
If I Die, I Will Be Invincible

Ye Ning, who traveled through time and space, did not receive any special abilities, except that he could become the Heavenly Emperor after his death. So he began to desperately search for a way to die. But soon he discovered that this world was poisonous. Emperor of the Great Zhou: "I made a mistake in my entire life after meeting Ye Ning. If he dies, I will never live alone." Heavenly Immortal: "People are so cold-blooded, only Ye Ning, who has never hated or abandoned me, so I will risk my life to protect him." Millions of human race: "Everyone in the world can be missing, but we cannot miss Lord Ye. He is a saint of ancient times, and only Ye Ning!" Ye Ning: "Please, can you stop? I'm about to become invincible, so how can I die?"

Kun_Zent · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

Bi***! If you want to kill, just do it. No need for words

Ye Ning was very angry.

He had a reason to be angry.

Because he believed that his feelings had been deceived.

"I seduced you, not because I wanted to seduce you, but because by seducing you, I could die! And now you tell me that there is basically no bigwig behind you."

Ye Ning was enraged.

How many times has this happened?

Why is it so difficult to just find death?

If Liu Sanyuan were in front of him now, Ye Ning would definitely give him two slaps.

Kid, you can eat messily, but you can't speak recklessly.

Do you know how much of my affection you have wasted?

"His mind remains steadfast at this level!"

Xiao Qianqian was shaken in her heart.

Ye Ning regained his composure really quickly.

So fast that it seemed like he was never mesmerized in the first place.

But how could that be?

"Could there really be a man who could resist my charm?"

"His hands were clearly not behaving properly just now."

However, after she revealed that she was a spy from the Kievan Rus Kingdom, Ye Ning immediately regained his composure and pushed her away without any hesitation.

Now looking at his demeanor, it was clear that he was extremely angry, and there was no hint of acting.

Xiao Qianqian believed that there was only one possibility.

That is, Ye Ning was truly infatuated with her beauty, but he was a man with morals, principles, and pursued a genuine love, a man who could resist the most vulgar temptations.

The great cause of the dynasty triumphs over normal love affairs between man and woman.

If it were not for this, he would not have been able to regain his composure immediately!

Before today, Xiao Qianqian thought that "Sitting in one's embrace without chaos" was an impossible thing.

If a man can do that, there are only two possibilities.

One is that he is completely uninterested in women, such as a eunuch, and the other is that the woman in his arms is not beautiful enough.

Is Ye Ning a eunuch?


Is Xiao Qianqian not beautiful enough?

Definitely not!

"Yet, are there really outstanding men in this world like him?"

Xiao Qianqian's perception of Ye Ning changed instantly.

It was as if something had suddenly burst in her heart, causing it to beat faster.

Looking at Ye Ning, she felt a different feeling, as if this man was completely different from any other man in the world.

Her heart was shaken, but Xiao Qianqian did not show it on the outside, and continued to ask.

"Why did Lord Ye resist like that? Did I say something wrong? Now that the Great Zhou is a broken ship, sooner or later it will sink. Lord Ye, with all your talents, has not had a chance to show them. If you perish with the Great Zhou, it would be a great loss."

"But our country, although considered barbaric by the Great Zhou, has been managing and developing our kingdom for many years and is now a prosperous and peaceful kingdom."

"If Lord Ye joins us, it will be abandoning evil and following righteousness. I believe the king will treat you with the respect of a statesman."

Xiao Qianqian used her power to twist Ye Ning's mind.

Indeed, Ye Ning felt confused and his thoughts became more chaotic, as he heard Xiao Qianqian's seductive voice.

"But then, I will run away with you, isn't that beautiful?"

Run away together?

In Ye Ning's mind, Xiao Qianqian's exquisite beauty appeared.

It was truly tempting.

But...it was not enough!

He remained calm and composed.

Firstly, he had lived two lifetimes, born with stronger mental strength than others, and secondly, he had already made up his mind.

I am the future Heavenly Emperor, I am not like ordinary people!

This stubborn belief has turned into my subconscious mind.

Even in the state of vague will, the subconscious still exists.


Ye Ning shouted softly.

This word of his meant that he was not moved by Xiao Qianqian.

Because he felt that becoming a Heavenly Emperor was better.

As long as he died, he could immediately become a Heavenly Emperor.

"And yet you refuse."

In Xiao Qianqian's heart, there was even more shock, at the same time, she also truly admired Ye Ning.

"Your Majesty did not misunderstand, indeed Ye Ning is different from others, he is a true warrior, with the same noble moral cultivation as the great sages."

Even Xiao Qianqian herself realized that now when she looked at Ye Ning, her eyes carried a tenderness that she had never had before.

This tenderness was not at all fake.

From ancient times until now, beauties love heroes, and women will be moved by the masculine side that men show.

But this drama still have to continue.

Xiao Qianqian changed her expression, revealing a cold and icy look.

"Does Lord Ye really not know what's good for you?"

As she spoke, the air in the room seemed to thicken.

Ye Ning found that he couldn't control his body.

There was an invisible pressure bearing down on him, causing him to struggle for breath and his whole body to ache intensely.

"I advise you to think carefully, Lord Ye. If you agree, you can have all the beauties, wealth and be high-ranking official you want. But if you refuse, do you think I will spare someone who knows the secrets of our kingdom?"

Her hand gently pointed and a dagger flew towards Ye Ning, stopping just an inch from his heart.

The Righteous Qi within him surged and automatically protected its owner.

But it was overpowered by a strong force, leaving Ye Ning helpless.

He was no match for Xiao Qianqian, who was a great cultivator and only a step away from becoming an immortal.

This sudden change left Ye Ning confused, and it took him a few seconds to reorganize his thoughts.

Firstly, Xiao Qianqian was a spy from an enemy kingdom, and she tried to seduce him to join her kingdom, but he refused.

Then, she turned angry and started to threaten him with death if he didn't comply.

Seeing her powerful and deeply hidden strength, Ye Ning realized that he had no way out.

After a moment of confusion, he felt a crazy joy in his heart.

He faced the threat of death without compromise, and instead he insulted Xiao Qianqian.

"Bi***! If you want to kill, just do it. No need for words!"