
Ice scorpion

Luke, a high school student in his final semester, had always dreamed of becoming a pilot. However, fate had other plans for him. After a tragic incident, Luke discovered a hidden truth about himself - he was a werewolf. As he delved deeper into the supernatural realm, he found himself facing a new challenge: protecting his family from the Ice Scorpions, a group of ruthless hunters who targeted supernatural beings. With each passing day, Luke's journey became more intense and thrilling. He navigated the complexities of his newfound identity, honing his werewolf abilities while struggling to maintain a sense of normalcy in his everyday life. The weight of protecting his loved ones rested heavily on his shoulders, driving him to push his limits and confront the dangers lurking in the shadows. As Luke's story unfolds, he must navigate the treacherous path of the supernatural world, forging alliances, facing enemies, and uncovering the truth behind his family's connection to the Ice Scorpions. Will he be able to protect his family and come to terms with his own destiny? Only time will tell. Schedule :- 4 chapters/week (unless am ill or stuff happens Chapter length :- 600- 1,100 words

John_145 · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Blending in

The following morning arrived with a swiftness that caught both Sandra and Luke off guard. They each took their time getting dressed, their minds consumed by the events of the previous night. Luke, in particular, felt a weight of boldness as he carefully chose his attire, his thoughts swirling with the revelation that he carried the cursed bloodline of a werewolf.

As Luke emerged from his room, his father Kelvin greeted him with a warm "Good morning, my son." Luke's response was brief, his mind still preoccupied. Without delay, Sandra and Luke set off for school, their footsteps echoing with a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

Upon their arrival at school, Luke found himself lost in his thoughts, completely oblivious to the presence of Jasmine, a classmate who had been calling out his name. Lost in the depths of his nightmare-filled mind, Luke was jolted back to reality when Jasmine gently touched his arm, her concern evident in her voice.

"Luke, are you alright?" Jasmine asked, her voice filled with genuine concern. Luke, shaken from his reverie, replied with a simple "yeah, I'm good," as he tried to collect himself.

Just then, Anthony, approached the trio. He greeted Jasmine with a friendly "Hi," as then not long jasmine went to her class, Anthony turning his attention to Luke. Sensing something was amiss, Anthony asked, his voice tinged with panic, "Hey bro, what happened last night between you and Dean? I heard Dean is dead. Did you...did you kill him?"

Luke, caught off guard by the question, felt a mix of frustration and a desire to escape the conversation. "I have class, Anthony," Luke replied in a low, cool tone. "And please, let's put the events of last night out of our minds. Nothing happened." With that, Luke made his way to his class, leaving Anthony to ponder the unanswered questions.

As the final school bell rang, Luke wasted no time and swiftly made his way back home. Filled with a mix of fear and uncertainty, he sought solace within the confines of his room, locking the door behind him. It wasn't long before Sandra, arrived home, eager to catch up with Luke. "He hasn't come down yet, dear," Jessica, replied to Sandra's inquiry. Understanding, Sandra nodded and retreated to her own room.

In the midst of preparing a meal, Jessica's phone interrupted the tranquility of the kitchen. She swiftly turned off the gas cooker and answered the call, her voice filled with curiosity. "Hi, dear," she greeted. On the other end of the line, Kelvin's voice resonated, conveying a sense of urgency. "I think it is time," he declared. Perplexed, Jessica sought clarification, asking what he meant. "I and three members of the elder council are coming," Kelvin explained. 

Jessica agreed, voicing her uncertainty about Luke's readiness for what lay ahead. Kelvin acknowledged her reservations, emphasizing the importance of taking necessary measures to help Luke learn to control his newfound werewolf curse. Jessica, understanding the gravity of the situation, acquiesced, and Kelvin ended the call with a simple "OK."

Returning to her culinary duties, Jessica reignited the gas cooker, resuming her cooking. As the aroma of the meal filled the air, Kelvin arrived with the three esteemed members of the elder council, two men and one woman. Warmly welcoming them into her home, Jessica guided them to their seats, ready to embark on this pivotal moment. Kelvin called out for Luke, whose response echoed through the house. Instructing him to join them in the living room, Kelvin patiently waited for Luke's arrival. After a few minutes, Luke descended the stairs, his presence marked by a mix of trepidation and determination. "I'm here, Dad," he announced, his voice steady. Kelvin proceeded to introduce the three council members to Luke, emphasizing their significance in his journey. 

. "OK dad, so what did you call me for?" Luke asked, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

"It's about your werewolf curse, son," his father replied, his tone serious. "I brought the council members here to discuss what comes next."

Luke's eyes widened in disbelief. "What!?" he exclaimed, his voice trembling. "Please, dad, I'm just trying to forget about that incident. You keep telling me you understand how I feel, but really, you don't. I killed someone, dad, and became a beast. And now you're here to remind me of it when I just want to let it all go." With those words, Luke stormed off to his room, locking the door behind him.

"Luke!" Kelvin called out, his voice filled with concern. He went to Luke's room and knocked on the door, but there was no response. Kelvin kept banging on the door, pleading, "Open the door, son."

"Just give him some time, dear," Jessica said, her voice gentle and understanding. "He needs more time to digest that incident. He's still in shock."

Kelvin sighed and reluctantly went back to the living room, explaining to the three elder council members that they would have to come back later. It was clear that Luke needed more time to process everything that had happened.

As Luke sat in his room, his mind raced with conflicting emotions. He couldn't shake the guilt and fear that consumed him. The thought of being a monster haunted him.

"Hey bro, I understand that you need some space to think, but maybe talking it out could help too," Sandra said with a gentle tone.

Luke hesitated for a moment, but seeing Sandra's persistence, he sighed and opened the door. Sandra entered and sat beside him, trying to lighten the mood. "You know, being a werewolf can be kinda cool," she said, attempting to cheer him up.

Luke couldn't help but shake his head. "It really ain't cool, Sandra. I'm struggling with this burden."

Sandra leaned closer, her eyes filled with concern. "I just want you to cheer up, bro, and stop feeling down. You have to stay strong and face your nightmares. Don't let them consume you."

Luke mustered a small smile. "Alright, I'll try."

Changing the subject, Sandra asked if he had heard a new song. Luke chuckled, knowing Sandra's love for music. "What's the name of the song?" he asked.

Sandra grinned. "It's called 'What If I,' and I think it's by this artist named John Arthur. Not that famous, but the song is pretty good."

Luke raised an eyebrow. "Interesting, I'll have to check it out."

Sandra continued, excitedly revealing that their mom had cooked their favorite pasta for dinner. "Food's ready, bro! Let's go enjoy some delicious pasta!"

Luke's spirits lifted a bit at the thought of a comforting meal. "Sounds great, Sandra. Let's go eat and take a break from all this.

Sandra and Luke walked down the stairs, both smiling, ready to enjoy a delicious meal together.

They went to the dining table as Jessica served the food, and they all sat down together.

"I'm sorry for the way I behaved, Dad," Luke said sincerely.

"It's cool, son. I should have understood better that you needed time and some space," Kelvin replied, showing understanding.

"Yeah, but I think it's time I face the reality, Dad. Nothing is gonna change what happened, so the best thing I can do now is to learn how to handle this werewolf stuff," Luke admitted.

"That's why I brought the Three Elders Council along," Kelvin revealed.

"But who are they?" Luke asked, curious to know more.

"They are the three elder council in charge of the Supernatural Academy," Kelvin explained.

"Supernatural Academy?" Sandra interjected, her curiosity piqued.

"Yeah, it's a school for werewolves, vampires, witches, and wizards," Kelvin elaborated.

"Wow, that's so cool!" Sandra exclaimed, her excitement evident.

"Tell us more, Dad," Sandra urged, her curiosity growing.

"That would be tomorrow, dear. Let's eat for now before the food gets cold," Kelvin suggested, reminding them to enjoy their meal.

"Oh yeah, forgot I'm starving," Sandra said with a laugh as she stuffed her mouth with food.

They all began to eat, savoring the delicious meal. And when they were done, they all went to sleep, looking forward to what the future held for them.