
Ichor Genos

Greed. Rage. Grief. Love. A smouldering tinder, waiting to shift the balance between Astral Realm and Earth. A land in turmoil, plagued by treachery and chaos. Most people suffer quietly. Few stand up and rebel. Some fight for better world while some for themselves. Some just don't give a damn and are Indiffrent.Some keep a facade and use a poisoned dagger instead of a sword. The Astral Realm and Earth, will they fight back like a cornered tiger or be burnt to cinders by the enroaching maws of fate. Will the people be afraid of danger? As Danger is an objective existence and fear is only a choice... *** Being an orphan from a young age to getting adopted in a upper middle class family, Kai considered his life to be a very fulfilling one but he did not expect this life to be also a short-lived one as his own friend killed him due to coercement from a rival of his father's.. Now warped into a sci-fi fantasy world, he stumbles upon various people, places and also some ungodly archaic secrets that are long forgotten... *** ~Do you want to be a part of this journey, If you do then please read Ichor Genos... The cover is an AI-generated image, if someone wishes for me to take it down, I will do so.

ScribeOfTheDamned · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

You are Kai right ?

5 minutes earlier...

A female researcher was looking at a bald man cuffed and chained into an electric chair through a one-way mirror with an indifference expression.

He was getting shocked at the intervals of every 3 seconds. This was to control his transformation into a muscle monster. As he was one of the 'awakened', and a homicidal one at that, so this setup was only normal.

She was only there for a routine check on the prisoner, to see if anything was wrong in his readings but her stoic expression soon changed into a shocked one.

This was because a boy in his teens with short stature, raven black hair, and brown eyes just teleported into the prisoner's room with a befuddled expression.

He was wearing a white oversized half-sleeve hoodie with a doodling-type design on it, paired with it black cargo pants with white sneakers.

He first looked around the room with a confused expression and muttered something inaudible and then his eyes fell on the prisoner.

He was calm at first but soon broke out in laughter and then choked on it as the prisoner glared at him.

"Are you seeing what I am seeing Edla..?" Another male researcher standing by her side said with a disbelieving expression.

"Yes... This is not what I was expecting today when I came to do the routine check, ugh...now I will have to stay here for a while longer and cooperate with the investigation"

"Sound the alarm and tell those guards to come and arrest him and also...release the sleeping gas" She glared at the boy as she said the last sentence.

And then the boy fell on the ground, after that, the guards came, cuffed him, then transported him outside to an interrogation room...safely.

When Kai was in the interrogation room cuffed to the table, many tests were being conducted on him.

But the most important one confirmed that he was not an awakened but a mundane human, that's why he was only cuffed.

That's why all the people inside and outside the room were confused as to how he came to be in the prisoner's room.

"Should we do more tests"

"Yes" Everybody echoed in response


While all the people were doing tests on Kai to determine the cause of his appearance, he was oblivious to all this as the moment he collapsed, his mind was transported to a black space.

He called it the consciousness space.

His attention was on the announcement made by the same androgynous voice, it announced:

[Multidimensional energy detected]

[Foreign human detected]

[Assimilating foreign Human into the world's astral *unknown*]

[Assimilation complete]

[Multidimensional energy being stored and sealed into the body]

Kai suddenly felt some energy seeping into his body and then exhaustion hit him like a truck. But the voice was not over yet and announced again:


Just as he was processing this load of information he suddenly woke up and moved his head while muttering"What the hell was that voice aiming to achieve by saying 'Awaken', as if you didn't remind me I would not wake up..."

He was confused again as to how he came to be in the small cubicle room with a big wall-to-wall covering mirror but then realisation struck him.

"Probably a one-way mirror" He said

"Correct" A lively female voice answered him.

And then Kai noticed a beautiful lady in a white tank top seated in front of him sporting a playful expression.

" Name Kai, Age 16, orphaned at a young age, sister separated after parents died and living in the government orphanage... All correct right?" She asked

"Y...Yes" He stuttered while thinking that if he didn't have a surname here then he should put his previous life behind him and start anew in this new world but how could he, he became 16 this year only and was only a teenager, this was still too much for him.

Earlier he did not focus on these things or rather did not want to and put them in the back of his mind but now that the adrenalin waned, he was hit hard with the fact that he could not meet with his family again...and could not delete his 'new folder' in his laptop...

'Hehe..what am I even thinking' He humored himself.

*Snap* *Snap*

"Are you even listening to me" she snapped her finger producing a crisp sound that awoke him from his inward muttering.

"Huh, huh ?"

"Oho, daring are we" She eyed him dangerously for a moment but then it suddenly vanished, her eyes reverting to their playful demeanor.

"Last warning, as I was saying answer my questions truthfully and you and all of us will be released from this investigation after an okay from the higher-ups" She stated

"Oh and by the way please answer them truthfully or we have some other methods which you may not like or in fact any of us would not like"

"My name is Amy by the way" Amy said mischievously, her eyes forming crescents.

He gulped nervously after that ominous warning from Amy.

"W-What questions do you have" Kai asked politely with a shaking voice.

"How did you come here ?"

"Here where ?"

Amy glared at him and said "I am the one asking questions not you"

"O-Okay" Kai replied meekly

"Do you not know where you are ?"


"So, how did you get here ?"

"I don't know"

After several futile attempts, Amy gave up on getting answers from him as his only answer was 'No' and 'I don't know' and came to the conclusion that he really didn't know how he came here and were the means through which he came here. Hell, he didn't even know that this was a prison.

So, Amy finally asked, "You said that you heard a voice saying awaken to you and then you woke up, right ?"

"Yeah, as if I would not wake up if it didn't announce it !" Kai had gotten confident after talking to Amy for a while and concluded that she was not bad but she just had a way with her words that was not very pleasing.

"So, it's confirmed that he will be going through the Awakening process." She said out aloud in the table mic.

"What! The awakening process? What is this process and why will I be going through this, did the voice mean this when it said Awaken to me?"

Kai had so many questions because of a single statement said by Amy.

"Wait wait stop Kai, and when is the next Friday the 13th," Amy asked the last part in the mic.

"In one week" A male voice came from the speaker.

"Okay, and how do you not know about the Psion, Kai" She eyed him dangerously again.

'Oh shit, this is not good, I have to think of an answer quickly...'

"Oh, I obviously knew about the... Psion but I am reading wenovels you see, so I thought I got lucky and got myself a system" He lied with an honest face, to atleast what he thought was an honest face.

Inwardly he was praying that there were webnovels here and that she would believe him.

There was no response for a minute then the same male voice came and announced "He is saying the truth about the system webnovels.

Amy was confused about the authenticity of the statement but a moment later her doubts were cleared.

The man outside Ryan, the lead researcher, had a square face with angular eyes but at this moment anger was visible on his face.

After some time he said in audio receiver with anger barely suppressed in his voice.

"One of our... colleague indulges in this activity of mindless wish fulfillment!"


Outside the interrogation room

At this moment a of lot people outside were confused and looked at their boss Ryan and thought 'we didn't tell you, so how did you know?'

'Could it be... That he also...' At this moment all the researchers shared a knowing look and stopped thinking about it.


"S-So you see I was not lying and please when can I get out from here... I am just asking, no pressure okay!" Kai nervously asked Amy.

"You will be staying here for two days and after you pass the 'Astralisation' you will then be transferred for a small training in the Academy for learning the basics of the Astral realm and how to survive in it"

"But first you will have to pass the Astralisation, and those other things will be done after that... Let's see if you survive the first process" she smirked as she said the last sentence and got up from her chair.

Kai gulped nervously as he watched her walk out of the room.