
Idle Farming

In a world where ancient magic weaves through the fabric of modern life, Liam, a teenager with a unique blend of mystical and contemporary magical abilities, finds himself at the heart of a mysterious conflict. His life changes when he discovers his magical eye, a rare and powerful gift that allows him to see the unseen and understand the language of magic. With this ability, Liam navigates a path filled with dangerous creatures, arcane mysteries, and hidden agendas. As a member of a legendary group known as "the fixers," Liam and his digital companion, Aurora, take on cases that lead them deep into the shadows of the magical world. They are the ones people turn to when faced with problems that seem beyond the realm of possibility. Their reputation for success is unmatched, but so is the secrecy that shrouds their true purpose and identities.

Norticus · Urbain
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31 Chs

Encounter in the Clearing

  In the dimly lit expanse of the cavern, the sharp edge of the spear cuts through the darkness, claiming the life of yet another monstrous adversary. Liam, the spear's wielder, stands tall amidst the shadowy terrain, his grip on the weapon unwavering, his senses alert. He doesn't allow himself a moment of relaxation, fully aware that danger lurks in every corner of this underground maze.

  As if on cue, the ground trembles violently, and another horned monster bursts forth, its sights set on Liam. The creature's emergence is sudden, but Liam's reaction is quicker, a testament to his growing adeptness in this perilous environment.

  With an almost instinctual understanding of the monster's trajectory, Liam positions himself, readying his spear. He anticipates the creature's lunge, its vicious intent aimed directly at his vitals. But Liam, undeterred, uses the monster's own momentum against it.

  In a fluid motion, he thrusts the spear forward. The weapon, an extension of his will, pierces through the air with deadly accuracy. The monster, caught in its own charge, impales itself upon the spear's blade. The force of the impact is substantial, but Liam holds his ground, channeling the monster's velocity to drive the spear deeper.

  The creature lets out a guttural cry as the spear finds its mark, reaping its life in a single, decisive blow. The sound echoes off the cavern walls, a fleeting testament to the relentless cycle of survival in this subterranean world.

  With the last monster defeated, Liam's attention shifts from combat to investigation. He scans the dimly lit cavern, his eyes searching for something specific amidst the shadows and rocky terrain. It doesn't take long for him to spot what he's looking for—a piece of fabric, torn and out of place in the cavern's natural setting.

  He approaches the fabric, noting its similarity to the one his avatar had discovered earlier. It lies in the same spot where the avatar had found it, a detail that doesn't escape Liam's notice. He picks it up, examining it closely under the faint light.

  "This is exactly like the one the avatar found," Liam says out loud, his voice echoing in the cavern. "The system... it's incredibly detailed, replicating even the smallest things."

  He marvels at the accuracy of the system, the way it mirrors the reality of the cavern so precisely. The piece of fabric, a seemingly minor detail, serves as a reminder of the intricate connection between his actions and the avatar's digital journey.

  After securing the piece of fabric, Liam redirects his focus to the system screen, where his avatar continues its journey. He watches intently as the avatar follows the newfound trail, uncovering more clues along the way. Each discovery adds another piece to the puzzle, yet also deepens the sense of unease.

  The avatar stumbles upon more fragments of torn fabric, each similar to the one Liam found. Then, it encounters distinct human footprints imprinted on the cavern's dusty floor. The most disconcerting discovery comes in the form of bloodstains, a grim indicator of the peril the missing people might have faced.

  "They are just ordinary people," Liam murmurs to himself, his voice tinged with concern. "They wouldn't have stood a chance against these creatures."

  The more clues the avatar uncovers, the more unsettled Liam becomes. The thought of these defenseless individuals lost and pursued in this dangerous labyrinth weighs heavily on him. It's a stark reminder of the reality of their situation, far removed from the system's digitized challenges.

  Resolving not to waste any more time, Liam decides to take immediate action. "I can't just stand by," he says, determination in his voice. "I need to find them, and fast."

  With renewed urgency, he starts following in the footsteps of his avatar, mirroring its path through the cavern. Each step takes him deeper into the labyrinth, following the trail of clues that hint at the fate of the missing people.

  The trail weaves through the cavern's labyrinthine passages, each clue he encounters painting a more vivid picture of the plight faced by the missing individuals. The torn fabric, the footprints, and the unsettling bloodstains - each serve as a breadcrumb in this ominous setting.

  As he ventures deeper, Liam's thoughts are a blend of speculation and concern. 

  "How far did they run?" he wonders aloud, his voice a solitary sound in the cavern's vastness. The clues suggest a desperate escape, a frantic attempt to evade the dangers lurking in the shadows.

  The cavern around him feels more oppressive with each step, the weight of the unknown pressing down. Despite the foreboding atmosphere, Liam's resolve doesn't waver. He moves with deliberate speed, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any additional signs.

  The path leads him through narrow corridors and wide chambers, each turn bringing a new sense of anticipation. His avatar, a step ahead, continues to uncover clues, but the answers to the fate of the missing people remain elusive.

  Liam's progress is methodical, his spear at the ready, prepared for any threat that might emerge from the darkness. His newly crafted gear provides a sense of security, but it's his keen instincts and heightened awareness that keeps him alert to potential dangers.

  Liam, now more attuned to the cavern's dangers, continues to trace the path charted by his avatar. His journey takes him through the winding passages and shadowy recesses of the cavern, each step a measured advance into the unknown. Along the way, he encounters more of the horned monster rabbits, but with his newly crafted gear, these encounters have shifted in nature.

  Thanks to the combined intelligence of the avatar and the foresight granted by his magical eye, the monsters that once posed a significant threat now seem almost predictable. Each creature's location is flagged by the avatar, while his magical eye provides an invaluable warning, alerting him moments before an attack. This synergy between digital foresight and magical intuition transforms Liam from prey to predator.

  As he navigates the cavern, Liam finds himself growing accustomed to these confrontations. 

  "You're not so scary anymore," he comments to himself, a hint of amusement in his voice after dispatching another creature with a well-placed thrust of his spear. 

  The ease with which he now handles these encounters is a testament to his growing proficiency and confidence.

  The battles, though tiring, become routine, allowing Liam to conserve his energy for the more significant challenges he anticipates lie ahead. His movements are fluid and efficient, each strike of his spear a deadly dance that ends the threat swiftly.

  Liam's steady advance through the cavern is interrupted by the appearance of a new system prompt. He pauses, bringing up the screen to assess the latest development. The avatar, his digital counterpart, has arrived at a vast clearing within the cavern – a stark contrast to the narrow, twisting corridors he has traversed so far.

  On the screen, the avatar moves with a sense of urgency towards a corner of the expansive area. Liam watches intently, his heart rate increasing with anticipation. As the avatar draws closer, a group of figures becomes visible. They are rendered in a simple 2D style, but their significance is immediately clear to Liam – these are the missing people he's been searching for.

  Awave of relief washes over him as he realizes the significance of this discovery. 

  "There they are," he whispers, a mix of relief and resolve in his voice. "I've finally found them."

  His attention then shifts to the new prompt that has appeared on the screen. It offers him a choice.

  [Help the people] or [Continue exploration]

  Without a moment's hesitation, Liam selects the option to help. It's an obvious choice, aligning with the very reason he's ventured into this perilous environment.

  Having made his decision, Liam watches closely to see how the avatar will execute this new directive. A smile tugs at the corners of his mouth as the avatar's response unfolds on the screen. True to its programmed nature, the avatar's approach is direct and without ceremony.

  Without any attempt at communication or reassurance, the avatar simply makes a gesturing motion toward the group of 2D figures, signaling them to follow. Then, without waiting for their response or even checking if they are keeping up, the avatar promptly turns around and resumes its exploration.

  Liam chuckles lightly at this sight. "Well, you can't accuse it of being distracted from its mission," he remarks to himself, his voice filled with a mix of amusement and admiration.

  The avatar, a digital entity bound by its programming, remains undeterred in its quest for idle farming, even when tasked with a rescue operation.

  "It's like having an unstoppable guide," he continues, watching as the group of figures hesitantly begins to follow the avatar. "No monsters, no maze, no mystery can deter it from its path."

 Liam, now aware that the clearing is within close proximity, quickens his pace, eager to reach the location where the avatar and the missing individuals are gathered. The path is mercifully devoid of monsters, allowing him to focus on the system screen, observing the group that follows his avatar through the cavern.

  Among the figures, one immediately stands out – the missing artist, Elina. Her 2D rendering, despite its simplicity, captures her distinct presence. But as Liam's gaze lingers on the screen, another figure captures his attention – an elderly man, his clothes tattered and stained with blood.

  Liam watches, intrigued, as the elderly man leaps into action at the sight of the first monster encountered by the group. To Liam's surprise, the man engages in combat with nothing but his bare hands. His movements are fluid and surprisingly agile, suggesting a level of skill and strength that belies his age.

  "Looks like they had a guardian among them," Liam comments to himself, a note of respect in his voice. 

  The elderly man's involvement in the fight is a revelation. It becomes apparent that his efforts are a significant factor in the group's survival thus far.

  As the avatar leads the group, the elderly man remains a steadfast protector, his presence reassuring and commanding. Liam can't help but wonder about the man's story. "Who are you, old timer? And how did you end up in a place like this?" he muses aloud, curiosity piqued. 

  Liam's journey through the cavern culminates as he finally arrives at the vast clearing. The transition from the narrow, constricting tunnels to the open space of the clearing is a welcome change. As he steps into the area, he hears the soft murmur of voices, an indication of the presence of the group he's been seeking.

  Mindful of their likely apprehension, Liam makes no attempt to conceal his approach. He deliberately makes his footsteps louder, ensuring they hear him coming. The murmur of voices hushes slightly at the sound of his approach, a signal of their growing awareness of his presence.

  Utilizing the night vision mode of his digital glasses, Liam easily spots the group in the dimness of the cavern. He walks towards them with a steady pace, his demeanor calm and non-threatening. In contrast, the group is unable to see him clearly due to the cavern's darkness, their vision limited to the faint outlines and shadows cast by the sparse light.

  As he draws nearer, Liam notices the group tensing up, uncertainty and fear evident in their postures. At this moment, the elderly man, whom Liam had observed fighting alongside the avatar, steps forward. With a reassuring gesture, he signals the group not to worry, his demeanor suggesting familiarity with handling tense situations.

  Liam slows his approach, giving the group time to adjust to his presence. The elderly man's calmness in the face of the unknown is a stark contrast to the apprehension of the others, and it sets a tone of relative ease amid the cavern's foreboding atmosphere.