
Idol Child

In an idol company, there is an idol named Ruka. She is still 20 years old. She is pregnant by an unknown man. She is pregnant with 2 twins, a boy and a girl. Ruka has a profession as an idol in her company called W-IDOL. Her company has managed to set many records because of the idol group Ruka idolizes.

JoanAlfonso · Politique et sciences sociales
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13 Chs

memories are not always sweet

10 years after Ruka's death is a very difficult day for the twins. Tsunami who secretly works on filming with the director, Nami who starts to study lazily. As a result of this, Nami didn't graduate at junior high school. Meanwhile, Tsunami often came home late at night but she always studied and slept at 3 in the morning every day.

Tsunami is very worried about Nami because she is very afraid if Nami is malnourished and also does not get a decent life. Because of that Tsunami worked hard late at night.

Tsunami said "Nami, let's go for a walk to cool off the brain (Cooling the brain means resting the brain and lightening the mind)."

They went to the nearest mall and ate at a restaurant.

Suddenly he met the director and the director asked him to sit at a table together. There was not only the director, but also Ruby who had finished shooting. They also talked about the new film and also wrote the script.

After finishing writing the script, they ordered food from the waiter. The director ordered yakiniku, Ruby ordered curry undon, Nami ordered sushi, Tsunami chose to order yakiniku, just like the director.

While waiting for the food, the director asked Tsunami "Oi Tsunami, do you have a girlfriend yet?", Tsunami replied that this was the first time the director asked, "This is the first time asking what's wrong sir,", Oh, Ruby whispered to me and asked me to ask you do you already have a boyfriend or not because Ruby likes you.

Tsunami was surprised and he said with a red face "I don't have a girlfriend yet, why Ruby?" trick .

Tsunamipun immediately blushed and he accepted Ruby's invitation, he said 'em... may...,". Ruby blushed because of this. Only one attempt was immediately accepted. Ruby was immediately happy and jumped up shouting "Hurrah".

The director was angry and pushed Ruby to sit back down, the director said "Oi Ruby do you have any shame. Ruby was immediately embarrassed and said "Sorry sir, this is all Tsunami's fault", "Lah... how come I" said Tsunami, "Yes It's because of you that I became so happy that I jumped and screamed like someone I couldn't control," Ruby said. The director finally calmed them both down.

The food has arrived.

They ate together, "Hmm... the undon curry is really good," said Ruby. As a result of seeing Yakiniku Tsunami, he was reminded of Ruka's mother's cooking, Ruka used to often cook Yakiniku because it was Tsunami's favorite, even in almost a week he could eat yakiniku 3 times. Tsunami was sad because he remembered this. want to be wrong, every time he is wrong he always says

"Women are always right w-"

After finishing eating they were escorted home by the director. Tsunami and Nami have always lived in the house/apartment that Ruka bought.

The next day

They both woke up early to register at each school they wanted. The first Tsunami took Nami to a special arts school, Nami took a test. During the test break they met Ruby again. Even though she didn't like it when Tsunami was touched by another girl. But they are now lovers so Nami can't stop her. Rubypun walked to Tsunami while seducing and asking

"Are you enrolled in art school"

Tsunami replied "No, I did not enroll in an arts school, I enrolled in a public private school".

Ruby was disappointed and before leaving Tsunami she hugged Tsunami for 10. Seconds then ran away because of shame.

On the way home Nami asked Tsunami whether you were accepted or not. Tsunami answered

"I was accepted with the achievement track (the achievement track is the school entrance exam with the presentation route but before that the report cards are checked and graded if they are good then they pass round 1, in the last exam they are asked questions if they answer correctly and are good then they are accepted, only Only 5 children can enter the achievement path.

Namipun surprised by Tsunami's intelligence which is beyond Nami's ability.