
Chap. 1 The start

You yawn as you pull yourself into a sitting position. After rubbing your eyes, you slowly realize that you're not in your room.

With a start, you finally admit you're not in any room!

Standing, you admire the stone place that is in the middle of a field surrounded by forest. A cool stream runs close by, making it even more picturesque. But, the eerie silence has you shivering.

Looking over the stone ruins, you realize that there were several archways all around the perfectly circular structure. Stepping inside, your eyes land upon a dark gleaming altar that has intricate carvings all over the sides.

You circle it, admiring it. You then look around, not surprised to see all the archways shone light into the place. That was when you notice so many markings on the walls! Not a single one making sense to you.

A wind blew through the openings, weirdly coming through all of them.

"Find us........ Find this place....."

The whisper repeats as the wind picks up, seeming to attack you with it's brutal, icy gust. You're finding it harder and harder to breathe........

Then you wake up in your bed, gasping desperately for a breathe. A cool breeze tickles your cheek, causing you to turn your head.

"Find us......"

The same voice whispers from the haphazardly swabbed person. The figure's features are indistinguishable in the dark.

You blink once....

It's still there.

You blink twice.....

It's gone.

Turning, you think it's over. Your system jolts as your heart freezes to see the thing looming over you!

Ginger wakes with a blood curdling scream, waking the whole house and not caring a bit about it! Her family rushed in and tried to console her.....

Xavier awakens, frantically looking around as he tries to settle his mind. Not wanting to sleep, he quickly turns on the lights and tv instead....