
If I'm Male, I Can Avoid a Yandere, Right?

Cold horror gripped my heart when I finally admitted out loud: I'm in a dating sim filled with yanderes. I quickly sat up. As much as I love the game and enjoyed the characters, there's no way in hell will I follow any of the routes. All of them lead to pain and some even death! I don't want to die or get raped! But, I don't know if I'll be forced to. There's no neutral ending, after all, and even if there was, I don't think it would be any better than the other endings. What do I do? A light bulb lit up. If I'm male, I can avoid a yandere, right? Getting transported into a dating sim is a girl's wish! But, as they say, be careful what you wish for. Our female lead, who goes by Haruka in her otome games, gets that wish. So, what's the catch? It's the game full of yandere characters and bad “good endings.” Thinking she'll go back to her world at the end of the game timeline, she decides she'll be a guy to bypass any affection. Smart, right? Silly girl forgets there is no neutral ending. She is the Main Character, and there is no escape. Updates: Uhhhh, I try, lol. Taking it at my own pace, which mean irregular updates. Warnings: Many curse words and some violence. Uh, gets a bit sexual later, but nothing extreme. Oh, and since I get people constantly trashing or complaining about my MC, I’ll warn you now that she is a “pushover.” A great target for yanderes, if you will. So leave if that isn’t your cup of tea, thank you. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/KPKrSKb (I give updates on updates) Twitter: @SkyHiLimits (as dead as me) And if you can’t get enough of this novel, check out my extras book! (that I should trying updating more…)

SkyHighLimits · Urbain
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102 Chs

The Dragon Enters the Icelands

I regained consciousness when I heard the bell ring.

I snapped my eyes open and saw the sky. I was on my side, resting on something warm.

Huh? Where am I? What happened?

"You're awake." I bolted up right after hearing the voice from behind me.

When I looked back, I realized where I'd been resting.

Ryuu's thigh...

The blush reigned over my cheeks before I could defend myself from the surprise attack.

Oh, shit! Right, I passed out after Ryuu...

I gulped.

"I gotta go!" I abruptly declared before scrambling up.

"Wait." Ryuu grabbed my wrist, almost pulling me back down. "You just woke up. Slow down."

"Uh, I can't! I have to meet Tanaka-san!" I immediately refused and tugged my wrist free. "I-I'll, uh, see you later!" I yelled back as I dashed to the door to escape.

Without looking back, I ran to the library.


I also can't believe I actually fucking passed out!? 

But! But! He pressed his whole body against me! The whole thing! I can't handle that shit! No one's ever been that close to me!!

Also, didn't he imply he wanted to kiss a guy!? Who else could that be besides me!!!

Fuckfuckfuckfuck! Shit!

Ryuu, noooooo! You can't be gay for me, man!

Well, at least, not until you solve your issues.

Actually, since when did he have thoughts like that about me!? I swear he only saw me as a friend not too long ago!? Like, literally last week!?


I thought so, at least? Was last time a sign?


Maybe he's getting the line between friendship and love mixed up. I mean, he did ask about it...


Who am I kidding!? He totally likes me, but why? I don't think I did anything to really attract him in that way? I was just being friend—


I snapped out of it.

"Oh, uh, yes?" I lifted my head, realizing I had been pulling my hair at the sides of my head with both of my hands.

"You are distracted." Tatsuya coldly stated.

"I—!... I'm sorry." I was gonna reject him, but I knew that would be dumb to do with Tatsuya.

"Rather than apologizing, get your head out of the clouds and do your work." Tatsuya scolded me.

I nodded, feeling ashamed.

"Oh, uhm, I would like to spend half of recess doing some research of my own, if that's okay?" I timidly asked.

"Research?" He put down his pen and gave me his full attention.

Oh, not what I wanted. Couldn't you have just said yes or no?

"Uh, yeah. It just a personal interest thing. Nothing related to work." I tried my best to not pick up his interest.

"..." I sweated as Tatsuya coolly stared at me.

"Uhm, this doesn't violate our contract, right?" I meekly asked as I started feeling suffocated by his freezing eyes.

"If I let you, no." Tatsuya stated matter-of-factly.

"Then?" I pressed him for an answer.

"If you wish to have some personal time, finish your work early." Tatsuya simply said before returning to his work.


Well, what was I expecting from him?

Alright! Forget Ryuu for now! Let's focus on getting this done, so I can see if I can find anything about interdimensional travel!

"Haruka." I froze.

Tatsuya never calls me that, and there's only one person who calls me that.

I barely noticed Tatsuya stopped working as my heart rate sped up.

"You forgot your lunch." Ryuu calmly said while placing said food down beside me.

"O-Oh, I guess I did." I awkwardly said and went to grab it, but Ryuu didn't let go of it.

"You need to eat." He picked it up again. "Let's go."

"Oh, I—"

"He is currently working." Tatsuya sharply cut me off.

Oh God.

I looked up to see Ryuu's reaction.

Unsurprisingly, he looked mad!

"That doesn't matter. If he doesn't eat soon, he won't be able to." Ryuu growled and grabbed my wrist. "Come on."

"Ryuu-kun." I said, clearly uncomfortable.

This guy doesn't know how to control his strength!

"That's none of your business, now is it?" Tatsuya frostily spat and stood up. "Besides, Suzuki-kun is currently under my control."

I stiffened.

I don't like that statement you just said, sir!

"No, he's not." I could tell Ryuu was barely containing himself from yelling.

Tatsuya smirked.

No, don't do that! 

Ryuu's grip tightened.

You, too! Don't do that! I'll have another bruise at this rate!

"He is. We have an agreement, don't we, Suzuki-kun?" Tatsuya was now standing to my right, facing Ryuu, who was to my left, head on. "Or, are you committing a violation?"

Feeling both icy and burning stares on me, my stress shot through the roof.

He's not threatening to reveal me to Ryuu, is he!?

"We do." I squeaked out with a small nod.

And that answer might as well have set me on fire because Ryuu's anger was scorching!

"Ryuu-kun." I hissed in pain as his grip was almost on bone crushing levels. "Calm down! Please!" I used my other hand to hold his hand currently squeezing my wrist.

"What agreement?" He snarled. "I'll break it."

He's not listening to me again! And at this rate, Tatsuya's gonna get hit!

If touching his hand didn't work, should I try his face to get his attention? He's mad at Tatsuya right now, so them facing each other is not helping my situation.

"Ryuu-kun." I stood up and reached up to place my hand on his cheek. "Look at me."

It worked.

Ryuu's expression froze when my hand touched his face. Once he looked down at me, I could see the haze of anger fade from his eyes.


"Ryuu-kun, remember what we just talked about on the rooftop?" I softly reminded him as I moved my hand from his to cheek to pat his hand gripping me. 

Ryuu blinked before guilt ran across his features.

He loosened his grip at once but didn't let go.

"Good." I quietly praised him. "Now, listen. I'm going to stay here. Luckily, this library allows you to eat as long as you're quiet and clean up."

"But-" I saw Ryuu glance behind me at Tatsuya before focusing on me again.

"It's true I'm in an agreement with Tanaka-san, and I can't back out if it. However, he doesn't really control me. Don't worry." I sighed.

Why did he have to say that? Sure, the terms were in his favor, but I wasn't completely under his control. With the way he said that, it's no wonder Ryuu got so triggered!

Especially since he most likely likes me.

Ryuu still looked displeased.

"Look, you can sit beside me. There's no rule saying you can't. That's fine, right?" I offered.

I don't like this. If I keep conceding to Ryuu like this, he will definitely rise to obsessive-level possessiveness. 

But, he listened to me this time.

I'm sure if we talk about his anger issues and if I establish this as a gesture that'll calm him down, maybe Ryuu could be better. From there, I can talk about better ways to let out those feelings, personal space, and healthy relationships.

I'm sure if I can get his blinding anger issue under control, I can stop him from becoming the yandere from the game.

Because I know Ryuu is gentle and caring underneath all his anger.

He was the only one I thought could turn out okay from the very beginning, after all.

Ryuu still seemed reluctant, but he nodded.

I gave him a gentle smile and patted his hand again.

Then, I turned to face the frigid wind that's been blowing against my back this entire time.

"That's okay, right? He won't be disturbing our work." I tried my best to keep smiling and not to shiver.

"The second he does, he's gone." Tatsuya's voice cut through the air like a blade of a blizzard's wind.

I stiffly nodded.

After that fiasco, we all sat down.

Ryuu sat to my left and kept hold of my left wrist under the table. Tatsuya sat in his usually seat and was, without a doubt, very annoyed as he continued his work. I sat while trying my best to continue my work under this tense atmosphere.

I should've just stayed passed out.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Ryuu asked after a few minutes had passed.

I would if you would let go of my arm!

But, for some reason, I felt that if Tatsuya knew Ryuu was clinging to me, things wouldn't end well.

"Right." I did my best to keep my irritation out of my voice. 

I shook my hand to signal him to let go, but he either didn't get it or was not planning on letting go.

"Let go." I whispered, so Tatsuya wouldn't hear.

Ryuu frowned.

"Why?" Ryuu didn't bother whispering.

"I can't eat like this." I hissed back, taking a quick glance at Tatsuya. I could tell the blizzard was coming back.

"Then, should I feed you?"


I jumped and looked forward to see Tatsuya had slammed a book shut. He then glared at me.

"Fine! Just be quiet!" I gave in, defeated.

Ryuu gave a small smile.

For the next few minutes, Ryuu would feed me something whenever I tugged his hand. As I did, I couldn't lift my head to make eye contact with either Ryuu or Tatsuya.

I felt so embarrassed I wanted to die, and if I looked at either of them right now, I think I would die of mortification.

Haha, another fun chapter title for these two.

It was fun watching everyone's reactions to the last chapter. XD Man, I wonder when I'll get to write another one like it.

Oh, and to those disappointed, of course I kiss blocked them. Lololol~ How could I let it happen to a sober Haru so easily? That's no fun~

Next few chapters will have a focus on our resident king~ He needs some development, after all!

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