
If I Die, I Will Be Invincible

Ye Ning, who traveled through time and space, did not receive any special abilities, except that he could become the Heavenly Emperor after his death. So he began to desperately search for a way to die. But soon he discovered that this world was poisonous. Emperor of the Great Zhou: "I made a mistake in my entire life after meeting Ye Ning. If he dies, I will never live alone." Heavenly Immortal: "People are so cold-blooded, only Ye Ning, who has never hated or abandoned me, so I will risk my life to protect him." Millions of human race: "Everyone in the world can be missing, but we cannot miss Lord Ye. He is a saint of ancient times, and only Ye Ning!" Ye Ning: "Please, can you stop? I'm about to become invincible, so how can I die?"

Kun_Zent · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

Everyone will eventually die

How could Ji Mingyue know that Ye Ning had such strange thoughts?

He saw the disbelief on Ye Ning's face, and his eyes were complicated, so Ji Mingyue automatically understood it as moving.

"A loyal person like Ye Ning can be compared to the Great Sages of ancient times. I, as the Emperor, am grateful for you. Even if the Emperor's Energy is exposed, it is worth it."

Ji Mingyue did not say these words, but the meaning was clear in his eyes.

In his thoughts, this moment would be recorded in history books and passed down for generations.

A few years later, people would remember that there was once an emperor and official who trusted and protected each other.

Ye Ning sensed Ji Mingyue's thoughts.

It was precisely because he sensed it that he was even more stirred up to curse at Ji Mingyue!

"Is you, the benighted emperor, sick or what?"

"I helped you, yet you still want to save my life!"

"Is there really such cruel person in this world?"

It was true that, in Ye Ning's eyes, anyone who killed him was a good brother, and anyone who tried to save him was an enemy.

"Well done, I didn't expect that you would even hide the Emperor's energy in your hand. This is beyond the expectations of my sect!"

He Yuanyi burst into anger.

Ye Ning was so uncivilized that he exceeded the imagination of him.

Ji Mingyue's determination was even more unbelievable for him.

Suddenly, he realized that the person who was considered a benighted emperor by the world might not be as indecisive as he appeared to be.

At least from this hiding of the emperor's energy, it could be seen that he was not obedient as he appeared to be.

"Please spare his life!"

Ji Mingyue's expression was firm, holding the lamp tightly in his hand.

Today, Ye Ning's behavior had the dignity of a great sage.

This was a character recorded in the holy book!

How could he let such a character die before his eyes?

Therefore, even if it meant revealing the Emperor's energy and causing the immortal sects's vigilance, he would not regret it!

"This person insults the immortal sect, deserves to be punished, and there is no turning back!"

He Yuanyi frowned and spoke coldly.

"However, since the Emperor has spoken, I should show some respect. In this case, if the Emperor agrees to bestow the title of king, and makes this person (Ye Ning) kneel straight towards the direction of the Ascension Sect for seven days, I can spare his life!"

"If not, even if the Emperor protects him on the imperial palace, he will still have a chance to leave the palace."

"At that time, I could not guarantee his safety."

He Yuanyi was not foolish.

Although the Great Zhou had set like the sun in the west, it was still legitimate, with the dynasty's fate.

Anyone daring to kill the emperor would surely be punished by heaven.

Not to mention him, even the Ascension Sect would also meet the same fate.

The only way to deal with the Great Zhou was to carefully probe, step by step weakening the Great Zhou's strength, and wait until the emperor lost the hearts of the people, and the dynasty's fate naturally collapsed.

At that time, they would be free to crush and grind everything to pieces.

Therefore, when Ji Mingyue gambled with his life to protect Ye Ning, even He Yuanyi felt it was difficult to resolve.

But he did not hesitate, instead cleverly thinking of a way to break the situation.

"You are willing to pay such a high price for him, so you must be very concerned about his life and death, right? If that's the case, then Ye Ning will become your weakness!"

Using Ye Ning's life to threaten Ji Mingyue could have an incredible effect.

This was called turning the tables!

Indeed, Ji Mingyue was immediately stunned, with a bewildered expression on his face, looking at Ye Ning.

He never expected that He Yuanyi would be so shameless, using Ye Ning's life to threaten him.

The tassels on the crown above were shaking, and Ye Ning looked through the gap and saw a beautiful face like a white fox.

Just by looking at the emperor's snow-white skin and slightly dreamy eyes, Ji Mingyue showed an adorable calmness.

Ye Ning glanced at him, but unexpectedly felt a heartache.

"Ah, the appearance of this benighted emperor."

Ye Ning trembled.

"What a joke."

He thought, but he was still amazed by the beauty of a man.

"Is there something wrong with me, or is there something wrong with him?"

In the end, was this benighted emperor a feminine character, or just beautiful like a woman?

Ye Ning shook his head.

"That's not it!"

"This benighted emperor's identity is not quite right."

"And neither am I."

"Whether he is a woman or not has nothing to do with me. My goal is to find a way to die!"

"Did he say he was going to kill me?"

"Why start negotiating now?"

Ye Ning was angry, feeling a lack of respect.

"You're not going to kill me, did you ask for my opinion?"

"Based on what do you demand my death one moment and not the next? Is this a game to you?"

"I won't allow it!"

His thoughts circled, not giving the two of them a chance to negotiate.

He looked up at the sky and laughed heartily.

His laughter echoed, revealing a fearless spirit that disregarded life and death.

"Your Majesty doesn't need to worry about this. There's nothing to say about it. Once the Li family is granted the title of king, it will affect the foundation of the dynasty. How can the life of me be compared to the foundation of the dynasty? If Your Majesty really agrees with this proposal, even if I die, I will not close my eyes!"

Hearing this, Ji Mingyue shed tears.

"But then, you will die."

Ye Ning laughed softly.

In his eyes, there was no trace of hesitation or fear.

Only a look of excitement.

He wanted to die with all his heart.

To others, he seemed like a holy and idealistic figure.

"Without regret, I will sacrifice myself for the greater good. The Great Zhou's tradition has lasted for ten thousand years. If it were truly to be destroyed, how could there not be a loyal official willing to die for their country?"

Ye Ning stepped forward, one step at a time.

He looked up, as if welcoming death itself.

"In any case, someone must shed blood. So let it be my blood, the first step in stirring this current!"

How grandiose was this act?

How heroic was this demeanor!

All those who had not lost their conscience were immediately moved to tears.

The light of humanity, awakened in this moment, caused many to forget their fear and step forward, tense and resolute.

"Ye Ning, please don't do this."

In his heart, Ye Ning cursed.

Why would someone try to stop him?

A warm smile spread across his face as he raised his hand, signaling the crowd to step back.

Now, he had ascended the steps.

"Please, make your move!"

He spoke coldly.

"No, I won't allow you to die! You are still young."

Ji Mingyue pleaded.

"In life, everyone will eventually die. I only hope to leave a mark in history!"

Ye Ning calmly replied.