anyone else would have violated the rules, but Ye Ning was an exception.

Xiao Qianqian had sent a message that no one should stop Ye Ning from seeing her.

Therefore, he had a very convenient way to get to her.

He pushed the door open and stormed in with an aggressive manner.

"You have to explain to me!"

He demanded harshly.

Seeing Ye Ning's appearance, Xiao Qianqian secretly smiled, showing her appreciation.

"On that day, the words of Lord Ye made me deeply sympathetic."

Ye Ning's fiery demeanor paused.

"What did I say?"

He only talked nonsense that day and had forgotten about it already.

"Lord Ye said that cowardice is the passport of cowards, and nobility is the epitaph of the noble..."

"Lord Ye said that even if I entered the Kievan Rus kingdom, I could not change the Great Zhou blood flowing in my body..."

"Lord Ye said..."

Xiao Qianqian repeated the words he said that day.

Three days had passed, but she still remembered those words deeply, and every time she thought of them, her heart would tremble.

"Did I say those words?"

Ye Ning was a bit confused, but he shook his head and resumed his aggressive demeanor.

"Even if I said those words, what does that have to do with anything?"

Xiao Qianqian took a deep breath.

"I heard you speak for one day, which is better than reading books for ten years. That day, when I listened to your teachings, I understood everything."

"You understood everything?"

"Yes, I understood everything completely. I am determined to become a good person! It was you who awakened my conscience!"

"And then?"

"So I voluntarily confessed and helped the court officials to destroy all the spy nests of the Kievan Rus kingdom. When the emperor learned of this, he forgave my past crimes and compensated me for my contributions, and did not pursue my past anymore."

Ye Ning took three steps back.

He was stunned.

Do you understand?

Do you understand anything at all?

As a spy for the enemy kingdom, do you have any principles?

Do you deserve the training and education that the Kievan Rus kingdom has given you?

"What about the poisoned wine?"

Ye Ning clung to a glimmer of hope and asked tremblingly.

"What poisoned wine? I was just joking with Lord Ye."


Ye Ning felt like he had been struck by lightning.

Traitorous woman, please just be human!