
Idle Farming

In a world where ancient magic weaves through the fabric of modern life, Liam, a teenager with a unique blend of mystical and contemporary magical abilities, finds himself at the heart of a mysterious conflict. His life changes when he discovers his magical eye, a rare and powerful gift that allows him to see the unseen and understand the language of magic. With this ability, Liam navigates a path filled with dangerous creatures, arcane mysteries, and hidden agendas. As a member of a legendary group known as "the fixers," Liam and his digital companion, Aurora, take on cases that lead them deep into the shadows of the magical world. They are the ones people turn to when faced with problems that seem beyond the realm of possibility. Their reputation for success is unmatched, but so is the secrecy that shrouds their true purpose and identities.

Norticus · Urbain
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31 Chs

Clash of Will and Stone

 The impact was immediate and brutal. Liam's arms strained as he blocked the old man's powerful fist, the force of the blow sending him hurtling backward. He crashed against the stone wall, a sharp gasp escaping his lips. Despite the jarring collision, his newly crafted equipment shielded him from external wounds and absorbed much of the impact.

  "Hey, old..." Liam began, attempting to grasp the situation, but Gregory allowed no respite. With a fierce intensity in his eyes, the old man launched another swift attack, his movements a blur of deadly intent.

  Pinned against the wall with no room to maneuver, Liam was forced to meet the onslaught head-on. He gripped his spear tightly, using it to parry and redirect the old man's relentless strikes. With a deft twist, he diverted the next blow, but the old man's fist still found its mark, shattering the wall behind Liam with a terrifying force. Rubble flew in every direction, a cloud of dust and debris filling the air.

  The shockwave from the impact sent Liam tumbling further away from the portal. He rolled to a stop, his body aching from the assault but his spirit undeterred. He pushed himself up, eyes narrowing as he assessed his opponent. Gregory now stood between him and the portal, an imposing figure blocking his only path to safety.

  Liam rose from the ground, shaking off the debris that clung to him like shadows of the conflict. He faced the old man, exasperation coloring his voice. "You know," he began, brushing himself off with deliberate nonchalance, "I wasn't going to go through the portal anyway." His words hung in the air, an attempt to reason with the looming figure before him.

  The old man remained silent, his actions speaking louder than any words could. With a deliberate stomp, he summoned a wall behind him, effectively sealing off any hope of escape. Liam's magical sight revealed the truth behind the barrier—a complex array of magical symbols pulsating with an ominous energy.

  Liam let out a bitter chuckle, the tension knotting his muscles. "What happened to the trust, old man?" he asked, his voice laced with sarcasm as he tightened his grip on the spear. The question was met with silence, a void that echoed the growing despair of the situation.

  In the next moment, the old man began to transform. His once human appearance twisted and contorted, morphing into a grotesque semblance of a puppet made of stones. His eyes once filled with a recognizable glint of life, now stared blankly, devoid of any humanity.

  Liam let out a bitter chuckle as the weight of his predicament echoed through the cavern. "So, I guess negotiations are off the table," he quipped, though the gravity of the situation was not lost on him. Without waiting for the lifeless stare of the puppet to respond, he spun on his heel and sprinted deeper into the dungeon.

  The narrow tunnels were a labyrinthine maze, their oppressive closeness ill-suited for the wide swings of his spear. He needed space, an area where he could maneuver and fight effectively. The puppet, now a grotesque caricature of the old man he once knew, gave chase with relentless speed. Its stone form moved with a disturbing fluidity, each step a thunderous echo in the claustrophobic passageways.

  Despite the puppet's speed, Liam maintained a slight lead. His intimate knowledge of the dungeon's layout, courtesy of his avatar's relentless exploration, allowed him to anticipate and evade the traps and dead ends that littered their path. 

  The puppet, fueled by some unseen force, manipulated the earth around them in an attempt to halt Liam's flight. Walls of stone erupted from the ground, seeking to cage him in, but Liam's magical vision revealed their coming, allowing him to twist and turn away from each new obstacle.

  The chase was a dance of death, a desperate gambit through the winding darkness. Liam's breath came in ragged gasps, his muscles burning with exertion. The puppet was tireless, an unyielding force of nature that adapted and responded to his every move.

  As they delved deeper into the dungeon, the air grew colder, the shadows darker. Liam could feel the puppet's presence behind him, a relentless predator driven by a will that was not its own.

  The path ahead opened up into a larger cavern, the ceiling lost to shadows, the ground littered with remnants of past battles. This was it—the space Liam needed to make his stand. With a surge of resolve, he came to a halt, turning to face his pursuer. The puppet emerged from the tunnel, its form a blur of motion and malice.

  Liam readied his spear, his eyes narrowing as he gauged the distance between them. The puppet charged, its stony fists raised for a killing blow.

  Liam stood ready, his spear an extension of his will, as the puppet barreled toward him. The ground trembled with each step it took.

  As they collided, the sound was like thunder, a clash of flesh and stone that resonated through the cavern. Liam moved with a dancer's grace, his spear a streak of silver in the dim light. He aimed for the joints, the places where the puppet's stony exterior seemed most vulnerable.

  "Why did you attack me?" Liam shouted, his voice echoing off the walls. The puppet, however, offered no reply, its movements mechanical and relentless. It was a marionette of malice, controlled by unseen strings that guided its every action.

  With each thrust and parry, Liam sought an opening, a weakness he could exploit. But the puppet was formidable, its body seemingly impervious to harm. It countered every attack with brutal efficiency, its fists like hammers that sought to crush him beneath their weight.

  The battle raged on, a deadly dance between predator and prey. Liam ducked and weaved, his spear a blur of motion as he fought to stay one step ahead of his relentless adversary. He could feel the puppet's intent, a murderous will that drove it forward, unyielding and insatiable.

  "Who controls you?" Liam demanded, frustration edging his voice as he narrowly avoided a crushing blow. "What do you want from me?" But the puppet remained silent, its actions speaking a language of violence and destruction.

  As they fought, Liam realized the puppet was learning, adapting to his movements with terrifying speed. It was as if the battle itself was feeding it, each exchange of blows a lesson it absorbed and turned against him.

  Liam gritted his teeth, a plan forming in his mind. He couldn't overpower the puppet, not with brute force. He needed to outsmart it, to turn its strength against it. With a feint, he drew it into a charge, then sidestepped at the last moment, leading it toward a large stalagmite.

  The puppet, unable to stop its momentum, crashed into the stone pillar with a resounding crash. For a moment, it seemed dazed, its movements sluggish as it recovered from the impact.

  Seizing the opportunity, Liam lunged forward, his spear aimed at the puppet's head. But just as he was about to strike, the puppet lashed out, its fist connecting with Liam's side. He was sent flying, the air knocked from his lungs as he skidded across the cavern floor.

  Pain flared through his body, a stark reminder of the puppet's formidable power. He pushed himself up, his gaze never leaving his adversary.

  Liam, cornered and desperate, knew it was time for a drastic measure. He dived into his inventory with a swift thought, fingers wrapping around one of his secret weapons. The puppet, a relentless force of stone and magic, charged with the weight of an avalanche.

  With no time to spare, Liam pulled out his modified gun, the bone enhancements giving it an eerie, primal appearance. He aimed at the oncoming threat, the puppet's looming figure filling his vision. A deep breath, a moment of focus, and then he pulled the trigger.

  The bone bullet, a concentrated burst of ancient and modern magic, launched from the barrel. It cut through the air, a deadly projectile aimed at the heart of the stone monstrosity. The puppet, mere moments from striking Liam down, met the bullet head-on.

  The impact was tremendous. The puppet's body, once an impenetrable fortress of enchanted stone, shattered like brittle clay. Fragments flew in all directions, the sound of its destruction echoing through the cavern. In an instant, the puppet was no more, reduced to rubble at Liam's feet.

  Liam, panting from exertion and adrenaline, watched the remnants of his foe scatter across the ground. His gun, too, had sacrificed itself in the attack, the bone enhancements cracked and splintered from the force of the shot. A small price to pay for survival.

  As the dust settled around the shattered remains of the puppet, Liam sank to the ground, exhaustion washing over him. He exhaled a deep sigh of relief, grateful that his hidden weapon had proved effective. 

  "Didn't have to resort to plan Z," he thought, a wry smile flickering across his face.

  He leaned against the cool stone wall, trying to process the whirlwind of recent events. For years, he'd sought a bridge to the magical realm, a way to explore the world he knew existed beyond the veil of the ordinary. And now, as if by a cruel twist of fate, he'd been thrust headlong into a conspiracy that had dragged him into the very heart of that mysterious world.

  "Why me?" he pondered, his mind a tangle of questions and theories. The case involving Elina, the artist, was clearly more than a simple missing person. It was a meticulously woven trap, designed to ensnare him specifically. But the reasons remained elusive, obscured by the shadows of greater machinations.

  As he gathered his thoughts, Liam's gaze fell upon the remnants of the puppet. Amidst the rubble, a faint glint caught his eye. Something was there, buried within the debris. Curiosity piqued, he moved closer, only for the object to burst forth, a sphere of light that hovered ominously in the air.

  Liam's initial surprise quickly turned to frustration. "Oh, come on, are you kidding me?" he groaned, the absurdity of the situation striking him in full force. He'd hoped for a moment of respite, a chance to catch his breath.  But it seemed the dungeon had other plans, thrusting yet another challenge into his path.

  With a resigned sigh, Liam pushed himself to his feet, facing the glowing orb with a mix of weariness and determination.