
If I Can Hate You, Why Can’t You?

Anger, pure anger and fear sipped through her veins threatening to burst out. She struggled vehemently to release her hand, but that only made him tighten his hand around her twisted arm. She cried out of pain but that only seemed to impress more. He smirked and said, “Mm, so fiesty?” He smirked, glaring at her and pushing her against the wall. “You are evil Abdullah!” She almost shouted. Beads of sweat formed on her silk skin. Why was he making her life a living hell in her matrimonial home? She was supposed to live a happy life with her so-called husband, but instead, he is bullying her. “Just tell me, why?” She gazed at him confused wondering what he meant by that. “Why what?” She cried “Heh” he chuckled, “don’t play dumb with me Kulthum. Just tell me why you chose him over me? What am I lacking? Huh? Tell me!” He shouted pushing her more against the wall. “Because you are evil! I never loved you in the first place, you are nothing worth loving” she spat as tears flowed down her beautiful face. As soon as he heard that, his face stoned up while his jaw clenched and his eyes became bloodshot. Such a sight she had never seen since she was married to him. “If I can hate you, why can’t you, Abdullah?! I am so tired of his relationship, I can’t do it anymore just let me go” With a dejected heart, he released her hand and whispered dangerously close to her ear, “If I can’t have you, then no one will” He stumped off angrily while she slumped to the ground releasing a heavy sigh as tears rolled down her cheek. Since the day she got married to him, there has never been a day where she laughed for at least two minutes. All she knew at that very moment was that she was doomed!

Mardiyyarh_Sani · Urbain
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11 Chs

Chapter 8

The next morning, Abdullah woke up with a strange feeling which he tried to get over with but he couldn't so he braced himself for what is to come as the guard told him that the king wanted to see him. He went to his washroom and had his bath and wore his normal clothes and left the room. He had always wondered how people feel very comfortable in those heavy clothings.

Shrugging off the thought he made his way to the king's place and the guard there announced his presence before opening the door for him to enter. As he was going towards the throne room, he noticed that it was only him that was in the room which was very unusual. Every time he goes to see the king he usually finds him in a meeting or just sees maybe two or three generals sitting across the table and discussing relevant or irrelevant things which they always do and he doesn't give a damn about it.

"Good morning your majesty" He was not the least happy to see him.

"How are you my brave son?" The king asked happily and that flashed a red light in Abdullah's mind. Abdullah knew that something was going on in his fathers head but he couldn't pinpoint it.

"Am good your majesty" He mumbled but enough for the king to hear him, then it was quiet for a little while and everyone was lost in their dream world while he was patiently waiting for the king to say something very disapproving of him. At last, he cleared his throat and said,

"Well son...." He seems to think for a second which was very unusual of him and this attitude of his made Abdullah shift uncomfortably in his seat.

"Well son, I..I.. want you..um..". He stuttered.

"Father is something wrong?" Abdullah couldn't help but ask as he noticed that something was off with his father since he came in.

"I want you to get married in the next two weeks, I know I said I would let you get married only when you are thirty but things have changed and I really can't explain it to you because you won't understand me" He finally released the bombshell on him not glancing at the young prince to see his expression.

"WHAT?!" Abdallah screamed.

"Yes, I want you to get married in the next two weeks". He said now looking him directly in the eye.

"And you think that is truly gonna happen?" Abdullah asked with a raised brow.

"Why not?"

"Because I won't live to let that happen, that is why and for your precious information I am going to Switzerland in the next two weeks and from there I am heading back to New York" he said.

"Alright then maybe if you are back you can find your bride in your chamber waiting for you". The king said with a slight smirk.

"You won't do anything like that father," He warned.

"I will and can do anything I want to do. So, now I am telling you not to request that you get married. It will happen only when I say so, do you get that young prince?" He asked.

Abdullah couldn't do anything but to stare at his father with a half open mouth, he couldn't believe his father. What was he trying to tell him or say to him or is he joking? He needed to ask him just to make sure he heard him right. That was the thought that was roaming in his head before he spoke again.

"Huh? Father? What..what are you trying to say?" He asked. "I don't understand you, what do you mean?"

"You understand clearly what I mean, so now no more questions and do as I say or else you of all people should know what I am capable of doing, right son?" He threatened.

"And you can't just force me to do what I don't want to do you know that right?" He said clearly annoyed and confused at the same time.

"You do and clearly know that I can do worse than that right? I am still repeating myself, I am not asking you to get married rather, I am telling you to do that just in the next two weeks!" He said strictly looking his son in the eye.

"Father I..I won't do that no matter what happens I won't get married to a so-called-girl that I don't know of just to fulfill your greedy needs!" He shouted, banging his fist on the table and glaring at his father.

"Sit.. son" The king said calmly, when Abdullah didn't bulge he shifted his gaze to him and said more strictly, "sit son!".

"Father no matter what in hell you do, I will never get married as you said in the next two weeks!" He said as if trying to knock some senses into his father's thick skull.

"Okay then maybe you want us to go the hard way young prince" He lowered his voice. "You have only two options left for you to choose now, you either get married or save your little sister from marrying a commoner" he said carrying the nail cutter that was placed on the opposite side of the table that was facing the window and scraping his fingernails with it.

He didn't even seem to care at all that he was forcing the heir to the throne to do what he hates the most. Marriage!

"And I know that you can even sacrifice your own life just for the sake of your beautiful sisters. So, I guess you can reach to any extent just to see a beautiful smile on their faces or hurt anyone who has made them put that sad face on right?" He lowered his voice.

"I really don't care what you do to any of them, damn it! I only care about myself so if you want to harm any of them suite yourself they are also your children just go ahead for all I care!!" He smiled but still glaring at him he never know why they never get along always fighting on one thing or the other but he doesn't seem to care at all.

"Okay I've heard enough for today, but I will let you decide or think very well about what I told you because now I know that you are very angry and can't think straight, so I have given you five days to make a good decision on whether you want to ruin your sister's life? Or, get married and save them.

I know that five days is a very long time to make a good decision but you know that I am a very considerate person but I am perfectly sure that you can make a good decision within three days but I added an extra forty eight hours for you to get an awesome one right? Am being so nice now but after five days and you don't have an answer together with you, then I will make sure to ruin both you and your sisters life mark my words!" He added, smiling evilly.

"I wonder what kind of a father you are, you don't deserve to be called that name at all" he snarled.

"If you need help with anything you can always come to me I can and will always be there for you". He was not the least disturbed by what his son said to him.

"But just bear this in mind after five days and you don't provide me with any answers," he chuckled. "Then you will know what I am capable of doing so get ready to watch the fun unfold before your eyes". He said with a poker face.

Abdullah looked at his father one more time and left the room not without cursing under his breath.

Just a few days ago he met with his ridiculous father who told him he would allow him to get married when he is at least thirty but here he is now, telling him to get married in just two weeks?.

He doesn't even have a girlfriend let alone fiancé but hearing the king speak this way, he knew he must have thought of someone already and that alone pissed him off.

He wasn't a kid anymore that he would need some coaching or whatever he was the damn crown prince.

He knows for sure that his father won't threaten him with his sisters even though he just did, he would threaten him with something much more valuable to him.

His position as the crown prince.

Few days later, he was summoned by the king again and as expected, the king threatened to snatch his position from him if he didn't agree to get married at his command.

Being the crowned prince and still couldn't stand up to the king, he felt helpless and useless and reluctantly accepted the miserable alliance shoved on his face.

He hated his father, he hated him so damn much that he wanted him to disappear out of thin air and never to return again.

"Who am I marrying? At least you could tell me that" he murmured dejectedly, firing daggers at the king.

"You will know soon enough" came the king's satisfied remark.