
If I Die, I Will Be Invincible

Ye Ning, who traveled through time and space, did not receive any special abilities, except that he could become the Heavenly Emperor after his death. So he began to desperately search for a way to die. But soon he discovered that this world was poisonous. Emperor of the Great Zhou: "I made a mistake in my entire life after meeting Ye Ning. If he dies, I will never live alone." Heavenly Immortal: "People are so cold-blooded, only Ye Ning, who has never hated or abandoned me, so I will risk my life to protect him." Millions of human race: "Everyone in the world can be missing, but we cannot miss Lord Ye. He is a saint of ancient times, and only Ye Ning!" Ye Ning: "Please, can you stop? I'm about to become invincible, so how can I die?"

Kun_Zent · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

Finding a way to die is my specialty

Finally, the door opened for the guest.

The group of people looked at Lu Zhu for a moment, then turned their gaze to Ye Ning, suppressing their desires in their hearts and wishing him well.

"Congratulations to Lord Ye!"

"Congratulations, Ye Brother!"

"Today, with the Kingdom shaking level poem and a beautiful lady's appointment, it will surely become a legendary story of the ancient times!"

The congratulations of the people made a smile appear on Ye Ning's lips.

They thought I was going to meet a beauty.

Wrong, I am going to the execution ground!

"I'll go first."

Ye Ning didn't want to waste any more effort for what it was worth.

He greeted Liu Sanyuan and continued on his way.

For him, Xiao Qianqian was not just a beauty, but also an executioner who could lead him to his death.

Lady, I advise you not to mess with me!

You must kill me.

"Please, Ye brother, go ahead."

Liu Sanyuan hurriedly clasped his hands together.

His eyes were contemplative.

The truth was that everyone had underestimated Ye Ning.

The person on the upper floor was probably also frightened now.

Suddenly, things became more interesting.

Before this, Liu Sanyuan still felt that this was just a simple experiment, but after this incident, he felt that for Xiao Qianqian, this was not necessarily just an experiment.

Women can seduce men, which makes sense.

But conversely, outstanding men also attract women.

Look at the beauties of Spring Breeze House, each and every one of them had already become loose in appearance.

If Ye Ning casually raised a finger, they would fight to climb onto his bed.

Can Xiao Qianqian withstand such a man?

Who is testing whom in the end?

Of course, Ye Ning was unaware of Liu Sanyuan's cruel pleasure.

Under the scrutiny of everyone's gaze, he was walking towards the highest floor.

As he passed through the floor of the eight beauties, eight stunning beauties fixed their gaze on Ye Ning.

After Ye Ning entered the room, their eyes lingered on him before finally withdrawing.

Then, involuntarily, their eyes met.

Each could see the hostility in the other's eyes.

"You wretch, do you also want to compete with me for Lord Ye?"

"Are you even worthy? You're only fit to be a keyholder!"

"What are we competing for? Lord Ye went into that room, so what does it have to do with us sisters?"

At this moment, a beauty spoke up.

The women finally realized what was going on.

For a moment, their hearts were filled with bitterness.

The one on the top floor was like a queen, making them compare unfavorably.

"Oh, what a misery."

Someone sighed and sobbed.

How could they find other men pleasing after meeting such a man?

Truly, their hearts had a hundred knots, and they didn't know whom to talk to.

The eight beauties took their leave together, leaving the men below unsure of what to do.

Until Ye Ning entered the door, he was still thinking about what to do.

First of all, he must be clear that he really wants to die, any beauty is just a temporary pleasure, waiting until he becomes a Heavenly Emperor, he can have whatever he wants.

He must not forget his initial intention, he doesn't need to know what the enemy looks like, nor should he be mesmerized.

After achieving this minimum goal, everything becomes easy.

It's not wrong to want to find death, but how to find it is still a problem.

Liu Sanyuan said that there is a major character behind Xiao Qianqian, and anyone who offends her will have to die.

But Ye Ning thought that he is not an ordinary person now.

This reputation is so great, if he doesn't show outstanding performance carefully, if it is just a simple act of remembering and missing, then the major character behind Xiao Qianqian may not necessarily kill him.

Physical contact? Definitely!

He must make the other person trust him, ensuring that he wears a green hat for the other person.

Only then he can trigger the opponent's murderous intent.

Ye Ning was very clear that for men, wearing a green hat could be considered the greatest humiliation.

The more prominent the person, the less they can tolerate this humiliation.

But the problem is, how far should he go?

Holding hands is considered physical contact, kissing is also counted, what about that... how far does he need to go?

If he applauds love directly.

Would that be too much of a loss?

In the future, he will be the Heavenly Emperor, and not every woman can casually touch his body.

Just as his thoughts were constantly changing, he stepped into the door.

As soon as he entered the door, all his thoughts came to a halt.

It turned out that he didn't actually meet Xiao Qianqian.

He could only see a white curtain.

The curtain obscured his vision, and he could only vaguely see a slender figure with flowing blue hair and a graceful appearance, playing a white lute with a slightly lazy posture, displaying calmness and elegance in her movements.

I've been overthinking!

Ye Ning's gaze was serious.

Understood, this woman has not yet been completely conquered by him!

The eight beauties' gaze at Ye Ning creates an illusion in his mind, making him instinctively think that Xiao Qianqian is also like one of the eight beauties.

But a veil reveals the difference to him.

Xiao Qianqian is not easily swayed, or rather, she has not yet been moved enough.

Indeed, this woman is not ordinary!

Compared to the coquettish lovers outside, it's much more difficult to conquer her.

But Ye Ning was not worried, it just took more effort and a bit of trouble.

Finding a way to die is my specialty.

As for chasing girls, I have many tricks up my sleeve!

Liu Sanyuan looked down at Lu Zhu's small white finger and suddenly shrank back, stuffing the paper with the poem into his chest and saying bitterly.

"Miss Lu Zhu, is this not appropriate?"