
master and servant.

"light only came out from those egg who are filled with spiritual energy but in my case this is different a Scorpion need spirit qi to hatch meanwhile treasure hunting Scorpion need pure form of qi normal people can't see it from naked eyes only people who has high cultivation can see this qi so it's not surprising that you can't see it....

"wait a sec why you don't have any trace of spirit qi and spiritual energy"

"what's spritual energy and spirit qi I never heard about them"


the Scorpion take a deep breath and ask "you never cultivate in your life" hailin nodded her head scorpion fell silent.

"OH HEAVEN!!!! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME why me why me you give me a master as soon as I open my eyes but even that master is useless trash how can you do this to me how can you"

"bhuhuhu" hailin face was dark as bottom of pan she look at the wailing scorpion in her hand who just has call her useless trash her lips curl into smile when the scorpion saw it he shiver in fear as he look at her creepy smile.

"w-why are y-you looking at m-me like th-that" hailin smile became more bright when she saw his fearful expression.

"I was thinking if roasted scorpion will taste good or cooked scorpion" the Scorpion shrink back in horror currently it's very weak so she can do whatever she want to do even thought he has poision in his body it is not lethal enough to kill her moreover she is his master after thinking about it he quickly spoke.

"master I will only ruin your taste bud with my disgusting taste it's much better to raise me I can even help you to find lot of precious treasure also I will help you to cultivate" he started throwing olive branches to her she was also tempted from the start he is calling himself treasure hunting Scorpion if what he is saying is truth that she can became rich in short time with this thought she look at him with questioning gaze.

he know what she is thinking so he quickly offer "I can really find treasure but you need to provide me with herbs so I can advance in rank the more stronger i became the more chances of finding rare treasure will became higher and the herbs which I needed I can find them easily you only need to follow the directions which I point even in the future you can cultivate"

"your are continuously talking about cultivation can you tell me more about it" he was speechless he take good look at her although she is beautiful but the use of beauty if one can't protect themself but he don't dare to say it out aloud he can only tell her about all the things he knows.

"so basically this world use qi and spiritual energy to cultivate which is path of immortality one can became immortal after reaching a certain level of cultivation the cultivation level is


Qi refinement 1-9 stage, foundation 1-9 stage,

golden core they are divided into three stage early, mid and peak, soul wandering,

Nascent soul,




Great Ascension, these rank are cutivate using qi after great ascension one has to pass through lighting tribulations to walk on the path immortal before this all the rank are to make human stronger but they are not truely on the path immortality after great ascension rank goes like

Half immortal,

Human immortal,

Earth immortal,

Heaven immortal and golden immortal this is called the last of stage of immortality I don't know if more stages exist but the last person who manage to reach golden immortality was rumor to became true God and head to heaven to love his life as immortal"

"oh my god!!! then all the human should be very powerful can you really help me to became one of them" her eyes was shining with excitement she has expect this world to be magical but this magical and dangerous it was our of her league to even think about it.

"what about animals are not they must be also very powerfull" scorpion nodded his head as he spoke.

"you are right like human we beast also cultivate but our method is different human use spirit root and elements to cultivate but we beasts can choose our own elements while our source of power is core every beast has core"

"how to know how much powerful a beast is" she was like

curious students who has gone out for first time curios about everything she want to know everything in this world.

"this is quite simple a beast aura can tell how much powerful they are currently I think it will be much better if we move from here cause I can sence lot of powerful aura coming our way"

the smile on her face disappear she get up from the ground and start walking toward the opposite way from the direction from where the aura is coming.

"master they are snow wolfs along with the queen but the queen usually stay in the nest to take care of cubs since the queen has came out it's sure that the king is dead they are here to get revenge but I don't know why they are coming in our direction we didn't has done.....

"master why are you so nervous"

scorpion look at her suspiciously she give him is in it obvious look.

"master you are so cool you kill the snow king who must be more then 8-tier beast you kill him when you don't even have spiritual qi on your body" the scorpion look at her with worshipping eyes she didn't reveal herself but she was confuse she has clearly take a bath to remove the scent on her body then how did the wolf get to know about her.

"master the wolf has senstive noses they can even catch the light smell of blood to get rid of them one need to clean there body with a special type of herbs and I can sence the location it's in the east side" she make a turn and walk toward the east side.