
The Grand Weave - Umbra

Name: Fenrir


Looks : Hassan of Serenity(Fate/GRand Order)

Gender: Female


Age: ??



[Essence of Combination](In inventory)

[Essence of the Elements(Darkness,Shadow)](In inventory)

[Essence of the Shape](In inventory)

[Essence of Shadows](In inventory)

[Essence of the Mirror](In inventory)

[Essence of the Knife](In inventory)

[Essence of the Blank](In inventory)

[Essence of the Archmage](In inventory)

[Essence of Evolution](In inventory)

All the knowledge related to the world and it system etc



Be in the place Sam and Cryrus dies in their earth and be Brought in the similar place in the void where She gets told of the samethings as sam and Cyrus but she get a Visit from Felnarua

and offers her to be her Scion because she can she her memories regarding Idea of Fenrir so she "grant" some ice related skills (Activate the Essence of Cold)

her Ether Storm item is waterskin which can give half a liter of any drinks from Earth 3 times a day


In her soul space the Shadow Monarch




Race: Reborn ()

Age: ??

Tier: 0

Active Skills:

(T:0 R:1)

(T:0 R:1)

(T:0 R:1)(Legacy Modified)Racial Skill:Shadow Realm & Storage

Passive Skills:


Legacy of Shadow Monarch

Scion of ???




[Essence of Combination](In inventory)

Your may combine any Race/Species you have, either from Essences or others. You will become a perfectly merged being, with all of the benefits and racial abilities of all the different races/species you have combined, with none of the weaknesses.

Your may combine any form of Energy you have gained, either from Essences or others, into one energy of choice (Magic/Ki/etc). This will grant the energy the capabilities of all the other combined energies.

You may combine any Armor/suit you own or have received from any of your Essences, granting you a single armor/suit with the abilities of all the different ones that have been merged together. It may then take a new appearance of your choice.

You may combine any Weapon/artifact/Device you own or have received from any of your Essences, granting you a single weapon/artifact/device with the abilities of all the different ones that have been merged together. It may then take a new appearance of your choice.

Any of these combinations are done exactly how you want them to be.


[Essence of Shadows]

This ink-black essence is cool and has a curious, velvety texture.

* Upon drinking the essence, you will gain the ability to command the ever-present darkness and shadows. Initially, your control will extend to only your own shadow and any natural shade that it connects to, but practice will expand your range.

* You may form shadows into solid materials. Practice will increase the amount of properties you may add to them, as well as their complexity and ability to maintain form without concentration. The easiest thing to form is blade-like tendrils.

* Your physical attributes will be boosted significantly whenever you are in the shade. Time will increase this boost, and eventually your baseline will increase even when in the light.

* Your may snuff out and dampen any form of light in the area. Over time and with practice, you may draw veils of night across the sky.

* All creatures associated with darkness will find themselves deferring to you. Weaker ones will obey you unquestioningly, and time, practice and effort will allow you to exert your will over more powerful ones.

* You may store any objects and creatures inside a shadow world accessible only by you, through shadows. You may also use this world to quickly travel through shadows. At first, any objects stored in your own shadow will weigh down on you, but over time this will decrease. In addition, the shadow world may allow you to connect to other universes...

* Moonlight will not weaken your powers, and you can generate it for yourself.

* You can see perfectly even in total darkness.

* The shadow world is filled with a bottomless reserve of energy, which is formed whenever magical energy is expended. You may use this cast-off byproduct to cast shadowy versions of any magic that you acquire, making it more subtle than the normal version.


[Essence of the Blank]

By taking this essence, you gain but one benefit:

Your potential becomes limitless. You can learn any discipline or skillset, even if you shouldn't be capable of it, without forgetting it and practice them into mastery, no matter how many you learn. Any abilities you have from other Essences will increase where possible and develop in ways beyond their initial purposes.


[Essence of the Archmage]:

By consuming the essence of the Archmage you gain several boons.

Perfect memory with infinite storage

Beyond genius level intellect

Capacity to learn any 'magic' even unique ones upon seeing it once or understanding enough about it. This also includes things like Ki, Chakra, soul power, etc.

Possess a supernatural reactor that can adapt to any supernatural energy to fuel spells, enchantments, powers, etc. this reactor provides a steady supply of power that will grow over time, right now you could use high consumption abilities with wild abandon and still not make much of a dent after a few hours.

Can teach others systems even if they previously lacked the capacity.

Manipulate entire systems or combine then with experimentation.

are capable of casting any spell as long as you have the energy not requiring any extra element like a focus or materials. The time required to cast if any remains however.


[Essence of the Elements(Darkness,Shadow)]

By taking this Essence, you gain control over one or any number of the four basic elements (Darkness)

You can create or destroy any amount of your element

You may transform into your element in order to become amorphous. Transforming back will heal you

You gain sustenance by absorbing your element

As you practice, you will gain the ability to branch out into the more esoteric elements (Shadow)

You have complete control over the element(s) of your choice, and immunity to their harmful effects.


[Essence of the Shape]

By taking this essence, your form has become a suggestion, rather than something rigidly defined.

You no longer have a default form. Everything about you can be changed by your whim.

You can shapeshift into forms that have greater or less mass than you, including inanimate objects.

You can split off pieces of yourself and shapeshift those.

You can transform into any being and gain their powers, along with combine multiple beings.

You may transmute any matter, energy or living being around you into anything.


[Essence of the Mirror]

By taking this essence, you gain the ability to create reflections of anything.

You gain the ability to duplicate any object you see, even if it's just an image.

You can create an infinite number of absolutely loyal clones, and dismiss them at will.

You can copy powers, as long as you see them being used.

You may reflect/bounce any incoming attack in another direction.

You may travel through any reflective surface.


[Essence of the Knife]

This quicksilver-like beverage tastes like steel and has a sharp fizz.

* Upon imbibing, you are granted a knife, which can take on any shape and design you wish, though no smaller than a scalpel's blade and no larger than a shortsword.

* This blade cannot be detected by magical or technological means. You may summon or dismiss it into a pocket dimension at will.

* As long as enough pressure is exerted, the Knife will cut through any material. It can even cut intangible things such as sickness, space, time, enslavement or even Fate. It will not cut you unless you want it to, and even then it will not cause you pain.

* Just as you may teleport the Knife to you, you may teleport to it.

* You gain intimate knowledge and muscle memory that allow you to wield the Knife in all its forms like a master, whether it be for combat or cooking.

* You can kill anything that lives with the Knife, ignoring any and all forms of immortality. Any being killed by the Knife will have all of its powers and abilities added to the Knife, granting it a new form. Those abilities can then be accessed through the Knife and wielded as if they were your own. You may decide on the conditions that might go into using said abilities. Abilities and forms can also be unlocked by allowing the Knife to absorb materials.

* The Knife may be used as a focus for magic of all sorts.

* With enough focus, you can learn to multiply the Knife into many, and control each of them telekinetically.
