
If I'm Male, I Can Avoid a Yandere, Right?

Cold horror gripped my heart when I finally admitted out loud: I'm in a dating sim filled with yanderes. I quickly sat up. As much as I love the game and enjoyed the characters, there's no way in hell will I follow any of the routes. All of them lead to pain and some even death! I don't want to die or get raped! But, I don't know if I'll be forced to. There's no neutral ending, after all, and even if there was, I don't think it would be any better than the other endings. What do I do? A light bulb lit up. If I'm male, I can avoid a yandere, right? Getting transported into a dating sim is a girl's wish! But, as they say, be careful what you wish for. Our female lead, who goes by Haruka in her otome games, gets that wish. So, what's the catch? It's the game full of yandere characters and bad “good endings.” Thinking she'll go back to her world at the end of the game timeline, she decides she'll be a guy to bypass any affection. Smart, right? Silly girl forgets there is no neutral ending. She is the Main Character, and there is no escape. Updates: Uhhhh, I try, lol. Taking it at my own pace, which mean irregular updates. Warnings: Many curse words and some violence. Uh, gets a bit sexual later, but nothing extreme. Oh, and since I get people constantly trashing or complaining about my MC, I’ll warn you now that she is a “pushover.” A great target for yanderes, if you will. So leave if that isn’t your cup of tea, thank you. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/KPKrSKb (I give updates on updates) Twitter: @SkyHiLimits (as dead as me) And if you can’t get enough of this novel, check out my extras book! (that I should trying updating more…)

SkyHighLimits · Urbain
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Let's Take A Second

If I do, what difference would that make? It's not like Akira can do anything. This is Ryuu we're talking about. He can take down pretty much anybody. There wouldn't really be a point to telling him. If anything, I'd just feel like I'd burden him with worrying about me.

"Thanks." I simply said before taking the last cookie.

It has hard to miss the disappointment that flashed across his face.

I felt a pinch of guilt.

"Here." I split the cookie. Akira sighed before reluctantly taking it.

"Geez. What am I gonna do with you?" He looked at me with a rueful smile. I returned the expression.

That's what I'd like to know, too.

Suddenly, Akira shoves the cookie in his mouth and downed his tea in one go. I stared in disbelief.

"We should go to the store." Akira reminded me. I blinked before nodding.

The trip was uneventful yet successful. I restocked on the cooling pads and bought Akira some snacks as a thank you and an apology. He rejected at first, but I pushed it onto him before walking away. We said our goodbyes and walked home.

"Make sure to invite him for dinner soon!" My granny yelled from wherever she was when I returned.

"Yeah, yeah." I muttered back as I headed to my room.

"I mean it!" She yelled again.

"Okay, I got it!" I finally yelled back.

After grabbing two packs and stuffing the rest with the first aid kit in the bathroom, I went back to my room to put them on. I pulled off my shirt before opening the pads and carefully pressed them on. I sighed in relief when they were on.

When I threw the wrappers into the trash can, I did a double take. I peered into it and grabbed the shiny object that caught my attention.

When I realized what it was, goosebumps ran up and down my arms.

A camera.

A fucking camera.

It was so small, but that's without a doubt a lens. It's been broken and thrown away, so I don't have to worry about being watched anymore. The worrying thing is how it got here in the first place! And how long it was here!

Wait, did Akira find it? I didn't, and there's no way in hell granny could've.

That leaves him.

He didn't say anything.


I bit my lip.

Just when I let my guard down, I find something to raise it back up.

Regardless, who was the one who put it here in the first place? How? Are there others in the house? How much did they see?

My heart started racing.

I hate this.

I fucking hate this shit.

First, Ryuu and now this!? What the fuck is up with today!? It's like I'm being reminded that this is a game filled with yanderes!

Ugh, I'd cry again, but most of my tears have left already.

Okay. Let's calm down.

Everything's been going down the shit hole, so let's take a moment to assess. I need to detach myself from my emotions and just think.

Concern number one: Ryuu.

What even happened? Just when I thought we were getting somewhere, he went all yandere on me!

I don't think he knows I'm a girl yet.

Then are his feelings for a friend?

Probably. As his sole confidant and friend, he must be really attached and reliant on me. In that case, it's not surprising things transpired as they did when I triggered him by saying I'd leave him alone.

I stupidly failed to realize how bad the situation had gotten and basically played the game how it was suppose to be played. Fuck!

Was I wrong to go to the cafe alone? If I had brought Akira or Yuu from the start, would this have not happened? Would Ryuu have been friends with them after the month like me?

Well, in the end, it doesn't matter anymore. The past is already done. Now, I need to make sure this crisis doesn't get any worse.

What can I do? I can't straight up ignore Ryuu, or I'll have hell to pay. My shoulders are a sore reminder of that.

Can I talk to him about it? I think I can, but then again, what about our talk from before? About love not being violence? Maybe he didn't think that applied to friendship. Ryuu would be one to take information like that literally and simply.

If I explain to him that it's the same for friends, would that change anything? At the same time, this could be something he does without thinking, so even if I tell him not to, there's a high chance it won't matter.

In that case, how can I help it not to happen? He didn't listen to me when I told him to let me go. Hell, I don't think anything I said or did even processed into his brain. He was just focused on claiming his... uh, friend? Yeah. Friend.

Anyway, I'm not some psychologist or therapist! I don't know how to fix his violent tendencies. I thought it did, but we saw how that turned out.

Fuck! Is there no escape?! Have I dug a hole that deep already?!

However, he hasn't been possessive of me yet. Well, not controlling level of possessiveness, at least. I didn't forget how lunch went that day. If anything, I'm a fucking dumbass for not noticing then!

Maybe it'll be fine as long as we stay friends? Is that too naive of me to think? Most likely, but I don't know what else I can fucking do!

Look for help for Ryuu? He could get sent to a mental hospital, but for some reason, I don't think that'll fix anything. If anything, once he gets out, I'll probably die.

Does this only leave the backup plan I disregarded last time? The one where Tatsuya's my shield against Ryuu?

But I don't want that! Especially since he's the only one who knows I'm a girl!

Gahhhh! I wanna pull my hair out!

I know Tatsuya put that "no romance" rule, but what if he voids it? There's nothing stopping him from doing that. He is the one that made that contract and holds the upper hand.

Wait, his parents! They wanted to be a family! Tatsuya also wants that—well, that's a stretch. Let's just say he needs the affection although he doesn't realize it.

MC was the one to give it to him in the game, but if he got it from his parents, then the MC wouldn't be needed, right? I wouldn't get caged if on the slightest chance he liked me, right? Because, I wouldn't be the only one to show him care.

If I help mend that family, would Tatsuya end up ok? Ugh, but with how things worked out with Ryuu, can I really say I can fix anyone?

But, if I don't try, wouldn't that just be accepting my fate?


Fuck that shit!

Better to try than not at all!

If Tatsuya were to fall in love with me, what could I do?




...Haha, hire a top notch assassin?


How do you defend against a rich guy!? Money is the ultimate weapon! He can buy anything!

Protection? No problem.

Removers of any sort? Please.

Hiring kidnappers? Easy.

Aren't I doomed? Isn't this scenario the end of me?


Would Akira be able to do something? It's been a month, but I still don't know for a fact if he's the hidden character! If he is and is as amazing as he sounded in forums, would he be able to do something? I don't know how, but maybe he could?


I guess if it comes down to it, he'll be my last resort. The wildcard is anxiety-inducing but could possibly save my life. Also, I literally have no other idea to counter Tatsuya.

Curse money!

Wait a second.

Aren't I going down a harem route at this rate?

Yuu, checked. Ryuu, checked. Tatsuya, possibly checked. Akira, also possibly checked.

Eh? Is that even possible? Was there such a thing?

No. There wasn't. After all, isn't a harem full of yanderes impossible!? Wouldn't they all try to kill each other first before even thinking about sharing their one true obsession!?

Now that I think about it, why hasn't Yuu made a move already? He's been getting the short end of the stick for awhile now. I'm honestly surprised he hasn't snapped yet and tried something. Especially with Akira being as taunting as he is and not as strong as Ryuu or protected like Tatsuya, why hasn't he tried getting rid of him?

Has his affection bar been stumped? It's possible since my interactions with him have been limited recently.

But, that question earlier.

"How can I make you like me more?"

That's not a line from a character that doesn't have feelings towards you. In fact, isn't it the complete opposite?!

Gosh, now I get the feeling he's gonna be making a move soon, but I don't know if it's gonna involve me or the others.

Though, I really hope it doesn't hurt the others. Yeah, Ryuu hurt me, but that doesn't mean he deserves to die! And the other two haven't done anything terrible to me...


(God, no pls, I beg.)

Ya'll have been leaving some good theories. And honestly? I've been using them to fuel my own ideas. So thank you, lololol.

A trend I've been seeing is comments about Haru's past life. So here’s a hint.

If she hasn't thought about her past life, family included, since she got here, do you think she really cares?

I'll leave it at that.

Feel free to leave questions, concerns, and criticisms! I'll try my best to answer them however I can. Help me make this a better story we can all enjoy!

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