
If I Die, I Will Be Invincible

Ye Ning, who traveled through time and space, did not receive any special abilities, except that he could become the Heavenly Emperor after his death. So he began to desperately search for a way to die. But soon he discovered that this world was poisonous. Emperor of the Great Zhou: "I made a mistake in my entire life after meeting Ye Ning. If he dies, I will never live alone." Heavenly Immortal: "People are so cold-blooded, only Ye Ning, who has never hated or abandoned me, so I will risk my life to protect him." Millions of human race: "Everyone in the world can be missing, but we cannot miss Lord Ye. He is a saint of ancient times, and only Ye Ning!" Ye Ning: "Please, can you stop? I'm about to become invincible, so how can I die?"

Kun_Zent · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

I would rather die than hand over the seal jade

Ji Mingyue lowered his head, and the pearls on his crown covered his angry eyes.

He had never been so angry before.

From his childhood to now, he had been acting like a spoiled and reckless emperor, but deep down, he had a strong ambition.

He knew that the more outstanding he appeared, the more attention he would receive, and it would be easier for him to accumulate power secretly.

But today he has realized it.

He is still too naive, even if he behaves recklessly, the immortal sect will not hesitate to destroy the Great Zhou step by step.

Everywhere yields, in exchange for the fierceness that threatens people.

Quietly accumulating power, but before the power was fully accumulated, the boat was already overturned.

Now, in the Nine States of the world, the Great Zhou has lost six states. If it were to establish a seventh, its dynasty's fortune would surely be greatly eroded.

With slightly better fortune, the hearts of the people and the soldiers will fall to the bottom of the valley, and the glory of the Great Zhou will be wiped out.

With bad fortune, the fate of the dynasty could also be shattered!

Once the fate of the dynasty is shattered, the world will surely fall into chaos.

At that time, he will also lose his position of authority.

Without the protection of the dynasty's fortune, it would be easy for the immortal sect to kill him.

"I have no way to retreat anymore!"

The slender figure of Ji Mingyue, covered in a wide dragon robe, his white, snow-like fingers twisted into a knot inside his sleeve.

He absolutely could not agree.

Although establishing a seventh kingdom did not necessarily mean the fortune of the dynasty would be shattered, he absolutely could not gamble with the fate of the dynasty!

Since ascending the throne, Ji Mingyue has always been obedient.

This was the first time he had spoken out against the will of the immortal sect.

"If I don't want to, then what?"

His words startled everyone in the hall.

He Yuanyi raised an eyebrow, his eyes revealing a hint of coldness.

"You don't want to?"

Ji Mingyue's acting was excellent, having been gentle and obedient like a young lamb for many years, successfully deceiving people throughout the world.

Of course, He Yuanyi was also like that. He never expected Ji Mingyue to dare to refuse!

"Although the Jinyang Li family has made some achievements, the distance from being a king is clearly not enough. If he were to become a king, how could the people of the world accept it?"

Ji Mingyue didn't want to lose face, so he looked for a reason to argue back.

"The people of the world?"

He Yuanyi sneered.

"Who are the people of the world?"

Without waiting for Ji Mingyue to answer, he stood up and held his robe, showing a proud posture.

"If it's the Immortal Sect, then the will of me is the will of the Immortal Sect!"

Ji Mingyue gritted her teeth and said

"The Immortal Sect cannot represent the people of the world!"

He Yuanyi scornfully laughed.

"If the Immortal Sect cannot represent the people of the world, then who can? The nobles, or the civil and military officials?"

His eyes were cold as he looked towards the people in the court.

The civil and military officials knelt down and jostled to speak.

"The Jinyang Li family's achievements are exceptional, and he should be made a king. We have no objections!"

" The Jinyang Li family's achievements are exceptional, and he should be made a king. We have no objections!"

" The Jinyang Li family's achievements are exceptional, and he should be made a king. We have no objections!"

They seemed to have rehearsed, their voices in unison, constantly shouting with a majestic force that could move mountains and seas. The six kings also echoed in agreement.

Not a single person in the court stood on the side of the emperor.

Ji Mingyue sat on the high throne, feeling nothing but coldness and despair at this moment.

His face was pale, filled with anger and pain.

The Great Zhou Dynasty had lasted for thousands of years, has it really come to an end?

Surrounded by external enemies, the internal struggles continued.

There is no language that can express Ji Mingyue's emotions at this moment.

He has reached the edge of collapse, to the point where his voice carries a sharp edge, like that of a woman.

Liu Jin, who was hiding in a nearby corner, was so angry that he was gnashing his teeth.

Seeing his red face, Ye Ning knew he was truly angry and curiously asked.

"The Emperor has been in power for so many years, isn't there anyone loyal to him? Isn't it a failure to have no one in the court to speak up for him?"

Liu Jin listened and became even angrier but had nowhere to vent.

"Of course, the Emperor has close confidants, and Crafty General Liu Shen is one of them!"

Ye Ning furrowed his brow.

"Crafty General?"

Liu Jin nodded vigorously and said fiercely.

"The Emperor has poor judgment, even with the protection of this general. He sweats and sheds the tears of the people everywhere, embezzles and squanders, beguiles the emperor, and countless people want to impeach him, but the emperor favors him... Who would have thought that today, with such a critical situation, he would report sick and not come to court, and even his faction did not show up!"

Ye Ning understood.

Liu Shen understood that this was an unfavorable situation, so he fled.

However, this was also normal for crafty officials.

They sought good places for themselves, and when they saw danger, they would run as far as possible.

However, if they didn't go to court, it was also fine. The young Emperor was already in dire straits.

How could he fight against the immortal sect alone?

"Does Your Majesty have anything else to say?"

He Yuanyi 's eyes were full of disdain.

Civil and Military officials?

High – ranking officials?

Just mere ants!

Who dares to challenge in front of the immortal sect?

"You all cannot represent the people of the world. The world belongs to the people of the world. Only those with the virtues of the common people can represent them!"

Ji Mingyue refused to back down and planned to fight alone.

"Ridiculous! How many common people are there in the world? Do you want to ask for their opinions one by one?"

King Xiang Yun of Chu Kingdom denied it.

"No need to ask. I have already sent someone to Jinyang to gather the opinions of the common people."

Ji Mingyue was prepared long ago, waving her hand and several eunuchs brought up a pile of thick reports.

"These are the writings of tens of thousands of common people in Jinyang, with their seals on it."

"The Li family of Jinyang has mistreated the common people, seized good land, and openly robbed people. They have done all sorts of evil things, causing the common people of Jinyang to suffer."

"All of these incidents are recorded. Person like him is not worthy of being crowned king."

Ji Mingyue's words were powerful and thunderous, causing the crowd to freeze.

No one expected that a benighted emperor could be so well prepared and silent, making all the necessary arrangements.

"Alright, do you have anything else to say?"

Liu Jin saw this scene and was elated, pounding his chest and stamping his feet.

The stiff posture of the others made him very happy.

But Ye Ning shook his head.

It was useless.

The truth of the world is just emptiness.

The only effective thing is power.

If ethics had an effect, then the Great Zhou wouldn't be in such a state of chaos.

Indeed, after a short silence, King Cao Meng of Wei Kingdom lifted his head and took a step forward, kicking away a pile of reports held by a junior eunuch.


He drew his sword from his side and swung it down, and flames suddenly appeared on the blade!

This was a sword technique that given by the immortal sect.

The flames burned and quickly turned the reports that recorded the words of countless people into ashes. With the sword in hand, a wicked smile appeared on his dark face.

"Unfortunately, they have been burned unintentionally. The reports that collected the words of the people are no more!"

Unintentionally burned?

Ji Mingyue suddenly stood up from his dragon seat.


He stared at Cao Meng.

But Cao Meng showed no fear and instead had a look of challenge in his eyes.

Ji Mingyue'schest heaved up and down violently.

His eyes scanned the crowd - the civil and military officials fell silent, the six kings looked down on him, and the arrogant immortal sect were like needles, piercing a hundred thousand holes into his heart.

For the emperor, today's events were undoubtedly shameful.

But what could be done?

He couldn't utter a complete sentence.

Because he realized that anything he said would probably be useless.

He Yuanyi glanced at Cao Meng and made a lazy sound of approval.

"Please bestow the title of king!"

"Please bestow the title of king!"

"Please bestow the title of king!"

The crowd shouted together, their voices thunderous, converging into a ritualistic chant like a surging wave.

Ji Mingyue felt as if he was struck by a powerful force, his body leaning backwards, and he fell down in his long robes.

His eyes became slightly red.

How cruel they were to him!

He felt endless bitterness, making him want to burst into tears.

"Rebellious officials! Rebellious officials..."

Liu Jin muttered in anger, his body trembling constantly.

Today's incident truly shattered his view.

The emperor's prestige was unparalleled, yet he was humiliated like this!

In the vast land of the Great Zhou, was there no one with integrity?

"Your Majesty has tacitly agreed."

Cao Meng decisively ignored Ji Mingyue, holding his sword and turning his back to the crowd.

"Write the decree!"

Someone immediately wrote the decree and presented it.

Cao Meng laughed coldly, placing the decree on the table.

"Where is the seal officer? Hurry up and present the jade seal, invite the emperor to stamp it!"

Today's matter had clearly ended with a predetermined outcome!

Next, only the last step was missing...

But no one expected that there would be a problem with this last step.

Only a young official carrying a wooden box walked out from a corner of the hall. He had pink lips and white teeth and appeared to be around twenty years old, with an extremely handsome appearance.

However, at this moment, the cheeks of his handsome face were filled with anger. Instead of presenting the jade seal, he held the box tightly to his chest and scolded harshly.

"Rebellious Official! I would rather die than hand over the jade seal!"