
Identity: The Royal Flush

Meet the Royal Flush Crew, each member an elite in their field. When the head calls in his twin sister, their master of disguise, to cover for him, she assumes his virtual persona. A simple favor soon turns into their biggest operation yet, a multilayered scheme filled with intrigue and action that will affect life as many know it. (C) 2021 Zeldire This is an original work of fiction. All names, characters, settings and businesses are either a product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to people and events are coincidental. Please do not copy any content of this story onto other platforms or use in any manner without the written permission of the author. Say no to crime. All rights to the cover page are held by the author as well ( ^∀^)b Comment section participation: For those offended or turned off by any content of this fictional story, please exercise proper mental health maintenance and stop reading. I wish you the best on your venture to find your next great read! No need to dump toxicity before leaving—I don’t provide wipes. For those staying, we know the internet can be a cesspool, so let’s keep it clean, dearies. Civil comments, questions, and constructive criticism welcome~ WSA 2021 Virtual Reality: Let’s enjoy the adventure together! \\\٩( 'ω' )و /// Author: Zeldire

Zeldire · Romance
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10 Chs

[The Hand We’re Dealt: Tutorial pt.2]

After the interface was closed, Kyrha voiced her doubts. "I have a sneaking suspicion that this tutorial serves as more than just a learning experience. Especially when factoring in the Learning Path that can only be unlocked by completing it..."

[Astute as always.] Ace grins. [Seems this also acts as a test of sorts to analyze how each gHost thinks, reacts, and interacts to better understand his or her strengths and weaknesses. Using that, the Guide is given a group of appropriate paths for the gHost to choose from for optimal growth.]

Only after familiarizing herself with the interface did she begin to assess the group of fellow newbie gHosts below while waiting for the "waiting room" to close. She assumed the instructions would be given after a set amount of time had passed or when the necessary number of gHosts had joined—whichever came first.

By now, twilight had descended. The humidity let up, at least slightly, which she marked down as her compensation for being near so many people. A portion of the gHosts below seemed to be getting restless, if the growing murmurs were any indication. Her focus lingered on those who remained calm, especially the small group lounging comfortably by the trunk of a tree adjacent to hers.

They seemed to have mastered the elusive art of chill. There were three of them. The two guys were standing guard with their arms crossed, but giving off completely different vibes.

The tanned one with thick corded muscles carried a haughty bearing, feet set apart and arms crossed overbearingly, as he engaged in a staring contest with a silver wolf stationed in front of him just for the sport it; whereas the other one was slim, exuding a calm but curious air. He leaned against the tree with one leg causally crossed over the other, arms loose, a lazy smile gracing his face, and a Capuchin monkey nestled into the crook of one arm, rubbing the prickly fur of its head along the man's neck.

The plump girl between the two was sitting with her back against the red trunk, legs bent with one gently tucked under the other, her soft features relaxed. Resting with closed eyes, she appeared to be asleep, an impressive feat in this weather. A fall of curls the color of sunflowers with the softness of cotton blanketed her shoulders.

As if perceiving her gaze on them, the two guys looked up simultaneously. Her sight clashed with theirs, but she calmly met each one. One blue, containing the scent of condescension, and the other grey, scrutinizing as if to piercingly cut through to her intentions. She threw them a huge smile, stunning both briefly, then turned her eyes to the lap of the girl. There, a white bundle was perched on her white-washed jeans, like a portable cloud. Every now and again, it twitched, shifting slightly before snuggling deeper against her legs. The two seemed like a perfect match.

[What are you looking at?] Her gaze remained fixed on the white fluff.

[Stop looking. Are they as cute as I am?] The worry creeping into his voice had the corner of her mouth lifting. After failing to get a response for several more minutes, she heard a huff and the weight pressing on head was relieved.

[Picking up new siblings isn't allowed. Don't bother even thinking about it.] A child grieved behind her, his sulking evident through the harshly whispered words. She sat up, glancing at the small back of the boy. 𝘈𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘥. 𝘞𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘦. Her lips tugged up further, amused.

"I was wondering how soft a pillow her little Guide'd make. Do you have such a convenient use?"

His head whipped around, face exuding triumph like the rays of a small sun. [Of course I do.] He patted his soft belly in invitation, confident it would provide ultimate comfort.

She couldn't help herself, she laughed, acquiescing. "Finally, the body matches the mental age. All right, I'll take you up on that offer when we're not dozens of feet up in a tree." She reached out a hand, casually patting his head twice.

[Hey, woodblock, a hug will go a long way when comforting someone.]

She paused, considering it for a moment, but then ultimately declined. However, she did change her actions a bit. She played with his little ponytail, twirling the short end in circles with her finger in a steady rhythm. As she enjoyed the texture of the soft strands slipping along her skin like silk, she directed her eyes below again as the complaining reached a new level. She caught a woman shoving a small boy, which in turn caused a chain reaction as he collided with several bodies. A small scuffle soon turned into scattered arguments—the previous discontentment caused by the heat and long wait spilling over further. Only one of the two guys by the tree was no longer looking at her, his attention now on the growing chaos. The girl and white cloud continued sleeping in ignorant bliss.

Taking the opportunity to probe the situation a bit, she loudly called out to the fox. "Come on, little furry friend. Cut them a bit of slack. There's no harm in giving one or two morsels of information for them to suck on. Can't you see some of them are starting to get stir-crazy? Look, they're even about to fight. So scary." Her voice was tainted with concern, though she made no move to interfere at all. It ignored her. A hand to her chest, her expression scrunched up in mock hurt. But her self-directed play was only enjoyed by Ace and the male gHost below.

Ace clapped excitedly in encouragement. Glancing at him wryly, she could only up her game and increase her dramatic behavior, further tapping into King's known playfulness. As she continued on with her one-sided conversation, a wave of confusion started to slowly spread throughout the group as her voice carried over to the melon-eating spectators watching the disorder unfold before them. Their interest piqued, some thought to locate the new possible source of entertainment. Not noticing her position due to her high elevation slightly hidden among the tree's limbs, the gHosts could only look around them for some time.

When one finally stretched his neck to peer up after seeing the fixed gaze of the man with the monkey, his startled yelp drew the others' attention. As more looked up, they experienced a moment of awe. Gazing past the intertwining ruby red fingers alight with the golden glow of the sun to the one perched above, the previous scuffle finally hushed as more people started pointing.

Amidst the silence, the small fox jumped up high and landed on the shoulder of the one who had just cried out, announcing that the tutorial would soon begin. 𝘌𝘷𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺, 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘳𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵, Kyrha thought, having noticed that the number of gHosts had stagnated around thirty for the last ten minutes or so. The last grasps of twilight were still holding on, the tips of the trees burning brighter and brighter.

[This tutorial will help you get a better grip on how to use your Guide in a seamless manner. It will also give you a chance to learn the rules of this world while being able to explore. No need to thank us, it was our pleasure. As for how to complete the goal and end the tutorial? Simply leave the Wild Gules. Ah, by the way, those who fail will be warmly welcomed back to the reincarnation station where they can choose to leave the Nexus or try again (though the encountered tutorial may be different).] Kyrha swore that the fox's mouth was smirking by the end.