
If I Die, I Will Be Invincible

Ye Ning, who traveled through time and space, did not receive any special abilities, except that he could become the Heavenly Emperor after his death. So he began to desperately search for a way to die. But soon he discovered that this world was poisonous. Emperor of the Great Zhou: "I made a mistake in my entire life after meeting Ye Ning. If he dies, I will never live alone." Heavenly Immortal: "People are so cold-blooded, only Ye Ning, who has never hated or abandoned me, so I will risk my life to protect him." Millions of human race: "Everyone in the world can be missing, but we cannot miss Lord Ye. He is a saint of ancient times, and only Ye Ning!" Ye Ning: "Please, can you stop? I'm about to become invincible, so how can I die?"

Kun_Zent · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

Enduring humiliation, the true face of a rebellious official

He had been thinking for a few hours inside the palace.

Although not much time had passed, the news of the commotion had already spread throughout the court.

Today's disturbance was truly significant, with the images of the great sages. Countless people were paying attention to the palace.

Everyone wanted to know who the young person was.

Now they knew it was Ye Ning.

He was originally a seal officer, but he stepped forward at a crucial moment, willing to sacrifice himself rather than give up the seal jade.

He wasn't afraid of death, and in his eyes, the officials were all like dirt, even to the point where he angrily scolded the immortal sect, shouting.

"Rebellious Officials, They must be killed!"

How great of an action is this?

It is an extremely rare and great action, something that can be considered as a hero of ancient times!

This is the era when Confucianism is declining, and the more it declines, the more people will remember the glorious past and look forward to the emergence of heroes.

Ye Ning appeared, satisfying the spiritual needs of countless people.

As scholars, this is exactly what we should be like!

Therefore, it seems that more than half of the scholars in the imperial capital have crowded here, and most of them have been infected by Ye Ning's charisma.

They want to use their own methods to praise Ye Ning's great actions.

Ye Ning has lived two lives and has never experienced such a scene before.

The people kneeling in front of him were all praising him, and from their eyes, one could see admiration, enthusiasm, and respect.

This kind of gaze made Ye Ning uncomfortable by instinct.

It also made his hands and feet restless for a short time.

Because, in fact, he was not the kind of person everyone was talking about.

He was carefree, not afraid of death, standing up for justice, and repaying the king...

It was as if all the best qualities of a scholar were embodied in him.

But he clearly knew that things were not as simple as they seemed.

His intentions were actually only for himself, and the reason he became like this was only due to coincidence and misunderstanding.

" The things I did have brought hope to them."

Ye Ning murmured.

At that moment, he suddenly had a sense of integration with this strange world.

They were not "NPCs" in the game, but living people with emotions, pursuits, and dreams.

Like many young people in their previous lives on Earth, they also had dreams that were crushed by various reasons.

They looked at Ye Ning as if they were looking at a savior.

"I am not a savior, I am just a passing traveler, and I cannot do so much."

Ye Ning said after a long silence, eventually accepting himself.

He was happy to bring hope to everyone, but his intention would not change.

He just wanted to find a way to die, then ascend to heaven in one step, just as simple as that.

As he walked forward, the crowd made way for him.

Under the passionate gaze of everyone, he gradually walked forward.

"Ye Ning became famous overnight, and no matter how many years pass, his name will surely shine in history books."

Late at night, in the palace, an old voice rang out.

"It's just a pity that fame did not bring him good fortune, but the jealousy of the immortal sects. I am worried about him."

The voice of Ji Mingyue also rang out.

If Liu Jin were here, he would surely be extremely angry.

The old man sitting across from the emperor was the leader of the rebellious officials, the left prime minister Liu Shen!

This person was truly despicable, deceiving the emperor on normal days, killing the loyal officials, blatantly embezzling wealth, and was a great rebellious official.

Because there was a thing called the time of the fallen empire, there must be a monster.

In the eyes of countless people, Liu Shen is that monster!

Liu Jin believed that Liu Shen committed a serious crime, and everyone in the world wanted to punish him.

The only reason he could survive until now was thanks to the emperor's protection.

If it weren't for the trust of the emperor, he would have died long ago.

But today, the emperor was threatened by six kings, and the situation was so dangerous.

The villain behind it all was him, even the officials under his command.

Yet no one dared to enter the court!

What is this?

This is rebellion!

Shouldn't someone like this be struck down by the heavens with lightning?

But time and time again, he still sits here peacefully.

Looking at the expression on Ji Mingyue 's face, there was no blame towards him.

"This is also my worry. The situation now is that the immortal sects are targeting the Great Zhou. As long as there are righteous and loyal officials, they will definitely be targeted. If they want to survive, do something like me. They have to stain yourself, cover yourself with the skin of villains, and become flatterers!"

Liu Shen's voice revealed a strong sense of self-ridicule.

Today, Ye Ning received the respect of countless people and was called the hero of the ancient world.

Meanwhile, he received countless insults from everyone.

In comparison, how could he not feel bitter?

"Liu Shen, don't worry. I will immediately send someone out to ban the people from discussing this."

Looking at the aging Liu Shen, Ji Mingyue was filled with regret in his heart.

As a trusted official by the Great Zhou Ancestor, Liu Shen was a rare loyal and righteous official who has tarnished his reputation and used his fame to secretly do what is right.

"I do not feel remorseful towards anyone else, except for you who has made me deeply ashamed. I regret not being able to immediately clear your name of wrongdoing!"

Ji Mingyue's eyes were filled with tears.

To outsiders, Liu Shen held overwhelming power, forgot his roots, cowardly and shameless, endlessly greedy, and responsible for killing many innocent people.

But in his eyes, Liu Shen endured humiliation and operated in the shadows, yet still performed righteous deeds.

Without him, he would not have been able to persist until now.

The words of the loyal official in the night are unknown to anyone.

If they were to spread, it would definitely cause a big stir.

Upon hearing this, Liu Shen burst out laughing.

"Your Majesty need not worry, let the people curse and scold me as they please. The more viciously they curse, the safer I will be."

His words changed direction.

"As for Ye Ning's matter, it's a bit difficult to handle."