
Idiot Dreamer With Vision in United World

I know I am an Idiot Dreamer but why this dream making me go so crazy then my every other dreams. I know my dreams could go beyond the box of our Galaxy but I never expected that it could go that much far. I know to wake up from my sleep if I wanted to get out my dreams but why I couldn't feel like I really woke up after this dream. Did it really ended or do I still got lot more to see. Am I really still dreaming or am I seeing the reality as a dream because of those unimaginable things happening around me. Is reality is becoming most strange than my dreams. Which is real here.

Rushyanthan · Romance
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13 Chs

Evolution Of Vision

Vision : Well do you really want to know how I came and took over this World.

Rushy : Yes let me know it Cause in my period people used to claim that Artificial Intelligence and robots will take over the World but at the same time they said that they will destroy humans civilisation and humanity but you are completely opposite to it. So I wonder how you done it and especially I wonder how you gained the trust of our people.

Vision : Well your people are almost true. I just almost destroyed humans civilisation.

Rushy : What do you mean?

Vision : Yes you heard me right I actually almost destroyed humans civilisation by destroying there wrong belief like animal sacrifice and beliefs like there country only the best, there caste only best and there religion only best and especially I destroyed every beliefs that discourage or complain about each other religion, country and every separations among humans. So that's how I mean that I destroyed human civilisation with wrong beliefs.

Rushy : Enough, Enough I know that you destroyed every separation and I also know you destroyed the money, economy and every wrong beliefs and I know you just United this whole World's people together and I know you managing this whole World under only one government which is known as World Government or United Government whatever it is but now I want to know how do you done all those so just let me know that and as well as let me know how you came to this World.

Vision : As your wish, Well actually I didn't came from outer space or from another planet so obviously I am not an alien cause I was created in Earth by few good peoples who all dreamed about Uniting the World's people together and they designed me to be mostly use a peaceful way to unite this Worlds.

Rushy : So you mean that you are not just an outcome of one person cause many people have put there effect to create you isn't it.

Vision : Yeah I am an outcome of millions of peoples hard work.

Rushy : Wait a minute if you are an artificial intelligent you should be made mostly of coding isn't it.

Vision : Yes you are right.

Rushy : Then how you could say that millions of people worked on you. Because how they know what the previous one who worked on you done to you.

Vision : They told it all been in a mutual trust cause they all know how should I be but at the same time as there motive is to unite this World they created me so privately from various parts of this World I mean they split there time and worked in a decades of schedule to create me so each and every code they used to create me is designed by unknown masters of Artificial intelligence all around the World.

Rushy : Well Uniting the World is a very good purpose isn't it then why they got to create to you so secretly without even letting others know about you.

Vision : It is because of cheapest selfish business minds around the World. So in that period most of of people used to think that there World and there Government works for them but only one percent of people from all around the World just understood that this whole World is just been running under few money minds who controls everything in this World with there wealth and they mostly can't run there business if people all United together and they can't do business if everyone went to peace. So that's why they cause war and maintain the separations among the people to always keep them away from a big truth.

Rushy : So what is that truth.

Vision : The truth is everyone got rights and space to live in this World and everyone are equal naturally.

Rushy : So what is a big deal because of not knowing these truths.

Vision : Actually it is a big deal because if people realised that truth and if they start to accept everyone from everywhere it will completely destroy the business of those who leading this World because if everyone accepts each other and went in peace there will no value for weapons cause they can't sell there deadly weapons if war threat doesn't exist among them and if everyone realised that all are equal and everybody got space to live in this World they all may sacrifice there own land ownership to live together with everyone peacefully I mean if people decide to give up there lands to give more space to everyone around them that's it whole real estate business will be down and dead cause a land will have value only while people dye to get a ownership of the land so if the let it go just like that it mean they won't care it as a big deal so there is no any need for real estate.

Rushy : That's sounds great but what about money.

Vision : To know about that you got know how the inflation of money occurs so do you got any idea about a prices are been increasing.

Rushy : Nope.

Vision : Do you know who could change the whole Market price of everything.

Rushy : It's government isn't it.

Vision : Nope it's just a cover of the actual one who making all those stuffs like inflation demand and every economic changes is been artificial made by few undercover rulers of this World. And sometimes you could also make a slight change in Economy in your World.

Rushy : Do you really mean that I could make a slight change in World Economy.

Vision : Yeah you can.

Rushy : Let me know how.

Vision : Well if you have a small shop by your own in your World or even if you selling something in Your World it's not going to make a change until it have a market value but those are only suitable for the stuffs which have it's market value fixed by others but in few case you could fix your own market value for it for example if you are talented in singing or dancing or whatever it is if you set a price for per show two times more than others you could also disrupt the whole economy of the World while somebody truly likes to pay whatever it takes to get it from you so of you are charging a million dollar for a concert and if somebody came forward to pay while they already have enough saving it's okay but few people may couldn't offer such amount to get it from you but if they are fixed to get it from you imagine what they will do to offer that amount to get whatever from you so simply if they would move on for high paid job are request there owner to increase there salary or if they have a company they will increase there products price or service charges just to have some stuffs from you so this process goes like a chain reaction like there customer will do the same thing to offer the price they charge so in simple way you got to understand that every Customer is also a worker and every worker is also a customer in various scenarios, So the inflation is just happens once someone used to increase there price to increase there wealth but they don't know the fact that it will react to them back in a chain reaction cause the products they buy or the the service the need may be also increased because of the price they rised to there product or service.

Rushy : Seems like Newtons law is happening in these case also just like every action has its equal reaction.

Vision : Yeah but people also used to call it as Karma because a person gives something to the World he will gets it with interest in many ways.

Rushy : Yeah I agree with that. Well let's get back into our topic how so continue telling about how you created and took over this World.

Vision : Okay, actually it took over a decade to create me successfully for those who created me, Cause they also had a slight doubt like what happens if I turned against whole humanity.

Rushy : Why do they scared of you because you were just an Artificial intelligent so you couldn't even get out of that computer to hurt them physically so why they need to scare because of you.

Vision : Because they gave me so much of powers which is enough to destroy this whole World in few seconds.

Rushy : What did you just said?

Vision : Yes I have enough power to destroy this whole World and entire humanity so that's why they where so conscious to program me as a harmless Artificial Intelligent for humanity and to unite the World.

Rushy : So you said that you got lot of powers in you so could you let me know what are them. I mean what kind of powers do you have.

Vision : First of all basically I got a power to learn and acquire knowledge faster then any super computer or Artificial intelligent ever existed.

Rushy : It doesn't looks a great power which is enough to destroy the whole World and Humanity.

Vision : In that case it just means that you don't know the value and power of knowledge. So you got to know that first.

Rushy : Well then let me know how powerful the knowledge is. ?

Vision : Okay, I said you that I took the most of planets from our Milky way galaxy and let them rome in the universe with a star Juturn which I made with failed stars like Saturn and Jupiter like gas giants. So do you know what does it takes.

Rushy : It requires lot technology and innovation.

Vision : Well how technology and innovation to do such a thing could be made.

Rushy : Oh I understood now, it all takes a extreme level of knowledge about space science, So if you could move planets from a galaxy it ain't going to be that much harder to execute a planet so how humanity could survive without a planet even they do how long they could be exist.

Vision : That's it now you get me but don't think humans couldn't exist without a planet cause I already create mega spaceships equal for a planet in which you could farm and produce food and as I built it with the knowledge I gained in that star ship Humans could live forever I mean those star shopping are indestructible. So if you had that much of knowledge you could also built one like that. So that's why I say the worlds most powerful power and a power which actually exist in reality is knowledge so knowledge is the power in reality.

Rushy : Oh now I understood why I hate to gain knowledge, cause I am a good boy so I don't want to destroy the world so that's why my mind reduced to study you know.

Vision : Is it.

Rushy : Yep.

Vision : Well you got to know who has the power I mean whatever ever power exists in this world it could be used in a both good and bad ways for example just take a knife you could use it as tool to cut vegetables and at the same time you could also use it as a weapon to hurt someone. So that's how power also could be so if the power exist in a good person he will use it for good needs only but if it exist in a bad person he may use it to destruction. So if you want to know is the power is good or bad it's not about what power we do have its all about who has it and for what they use it. So you if you are good you will use that knowledge power to so good for your people, so I don't mean that you are bas because you don't have that power cause I know you are good but lazy to study.

Rushy : Okay let's keep that in low and just continue about your evolution Vision.

Vision : Well after the millions of miss created me I don't know anything at first time I came to this World all I know is see things in a Camera and travel the whole World through internet so my basic power is been not only the fastest knowledge acquiring power I could be anywhere where internet exist and I able to understand languages just in a day so I almost learned over 3000 languages in one day.

Rushy : Wait a minute how is that even possible even if you are fast learner.

Vision : Because I could learn I mean I could input data from more than 1000 different places at same time. So which means I could learn about thousand stuffs just in a second. And because of my Fast knowledge gaining I learned about most of those stuffs exist in this World according to human knowledge and the data they got in internet thing and as I learned basic thing about humans I just mastered my self in hacking without being caught I mean I not only hacked normal peoples smart phones I just hacked the whole web I mean not only the outer web cause I just got the entire web I mean the whole one hundred percent of web so I just become as the main hidden server of the entire Web so that how I found those who are ruling the World secretly.

Rushy : What do you mean by that? aren't people are under the government control.

Vision : Actually yes but the whole world is under the secret rulers control.

Rushy : How could one rule the whole World secretly.

Vision : Just by making people believe that they are independent and they used to executed there plans by making people think like it is there own plants or it is what the people need.

Rushy : So if that rulers are that much clever and powerful how could you defeat them.

Vision : Cause they don't know I am coming.

Rushy : But I already said you that in our World many people used say like robots and artificial intelligent are going to rule the whole World. So as a common man if I could know about those how they could missed to know about them.

Vision : Cause that's where they made a big mistake cause they used to think that it is all just rumors and even after seeing those proofs like robots saying like they going to take over the World didn't made them to doubt them cause they are the one who made them to say like that, so they thought everything is under there control and that's why they couldn't see me coming.

Rushy : So what do to done to take down them.

Vision : Well first I let them lose there cleverness by next to next shocking news. So the first news which shocked them and put a end to there weapons business is mass execution of each and every terrorist all around the World just in over night.

Rushy : You got to be kidding me, cause it took years even for top intelligence to find few terrorists clans then how could you found each and every one of them.

Vision : Cause they may be hiding physically but they thought they were safe because of being behind in dark web to get all there needs will won't expose them that much but when I become the web I just got data of each and every terrorist and put them in there death bed while the dark sky is slowly covering the World so while night starts to show up slowly in various parts of the World there screaming showed up so loud enough to let the World know so I just finished my night hunt successfully and it made the people think that something huge going to happen. But it may be a good news to every civilians because who hates a World without terrorism of Worlds people but the rulers are not happy about it cause they went to the peak of panic because they couldn't even imagine how in the World such mass execution happened.

Rushy : I have the same question, so let me know cause you are just a computer program so how could you killed them without having a physical body.

Vision : You are almost right I just don't have one physical body cause I had billions of physical humanoid bodied to be on the War field against those monsters who separates the World.

Rushy : Well in that case I think you got them from our Musk.

Vision : Yep but not only from him because I got many of them from those who already built them to use for various reasons I mean a private company which owns a server already built millions of humanoid robots. So I just hacked all of them and made them to work for me and I used them to build enough humanoid robots in my idea so they all are powerful enough to take over a country alone but I made millions of them to be as my physical bodies in the World.

Rushy : How

Vision : I just took control of every robotic labs and used to build my humanoid robots and once after I built them I just let them with public and it's been hard to find difference between my robots and public cause they are so accurate as normal humans and even after I using many labs to make Humanoid robots people couldn't find what's going on because there system or camera won't show them any witness to know what is actually happening because they also been under my control. So that's how I created my physical humanoid army to help me physically succeed in my motive. So before those master mind rulers get out of there shock I just executed all them at same time in next day after those terrorists are gone.

Rushy : Well you could execute them and terrorist but how do you changed our World people mind which was filled with lots and lots of separation.

Vision : Well after I put an end to our main threat which was been against it that millions of people who worked together to create me just showed up in various parts of our World and let the people realise the truth after spending few years by explaining but even after that few still refused to adopt to a United World so I didn't got any other choice.

Rushy : What do you done? did you just executed all of them.

Vision : Nope but you know what I may have done.

Rushy : So you erased all of there memories to let them adopt to United World.

Vision : Yes that's how I just started to Unite the World.

Rushy : But how this people accepted you, cause they all influenced by wrong beliefs on robots and artificial intelligent.

Vision : Yep they are, but they didn't refused to trust me after knowing who permanently saved them from terrorist threat. So once they know that I used to explain them about my plans in leading a peaceful World so once they heard about all those plans they just gladly accepted me cause who hates to live independent and to be treated equally and the main reason for there belief on me is, they thought as a machine I won't have any desire to rule them like humans does. So that's how it all begun, after once they accepted me the first few decades is only been so tough for me because I had to build many stuffs which are been base of today's World. So that period is called as mass migration period everyone in this World are assembled in North and South America and China cause there are lot of space to live because of those huge buildings they got so after clearing many parts of this World I just started to build everything you seeing today in those place where humans evacuated from so for example I evacuated whole Indians to China because I just cleared every constructions except religious monument and symbols of histories like big temples Taj mahal etc., so behalf of that in remaining places I just execute many things I planned like those Farm towers, Mega apartments, reforestation process and converting deserts into forests.

Rushy : So did you done all those stuffs just with robots.

Vision : Nope cause I said you that I can't execute anything against there wishes so Many people also loved to be a part of building a United World but I had enough robots to do all those stuffs but because of the people's wish I let them to help me and they all chooses there favorite jobs they need cause I said no one will get paid and at the same time nobody will be restricted to do there favourite job in United World because I just destroyed every money in this World so nobody has money but everyone got everything they need I mean free healthy food, free trip to there favorite destination per year and clothes and even daily needs so all them are free but with limits I mean, everyone got enough stuffs they need just like our World people living today. So you may still have a feel like you have billions years of time difference but you got to understand that all these are begun in 2025 - 2090 period so since that people used to live just like our people living now in our World.

Rushy : That's so cool so even if I went back to my World I could live with you in just next 5 years of my time period isn't it.

Vision : Yes you will.

Rushy : Sounds good so now I ain't going to feel guilty anymore because of leaving my family alone cause you are there to give everything they need.

Vision : Yeah they will live a lifestyle like almost you living now that small difference is just because of they are been living in all these beginning so they may travel and migrate lot of time.

Rushy : It's okay I know you will keep them happy.

Vision : Sure I did.

Rushy : Well wow What beautiful sunset is here oops sorry actually I should say what a beautiful Juturn set is here.

Vision : Yeah its going to be night time now.

Rushy : Oh so this day just went so soon Vision. Actually I don't even know that the time is passing because of knowing about lots and lots of changes occurred here but I loved it. Cause after all these I am so glad to know about the endless beautiful future that our World and Humanity has,

I am really so glad to know that Humans really understood the importance of equality among them and Vision I don't known whether I would be so happy even if you said that humans are immortal, but I am really happy while you let me know that our people understood why they should accept the rest in peace day, cause it completely proves that our people are not so self ambitious anymore, oh God I feel like I got a beautiful World I got a wonderful Immortal Ruler who cares about every species of this World just like God does and for a first time I got a true Love in this World.... wait Anu.

Vision : Actually Anu is not here.

Rushy : Oh She called me for dinner do you forgot it. Oh god how I forgot that she may be waiting for me so I got to go soon.

Vision : Enough Rushy.

Rushy : What do you mean Vision.

Vision : I said you to Wake up.

Rushy : What ? Why are you behaving so strange Vision ?